Hi, I want to buy a good quality cricket bat for my son. I have been to a few sport stores but they are over $200. Just wondering if anyone knows a cheaper way to buy, bearing in mind that it is really good to look at the bat before buying so he can check for knots and the bat surface. Oh and it is a mens bat, not junior. Thanks.
Cheapest Good Quality Cricket Bat

Hi Tapangshah - do you deliver? do you have a website? i'm in brisbane thats all.
Hi - I don't deliver and neither I have a website.
lolwut. i hope you have a store at least :S
Have you tried kingsgrove sport
Check them out. They have good bats and if you walk in store you can get a good deal but they are in NSW.
As you mentioned its always a good idea to have the feel of bat before buying it.Thanks, I think I should have mentioned that I am in Melbourne.
I have a contact that I get my Cricket bats through. I have purchased dozens of bats for myself and friends through him and is much cheaper then the retail shops. I can send pics of the EXACT bats that he has for sale if you are interested. Delivery only takes about 5 working days too.
Thanks, sounds interesting. Where are they shipped from?
Shipped from India. He has Genuine Grade 1 and 2 English Willow bats. Not the dodgy stuff that you will get from some places… The pictures are clear and show grains and edge width, etc…
Guys - If any one interested in buying genuine grade 1 and plus cricket bats, I have started a new business and the website is www.sportsfrenzy.com.au.
Brands I have :-
CA 12000 TRD Limited Edition
CA 12000 PLUS
Ihsan Lynx x1
Ihsan Infrerno 950
Boom Boom 5 star
Boom Boom 4 star
MB Sher
Custom made batsThey are all branded and endorsed by some international players.
Since it is a brand new business, we are still working on the web plus bringing new products in. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
By the way, we are based in Sydney and it is an on-line business at this stage.
Thanks - Tapan
Hi - I do sell great quality cricket bats and they are at far better price then retail shops.
I am based in Western Sydney. Let me know if you require more info.