Involved in a Hit and Run on Western Ring Road [VIC] 22/11/2019

Hi guys..

So on last Friday 22nd of Nov 2019 at approx 5pm I was travelling on Western Ring road between the McDonald's and WestGate/Geelong exit in Peak hour traffic when a Silver 4WD decided to ram me randomly off the road (Hit and Run) I was a bit dazed and by the time I jumped out to get his plates, he took off down the emergency lane where it was too hard to see his plates.

I just cancelled my insurance 3 weeks ago as it was getting expensive with the company I was with and just started looking into another ( of course Murphy's Law applied).. If any of you guys know anything that could help. As I know many people have dash cams now-a-days and have possibly seen it.. I would be beyond grateful..

I know it's a stretch. But this is a massive forum and anything is possible.. also Police were contacted which I know nothing will be done.

My car: Audi A3 Silver

Thanks in advance


  • +4

    Was it road rage? Did you have an altercation before you were rammed off the road?

    • 100% this…

      • I was in my lane driving 20kms (in Peak traffic since exiting McDonald's and I always let people in myself..

    • No. Nothing.. I was minding my own business when he just crashed into me.. it seemed like he was pulling over, but it was just into the emergency lane to get away..

      • +2

        Hmm, seems like you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time then I guess. Feel bad for you dude. Suppose as long as there is no personal injury it's a couple of lessons learnt - 1. never drive uninsured and; 2. get a dashcam.

        • It was 100% wrong time wrong place.. and yes. Main thing is I am not hurt. I am just surprised that it was Peak hour traffic and so many cars around that not one person stopped or saw it on their cam. To pull over..

          • +1

            @The Az: Wish I could have helped you. I have helped people several times with dashcam footage of accidents I've captured. Unfortunately I was not in the area that day/time. It sucks but definitely something you won't want to happen again I'm sure.

            If I were you I would maybe ask Dashcam Owners Australia ( in case someone from there was around when it happened.

            • @Meeb: Appreciate that my man. I also would have pulled over and helped (which I have done several times before)

              Definitely an unfortunate teaching moment on my behalf..

              I will take your advice and try my luck there too..

              Thank you good sir ( tips hat)

  • +18

    not to sound condescending but why would you cancel your insurance before getting another one. so basically you were uninsured. I don't think that is called murphys law, but rather other colourful name.

    • +2

      Agreed.. (insert profanity on self).. I don't ever drive my car to work. I usually catch the train. I just felt like driving that day.. this is why I wasn't stressed (stupid now). plus 15 years of driving and never had an accident.

  • +4

    No insurance, no dash cam, no MS Paint….

  • +1

    Surely, the smart thing would have been to shop around before cancelling your insurance.

    You've only yourself to blame.

    • Yes.. I do have myself to blame. And I did

  • +7

    I just canceled my insurance 3 weeks ago


    • +1

      ^ this

  • If the event happened around 6pm, I could've helped you there. Sounds like tough luck.

    • It could have been around then. I honestly don't remember the exact time.. would you mind checking please.. :-D

      • Definitely wouldn't have it because I don't recall any incidents or any cars pulled over. You must've been long gone.

        • I was in the inner emergency lane until about 6:30-7:30 as my mate came and helped me pull the guard out of the wheel to drive it home (luckily it wasn't completely written off)

      • +2

        Sorry I should have said renew your old one you were covered under, still dodge but some places if you have an active quote allow you to claim from quotation start as long as you pay also?

        • This is correct, the insurance is active for as long as the renewal quote is active. Just pay the bill and then claim. It's really why there's no reason to cancel insurance until you jump over to another company, it's basically free riding.

          • @plmko: Yeah. I realized that now.. I should have gotten a new policy as you don't pay until the month ends. That's what happened with my last insurance.. but it is too late now..

            Big lesson learnt..

            • +1

              @The Az: Sucks man :( Hope some dash camer comes to the rescue, mainly to get this blockhead off the road.

              • @wiipantz: 100% agree.. I will be forwarding it to the police as soon as I find out..

        • +1

          Sounds better.. but still I don't want it to bite me in the ass at this point.. thanks for trying.

  • +2

    Try asking on Dash Cam Australia facebook page

    • Yea.. I'm going to check and post on there after work.. someone else suggested that too. Thanks:-)

  • +1

    are you willing to pay for it?

    • +1

      I would actually.. not just to get my car repaired.. but also take this idiot of the road.

      So yes.. I would gladly pay

  • The motorways are full of cameras. Can you get footage?

    • Called them 20 mins after it happened.. got my details.. nothing so far..

  • The "stretch" is the road you were on. Notify the police (within 24 H) and they may be able to track the offender via the many many cameras, they have strung around the place.
    That is what they are there for - police and cameras.

    • Yeah.. heaps of cameras.. Called police and got my statement. Was told I they will call me.. it's Wednesday now..

      That is what I was thinking, but it's clear that is isn't so.

      Also called Vicroads and all the guy said to me was those cameras don't record.. they are live feed.. quite disappointing. Think there should be a number to call or a company setup for this sort of thing directly..

      Still don't have my hopes up.. who knows

      • They record. You see the vision on TV all the time when there is an incident.

        They don't have the manpower to monitor every camera…

        • So the guy lied to me.. (-_-)

  • When you cancel a policy you are still covered for a while after the cancellation, I would be at least looking into it.

    • I did.. no cigar..

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