So I am planning on building an R9 system through the black friday sales and am trying to decide on cooling. I have intention of overclocking the processor rather now or down the line. I have been told that AIO coolers are not worth getting unless I am going to spend $200+ and that I would be better off with a good high end air cooler for ~$125. Like a noctura D14 or CoolerMaster MA620P with an extra fan.
Does anyone have some good insights for me? Should I go with air cooling or are cheaper $150 AIOs totally fine?
AIO's look cooler and make the inside of your case look tidier… that's about the only advantage it has over Big Air cooling. But not necessarily in raw cooling performance or even noise.
A high end Noctua air cooler can actually outperform an expensive AIO., so if raw cooling is what you want, air cooler will do it but an AIO setup is to most people, much nicer to look at if you have a tempered glass case.