Greetings everyone, Amazon have matched the price for this bundle.
As always, enjoy!
Greetings everyone, Amazon have matched the price for this bundle.
As always, enjoy!
I believe one was for the standard pack, and this post is for the mega pack.
Mooncakes - On behalf of the community, apologies for the stress this has caused you
Please don't apology on my behalf. I don't care if it has caused him stress.
please don't bring us into this
What is the cheapest PS4 to go with this?
I think Big W starting tomorrow for $229 for the 500gb slim.
JB also at the same price.
JB hi-fi matched this after refusing to match the earlier deal. Put a big dent in my $500 gift card.
In store or online match?
The reason I asked is that I recently did an online price match. It took them three days to agree to price match, and told me to buy it at the full price and they will refund the difference.
In store, I would never do what you described unless I had it in writing, and by that time the deal might be over…
I also got JB to price match after reading your post. No questions asked, just wanted to see the Amazon deal was showing stock, showed them on my phone.
Guys I never had any Ps4, I want to buy Ps4 pro 1T tomorrow at Big w,
will you recommend I buy this too?
Can I use Woolworths gift card tomorrow to but Ps4 pro?
Do we have all in 1 bundle?
I bought a psvr a while ago. I used it a fair bit at first, but it has sat there unused for quite a while now. It's got some really good games (astro bot, moss are my favourites), but I find it only good for shortish play sessions, it can get a bit uncomfortable sometimes (hot, fogged up lenses). Hence why I mainly just play normal (non vr) games. This is a very good price for this bundle (I paid about $360 for mine with less games). If you have the cash to splurge its probably worth grabbing. But I don't think you will get as much value out of it as you will with just the PS4.
I don't believe there is an all in one bundle with ps4 and psvr together. I have no idea about the woolworths gift card question.
Thank you so much, because it has 5 games in it I believe this price is amazing,
I don't know how much is each game, $10, $20? $30?
I paid 220 from jb with astrobot I think bundled. You will have a blast with this bundle but by far the best game IMO is beat saber so you need move controllers and to buy beat saber to get the most use out if it.
Have you ever watched a 3D Blu-ray film using the VR headset?
No never :(
No I haven't tried it. Have you? Is it good?
@Shaun Prawn: I was curious.
I have a handful of 3D films that came with 2D discs, but I don't have a 3D TV or PSVR, unfortunately.
I'm hoping it's better than wearing 3D glasses in visual quality-wise.
@PS6: Can't say sorry. I don't have any 3D blu rays or movie files to try. I did have polar express and avatar at one stage but I deleted them some time ago.
@PS6: Ohhh that would be nice to know if the PSVR is good for 3D Bluray movies
I get motion sickness with FPS Games so I’m guessing the VR headset would kill me but if it’s good for 3D movies that would be good for me
Would be nice for Amazon to take initiative rather than be reactive to cheaper prices. If I was in the market I’d be giving my business to The Gamesmen, irrespective of cashback from this one.
The Gamesmen price was $304, eBay has a sitewide coupon for 15% off tech.
So Amazon was reacting to eBay's coupon, not to the Gamesmen.
Nothing you added negates from what I said. The Gamesmen, with eBay coupon in tow, were still setting the benchmark for this bargain. Amazon are still being reactive.
I'm sorry I wasn't trying to negate anything you said, I was just adding information because I would have to assume the eBay would be biting that 15% discount. But yes I totally agree that a huge corporation like Amazon should be setting the prices not reacting to them!
I agree - we should be supporting those who move first on these cheaper prices, especially Australian owned B&M stores where you can just go walk in, pick it up and play it straight away.
Once they're gone you won't be seeing these bargains…
The Gamesmen are the actual vendors through Amazon.
Purchased mine from JB HiFi last November for $229.(Minus 3 of the el cheapo games).
Where are you reading that? When I click on the sellers, the discounted one is from Amazon, and then other sellers has Gamesmen for $100 more.
This is what makes me feel a bit uneasy about using Amazon as much as I do. I'm essentially helping to run the little guys out of business because all Amazon is doing is matching their prices and rarely having any of their own good discounts. So, hypothetically, if it comes down to Amazon taking over and the other businesses closing up, then there will be no good prices as Amazon won't be trying to price match others.
Exactly!!! Try to buy off a local….
You know the Amazon business model well, friend
Does the mega pack include move controllers? I can’t seem to tell from Amazon’s descriptions.
No move controller,s just the Cam and games.
Nope, you'll have to purchase them separately.
No, it doesn't…you have to buy the Move Controllers seperately
Will my ps3 move be compatible?
Yep, they're nearly identical to the new ones.
yes providing they still hold a charge they work fine.
Amazon are stalkers.. don’t come up with their own deals just price match off ozbargain lol
as long as they doing the deals
Works out well for OzBargainers with JB HiFi gift cards, from the recent offers also listed on OzBargain, because JB HiFi won't price match eBay coupons but they will price match Amazon.
Not true at all. I've gotten plenty of Amazon deals that have been cheap on their own merit. Remember the 3DS deals? Lol.
its very true actually if your following their deals closely you'll see they are matching others not coming up with their own deals, sure they have random deals of their own time to time but lately its all been about price matching other retailers, not a bad thing but be good to see them come up with their own deals if they are going to take customers away from aussie retailers, end of day who ever is cheapest is where my money goes lol
PlayStation Move Controllers Twin Pack by Sony PlayStation 4 $119.00
Is PlayStation VR worth it?
Will it go cheaper tomorrow?
Buyers beware, I bought one of these for my son, tried it out and it gave me motion sickness and I had to take nearly 4 days off work.
What's the real cost of this device? I believe this is why they are being sold so cheap.
I had to take nearly 4 days off work.
Is this a troll? I don't think motion sickness from VR would cause you to take 4 days off work.
I got a doc cert.
@Oxenfree123: There is no way motion sickness affects you for 3 days straight. Probably should have asked the doctor for a diagnosis, not just a sick note.
Some people can get it quite bad. I let my dad try it and it messed him up for quite a lot of hours afterwards. Had sweat pouring off his head and feeling extremely nauseated and out of sorts. But my mum had no issues when she tried it. I think it is a relatively small percentage of people that it can affect seriously. 4 days does seem a bit extreme, but I am inclined to believe him/her even if the were milking it a bit for the days off work.
Genuine question, what else you can do with Sony vr? I got pretty sick after trying oculus for like 10 minutes, tried first person shooters and racing games, non I was comfortable with. Can you watch movies? I am fine with my Samsung gear vr just watching movies on massive screen. Would PSVR provide a better experience? I need some real feedback before making the plunge.
Not all games make you sick. Shooters and racing games are the biggest culprits. You can also get used to motion sickness but it takes a bit of time. Games like Statik, Beat Saber, Astrobot and Everybody's Golf dont cause sickness in my experience
You can watch movies with the vr in cinema mode, but i haven't really tried it myself.
I've tried watching movies in it and it's just a definite no for me. The quality of the picture is just too awful, where you can see every pixel. It's like watching a movie through a flyscreen. During a game you can kind of forget the flyscreen look, maybe because you have no other option, but when watching a movie I found it just impossible to get past. You sit there and think, 'Well, I can keep watching this in crap quality, with a hunk of plastic and foam strapped to my head for the next two hours, or I can put it on my regular TV…'
When I first bought a PSVR, watching movies on it was one of the things I had in mind. I saw some guy on Whirlpool say he watches movies every night on it. I thought that might be too, but no, it's maybe two years since I bought it and I haven't gotten ten minutes into a movie.
And with PSVR in general, some games make me feel ill but many surprisingly don't. A first-person shooter will always make me ill. I feel like I have a pretty weak stomach, get car sick and whatnot, but most of PSVR doesn't make me sick.
And with other things you can do with a PSVR, you can:
And lastly I just want to say that to me PSVR turned out to be a dud. I was real eager to play it, and for years would debate getting it, so I'm glad I got one and experienced it and know what it's like, but for me it was overall very disappointing and it pretty well just sits in a corner gathering dust here. I even lent it to a friend whose whole family was eager to try it, said he could have it for two months, and he ended up returning it in three weeks. They didn't hate it but there's just something about it that makes it not that appealing after the initial novelty wears off. I think the person that gets a PSVR and loves it beyond a few weeks is a very rare sort.
Cheers that's awesome feedback. I don't want another "thing" in my house that doesn't get used.
I don't think I can justify it either. I don't own one, but borrowed one for the weekend. Playing the X-wing mission on Battlefront was probably the one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had - but it's just one mission that lasts for 20 minutes. The Astro Bot game is really, really well made too… but that's it! There just doesn't seem to be enough really good content to justify the cost of the PSVR.
I got excited when Doom VFR came out… but then realised it's really just a cut down version. You can't even "walk" around, you "teleport" around - nothing at all like the real doom game :(
@MrGareth: You can walk in doom with the aim controller (more expense lol), but it's not great either. The free turning with the analog stick really starts to strain my vision and makes me feel very weird.
This kind of sums up my experience with it too. There are some really good games I loved (astro bot, moss, statik, I expect you to die, and some others), but visually it is lacking and I find I much rather play a normal game. I don't regret buying it as there were some awesome experiences that you just can't get from non vr games, but I don't think I've used it once this whole year.
It’s the cheaper version of the Oculus really. Does the same stuff it does. It’s used for gaming and any ‘experiences’ (i.e mini movies downloaded from the PS store) available. You can watch movies, but you can do that with the Oculus too. If you were uncomfortable with one VR headset I’d wager you would be with any others too. Try a less intense type game like Tetris or Beat Saber and see if you still get motion sickness form that.
Thanks. I only tried oculus at VR factory which was like a cyber cafe. Lucky I decided to try before buying it. Based on the feedback VR is not for me. Cheers
Yes. I watch 3D blurays through it. If you don't have a 3D tv (and they stopped making them long ago) this might be your only way to watch those 3D BDs.
I bought the VR a year ago (thanks Ozbargain Black Friday 2018!)… However, I still regret not having the Move controllers as half the Vr games and apps require them. Can anyone link me to some good deals for the Move controllers please? Thanks
The move controllers make it feel so so much more immersive. They are a must!
This is Pack 2. Is it just the included games that are different from the Big W sale for $299?
The big W catalogue image showed mega pack 2.
The big W website shows no stock for mega pack 1, and some stock for mega pack 2.
Also there are some minor improvements with the headset included with mega pack 2, so if you can go for mega pack 2.
Awesome! Cheers
Can I do 2 player on this? What would be required if so - just two of the helmet/remote things?
No, not supported. VR is graphically intensive, running two isn't feasible except for the most high end PCs; and even then I'm not sure it's even supported.
This would require two PS4s to work but I'm not actually sure which games if any support VR multiplayer.
There are some online ones. Can't remember the name of it. It's like a futuristic pong sort of I guess.
Edit: it's called Sparc. Supposed to be pretty decent (I haven't tried it). There are some other co op games too. Firewall: zero hour.
Box VR, beat saber, firewall zero hour and some others allow multi player online in various different forms. Firewall is a great shooter but needs the aim controller i think. You need two ps4's to play simultaneously. Having said that, taking turns on beat saber at a party is great fun. The headset view shows on the tv while playing games so you can see on your tv what is going on. It is a great party device if you don't mind sharing your headset around. Get some sweatbands for "sweatier" friends doing beat saber…. watching a friend play resident evil can be great fun because it scares the crap out of you…
I'm assuming all PSVR's are now version 2? No matter what retailer you get one from during this sale?