This was posted 5 years 4 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Kogan SmarterHome 1.7L Glass Smart Kettle with Alexa / Google Home Integration $49 + Post @ Kogan


I don't drink tea or coffee (I am fuelled by Diet Coke, always purchased at $1.60 per Litre or less). My wife however drinks a cup of tea every hour. So every hour I am asked to get out of my comfy chair and boil the kettle. (As a married man I live in hope of one day having sex, so I never refuse).

I have searched the internet to find a Google Home-enabled kettle to save me at least 50% of my current chores, but had until recently not found anything suitable for a 240V/10A/50Hz outlet.

Enter Kogan with their SmarterHome kettle. Except when I found it last week, it was $160 plus delivery, so I added it to my wishlist. Today - price has dropped to $49 plus post.

Score! In fact I might even score.

It's Kogan so it may only last 6 months, but it'll be worth it.

UPDATE Thanks for the love guys. Showed this post to my wife (who looked annoyed at my post, but the laughed at all the comments). Had sex. It was good. Just like I remembered.

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closed Comments

  • +239

    🤣 best description

    • +24

      Day999, still hoping for free sex

      • +2

        I, the 10 finger jammer, don't know what you guys are talking about

        • +5

          (As a married man I live in hope of one day having sex, so I never refuse).

          I just Upvote then close tab now..

      • +6

        OP, good intentions but if wife drinks a cup of tea per hour, you’ll never get sex on a full bladder….

        • +16

          The window of opportunity exists in the 5 minutes after the caffeine calms her nerves, but before the diuretic effect kicks in. 5 minutes is all I need…

          • +2

            @mingofmongo: Thanks for the laugh, show this post to your wife, sure she will honour you some sex.

          • +4

            @mingofmongo: 5 minutes? I can do it twice and still have time for a coffee in between.

    • +10

      Not sure what is going to last 6 min though, the kettle or OP 🤷‍♂️

      • +26

        6 minutes? Not running a marathon are we? On special occasions I call myself the lawnmower man(4 stroke)

        • +5

          Better than my mate who was victor 2 stroke.

    • +1

      Married men…..forever optimistic….consistently disappointed…..turn to drinking coke instead.

      • +1

        I believe it works better if you snort it.

    • +4

      Best kettle salesman 😀

  • +12

    It's actually good price for this sort of thing, but I guess it's got more complex circuitry than the standard kettle so probably more prone to failure.
    Either way, I hope this helps you get laid more often

    • Considering I use a drive top kettle, this is definitely the case

      • -1

        but it's kogan, must be able to last 6 months you'd think, just when their warranty runs out

  • +54

    +1 life lessons for all unmarried men,

    • +5

      Happy wife, happy life.

      • +2

        Is there anything like that?

      • +31

        impossible goal, wife is never able to be happy,

      • +41

        Happy wife Happy Life
        Happy Husband Suspicious wife

    • +20

      Am married. Can confirm.

  • -6

    There is also this one at $35. from kogan not wifi though…

    • +1

      That one isn't "smart" in the same way that this one is - you can set the temperature, but it has no Wifi or automation.

      • +7

        But still a good deal if no wify

    • +2

      These are shit. Lasted 6 months before rusting away and leaking rust and plastic particles into the water.

      • +5

        Don't worry, none of us are buying it, we're up voting for the description.

  • +13

    this is ridiculous trash. my wife will love it!

  • So there's hope

  • +38

    Things are getting steamy in here

  • +2

    +1 for description lol

  • +3

    Poor man.

  • +2

    Pre-order launch price was $59. The only sad part about it is having to use Kogan's smarthome product using tuya backend with Chinese backdoor.

    So to be clear - when you use GoogleHome/Alexa to control the unit, it send a signal to a Chinese server to then go back to your kettle.

    You can run a tuya server locally on a Raspberry Pi but unless you're happy to get stuck into code, it's a complete hassle.

    • +110

      I'm willing to risk the chinese government finding out how often I boil my kettle.

      • +23

        When you have sex.

      • They just steal the info from the American gov. oar ask Siri

      • +3

        Once on the network it may be able to do more than that…

      • +3

        … it's not the kettle, so much… it's having a machine with a Chinese backdoor able to scan your home network.

        • +3

          Good idea to setup a guest/seperate wifi for the smart devices.

          • @neil aus: Yeah, definitely set up a separate vlan for all your smart/iot devices.

  • +3

    Only one problem from a few of the reviews, the lid sticks. You'll never hear the end of that with your better half for sure.

    • +2

      Which means there's no likelihood of sex.

      • +39

        No, will just require lubrication.

    • I find the lid opens fine if you press the button towards the edge. It won't open well if you press it straight down in the middle.

      • +2

        Thats what she said

      • Damn, I just tried this on my kettle and it worked! Life changed. And I just told the wife, so…

  • +4

    But you still need to fill it with water. Many folk don't like the water boiled multiple times prior to use in the drink.

    • +7

      What? No one notices how many times you've booked water. Do you completely empty the kettle every time?

      • +6

        This is the way I was taught by my mother, yeah. We'd only fill the kettle with a little more than we planned to use, so as not to waste water. Seems we were not alone in this, tea lovers online say to always use freshly drawn water for a good cup because reboiling it takes all the oxygen and nitrogen out of it. I think it's mostly overkill and don't really care these days.

        • Same! I notice it taste-wise as well.

        • +1

          Your science behind taking all the oxygen and nitrogen is slightly flawed. Nitrogen (as nitrate) would theoretically increase marginally in tap water if boiled excessively due to it not being vaporized at the same rate at H2O. Prolonged boiling would reduce the oxygen content in the water (solution) as it produces water vapour (steam). :)

          I can only assume that the 'taste' you refer to is due to the concentration of all the impurities in the tap water as pure water vapour is lost through boiling.

      • I personally don't care but I've also heard this from some people who don't believe in boiling water multiple times as apparently it may cause cancer!

        • You should be washing out your kettle after every boil by that theory I guess, regardless whether you are reboiling. Pure water is evaporated away, the impurities will be left behind and build up.

          • @bamzero: Wash it monthly so I’m as imperfect as the left over water.

      • +21

        I only fill enough for what I am about to use so I don't waste electricity.

      • I'm not some fluride nut but it does make sense boiling the same water over and over, filling then boiling more would concentrate metals and other things in the water then.

        • This is true but also negligible

      • +5

        It's probably been boiled a few times before in 4.6 billion years!

        • +1

          I’m not a scientist, but isn’t new ‘fresh’ water being created all the time? As in the H-dudes and the O-dudettes (who love each other very much) do a special hug, and come together to form a new water thingamy.

          • +1

            @muncan: No.
            Precipitation is just water vapour returning to ground level

          • +2

            @muncan: there's two dudes for each dudette in every glass

      • +2

        Lots of tea drinkers notice. There's a very obvious difference, particularly if you have your tea black. I've had tea made for me by my kids that's been boiled twice and I've been able to tell every time. They're better trained now though :)

        • +1

          I gotta see someone take the Pepsi challenge on this

        • Absolute jibber jabber. You only know because you expected it, in a blind test you'd never know.
          Unless you're using unfiltered tap water, but an aficionado like you would only ever use filtered water, right?

          • @TheSmegger: Wrong. Is your life experience and knowledge so great that you know what others can taste? Arrogant twat.

            • +1

              @banana365: No, but chemistry does.
              Dissolved oxygen in water at room temp =xppm, at boiling point 0ppm.
              Upon returning to room temp, back to xppm. Assuming same temp and air pressure.
              Really important take away here, dissolved oxygen at boiling is always zero.

              Concentration of non volatile compounds from twice boiled water?
              How long are you boiling for? A week? Let's be realistic, so you really think you can taste a variation that's measured in parts per million?

              Want to test it? Do you dare?
              Ask someone to make you six cups of tea but only double boil one.
              Double blind would be ideal, but I'll forgive due to difficulty.

              Or would you prefer to advise me again and just assume you have the best taste buds on the planet?

              • @TheSmegger: Alright you both need to calm down and have a cup of tea

              • @TheSmegger:

                at boiling point 0ppm

                2nd line in, fundamental mistake.

                • @banana365: Ok, post then the science.

                • @banana365: That's not my second line, what are you on about?

                  It doesn't change the value of the third line though, at boiling point, dissolved O2 is 0ppm.

                  • @TheSmegger: Eventually. It's not instantaneous, the water needs to be boiling for some time for it to be released, but see my post below for more on that.

                    Oh, for the 2nd line bit, that's where it appears in my browser.

          • @TheSmegger: If you can't taste the difference between straight water from the tap to reboiled water then that's fine but don't say there is no difference because it's actually quite an obvious difference. To those that have taste.

      • +2

        Oxygenation of the water changes the flavour of the the tea. Fresh water in the kettle is more oxygenated than the old jug water. Also, no point bringing a full jug to boil every time for a single cup, ubless you're OP of course.

        • That's not how it works, dissolved oxygen at boiling point is always zero.

          • @TheSmegger: Again, you're making the assumption that dissolved oxygen is the cause of the difference in taste. It could be a contributor to the difference or could make zero difference. Same goes for dissolved CO2 which can produce carbonic acid over time if the water is left to sit in the kettle.

            Here's a suggestion. Take three mugs and a kettle. Fill one mug and the kettle with water from the same tap. Place a cover of some sort over the mug of water so it doesn't get any dust or anything settling on it that may alter the taste. Boil the water in the kettle and fill the second mug with freshly boiled water, leaving a mug or more worth of water in the kettle. Put a similar cover over it. Now go away for an hour or two to let the boiled water cool down to the same temperature as the non-boiled water. Now drink from each mug. Unless you have some condition that affects your tasting abilities (e.g. a cold, hyposmia, heavy smoker etc.) then you will be able to taste a difference.

            Let's say you can't taste any difference - I would completely seriously consider speaking to your doctor about possible causes as impaired taste can be a sign of other issues.

            Let's say you can taste the difference - we're not necessarily there yet. After all, it's only been boiled once and that's not what's under discussion here. Of course, you could just extrapolate from that initial change after a single boil that there will be a greater change after a second boil, but that's not proof! You've still got cooled water left in the kettle, boil that again. Now pour it into the third mug, cover it and leave it too cool. Now taste each of the three mugs individually.

            Let us know your results.

            • @banana365: Post science, not assumptive hyperbole.

            • @banana365: Do you want to know what's funny, and I mean REALLY funny. In the time we were having this discussion, there was a video posted on the same topic.
              Now, you can make a choice. Watch the video, or don't. I'm telling you right now that it's not in your favour.


              • +1

                @TheSmegger: OK, I watched it. Did you? All the way through? Putting to one side the main premise of the video being absolute bollocks (twice boiled water/cancer), the taste aspect is only ever mentioned as being "not quite clear" and "could find no studies on". It then goes on to talk about proposed reasons for this (dissolved oxygen etc.) and how it's an unlikely cause due to the low differences. However, as you'll note from my posts, I've not stated this (or any other mechanism) is the cause for the taste change. I have no idea what causes the change, I used to think that it may be the dissolved oxygen, but put that to one side many years ago after looking into it a bit more (see, changing opinion when presented with new information!).

                As for "double blind" tests, I've unintentionally undertaken them countless times over the years when I've made tea with water somebody else had boiled. Whenever I've noticed the distinctive change in taste I've asked them if it was freshly boiled (politely of course) and it always had been.

                Perhaps the water itself plays a part. I know the effect is far more obvious with water here in Perth than it is back home in Scotland (though it's still there).

                Now, you've had multiple people claiming to be able to taste the difference. It's fine that you can't taste it, but you've put yourself in a position where you say these people are fools and/or liars and done so without really trying it for yourself.

                I've watched that video, for what little it added, so how about you give my proposal a shot and fire up that kettle?

                • @banana365: People will talk themselves into all kinds of rubbish and believe it with blind fervour. Which is why we do proper double blind testing, to remove opinions and suggestion from interfering with facts.

                  Consider. You have an expectation, subconsciously you pay attention and reinforce that expectation. So, when you don't hear the tap, you ask about the water…for example.
                  That's fairly typical behaviour.

                  I won't say you cherry picked the video, because he was being a bit non committal. I put that down to his being British and not wanting to stir up too much mud with friends and family. Although I thought he made the salient points clear enough.

                  Look, if you think you can taste the difference, there has to be a mechanism behind it. If there is, I'd like to know what.
                  If it's not dissolved gases then it must be solids, but you're not boiling water long enough or with enough repetition, for concentrations to become noticeable.

                  I'm going to have to do some research and testing. I think it's a waste of time, I still say it's jibber jabber, but I have to know.

                  • @TheSmegger:

                    I think it's a waste of time

                    It involves drinking tea man, that's never a waste of time! :)

      • It depends on the kettle. With cheap plasticky ones, the water is foul after a few boils or being left standing for hours. Presumably the plastic is leeching into the water or something.

        With a good stainless steel or glass one you’re fine.

        Those office water boilers on the wall though… the water is so foul it can be tasted even when added to a strong black tea.

    • -1

      Yeah i hate the taste of burnt water.

    • Does no one find that the boiling plate eventually turns brown? When this happens and I leave boiled water to sit, I can taste a metallic taste in the water.

      • It happens with all kettles, you just need to descale your kettle

  • +23

    It's a pretty cool kettle. Heats really fast. $49 is the lowest the kettle goes every now and then. The smart function is only for turning on and off. The app is okay. Kettle can be shared to other accounts using google or Alexa. No issues with turning on and off at all. It's handy having the real time temp displayed on the handle.

    As with the other reviews the lid will stick! It will usually take multiple hard presses to open it especially after it has just boiled. You have to press and pull backwards at the same time to get it to open on first go. Crap design, which I am surprised they haven't fixed as it is a problem with the non smart version of this kettle too. I think the hinge isn't mounted/screwed in towards the back enough or the spring pushes the lid forwards so it rubs and sticks against the front part of the opening. I got the Dremel and sanded away the front part of the opening a bit as well as the groove for the catch and it improved a bit. I think even the catch probably has to be sanded more rounded. Lid still sticks occasionally after just boiled and poured.

    I couldn't be bothered dealing with Kogan exchanges to keep swapping until I got a kettle with a lid that didn't stick. I accidentally ordered the non smart version last time and the whole exchange took a month and multiple emails.

    I think the occasional inconvenience of the crappy lid is worth while putting up with for otherwise a pretty good kettle.

    • +1

      Thanks for the detailed info. Sounds like the Dremel is the way to go. (Is there anything it can't do? Last night i used it to rearticulate a Cyberman head.)

    • Thanks for the detailed review. What's your thoughts on the tuya server / Chinese backdoor (via app)?

    • +1

      Press the button towards the edge, not in the middle. Works every time for me.

    • +1

      I had same issue with lid, notified Kogan and they sent me another one (didn't need to send mine back)… now I have 2 kettles with crappy lids.

  • -1

    What can this do that a $20 Brilliant smart plug can't do?

    • +18

      Some kettles have a separate switch that needs to be pressed to start the water heater. Smart plugs cant do that.

      • -6

        You could just leave that on the on position and have the smart plug turn on?

        • +14

          It'll go to the off position after the first cuppa for the day.

          • @Lukian: Not if the smart plug is on a timer that is less than the time it takes to fully boil

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