What I have noticed that each decade that parking/tram/bus inspectors are getting more aggressive, Police being more by the book etc etc etc.
Even security guards, more shocking retail cashiers are more aggressive than health inspectors (who could imagine). Thing is a lot of times Health Inspectors would ignore obvious health code violations in a comical Chief Wiggum way (coming from an ex friend who was a chef). If it was a council ranger/parking inspector he would book you if you committed a minor traffic violation, health inspectors just walk in the dirty rat invested restaurant and say pass.
From my ex-friends (that work in restaurants), Health Inspectors rather use the "education" method (aka just letting people off the hook 1000x). A lot of restaurant staff know very well how lenient the average Health Inspector is, even just saying to the new staff "The Inspector would probably just talk to you like a nice uncle". Even the most lenient Cop/Parking Inspector would only warn you at maximum twice.
I don't agree with Health Inspectors using the "Education"/lenient method because someone that is smart enough to start and keep a business running should know better. Where as an everyday person could make a small parking mistake (why aren't Parking Inspectors using the "Education" method that Health Inspector do?)
I think Health Inspectors should show no slack, while the Parking Inspector should be as lenient as possible.
If health inspectors go around shutting down businesses, there's less tax revenue.
If parking inspectors go around slapping fines, instant revenue.