[AMA] I founded OzBargain 13 years ago. Ask me (almost) anything, again

Hi everyone. I am scotty, and I created a website 13 years ago called "OzBargain" — surprisingly that it is still around today. I actually did an AMA 4.5 years ago, and I've been getting PMs asking for another one. So here we go. Ask me (almost) anything, again.


  • Ask questions in the top-level comments. I might miss your questions if they are posted as replies to other comments.
  • Vote up good questions and vote down bad ones.
  • I'll try to keep the AMA open until Wednesday (27 Nov 2019).

Also some notes:

  • Good idea to check my previous AMA. Your questions might have already been answered there. For example, I'm still driving that old Kia 7-seater.
  • Bad commenters will get kicked out from the thread. I'm the admin on this site, after all.
  • Don't ask moderation related questions regarding to your account/store. Use TWAM instead.
  • Don't request features or send feature-related feedbacks. Use this thread instead.
  • Don't expect me to answer all questions. I reserve the right to refuse answer some questions without giving explanation.

Fire away the questions! I'm getting off for dinners for now and will be back in 1/2 hour to answer the questions. Just in case someone asks "what are you having for dinner?" The answer would be: wife's cooking (rice + tofu with pork fillings + vegs).

closed Comments

      • +6

        If the catch of the day April fools was anything to go by, we are glad you haven't sold the site yet!

  • Will you ever do a redesign of the UX/UI?

  • Why haven't you updated the look of the website and modernised it.

    • +41

      To be honest it works pretty well as is.

      • +7

        +1 form follows function.

        The site works well, why screw with it.

      • Sorry but I never said anything about the functionality of the website. aesthetically it's not pleasing on the eye.

        • +2

          Each to their own I suppose. To compare, could you provide some examples of site designs you find appealing?

        • +11

          Disagree i find the simplicity of this site most appealing

      • +1

        Agree. I think the look is part of its charm, like how Bunnings and JB purposefully try and make their storefronts look cheap as part of their brand.

      • +1

        It works very well as of now don't screw it up. ie Windows 10.

    • +4

      If you are looking for rewrites, then it might be "never". We do tiny updates every now and then though. I am not a designer, but I am fine with copying borrowing designs. Maybe you can show me some example and how we can carry OzBargain's model over?

      • Maybe add a dark theme? Just my 2 cents, don't change anything else.

        Edit - Sorry just found the answer question further down.

    • I think it works pretty well - maybe a bit of a colour scheme update but design works well!

    • In what way? Examples on you'd consider a modern look for it?

      • -3

        Make it blue instead of orange. Wayyy more modern.

        • can the button be cornflower blue?

        • +2

          instead of orange

          Orange is literally OzBargain's trademark!

        • I'm think you dropped this: /s

  • +4

    Do you think the future landscape of bargains in Australia are getting worse as the popularity of ozbargain goes up?

    For example, AMEX shop small has been getting worse and now is targeted. A lot of the more popular deals get "ozbargained" really quickly etc.

    • +7

      With OzBargain gaining popularity, I am sure merchants would have it on the crosshair. How to market to it? How to prevent being gamed?

      I don't think the landscape is getting worse. There might be fewer "too good to be true" deals, but in general more companies are having sales because they know there are people looking for it.

      As of popular deals getting "ozbargained" — there are always going to be people who missed out. The bigger issue I see are the "brodens", i.e. people utilising OzBargain to buy up multiple items or items they don't need, in order to sell on eBay or other market places to make a profit.

  • +5
    • What do you hate most about OzBargain?
    • What has been your most proud moment of OzBargain?
    • What is your favourite smell?
    • +2

      What is your favourite smell?

      Perhaps smelling a bargain 2 weeks in advance ;)

    • +4

      What is your favourite smell?

      Fresh air after the rain, like what Sydney is having right now :)

      • Especially after all that smoke. I don't know how you lived through that.

        • +4

          That's the benefit of working from home, i.e. I don't even need to commute to work. Yes it has been pretty bad over the last couple of days. Besides the smog, NSW is also having drought problem. Yes we need more rain.

          • @scotty: Fair to say you're living the dream having to never leave the house. You're welcome to move down my way… too much rain 😂

      • +1

        You are simple man with simple taste😯. What do you splurge on?

        • +19

          Eneloop and Quilton 4 ply.

          • +1

            @scotty: A true connoisseur, and a man of discernment and wisdom.

      • Spoke too soon. Smoky again in Sydney today!

  • +3

    Do you use those %5 discounted eWish gift cards from Cashrewards or Shopback when shopping at Woolworths, BWS or Big W yourself?

    • +19

      I shop at Aldi.

      • +1

        But some homebrand items are cheaper at Woolies when using the egift card, compared to the Aldi equivalents.
        Things like rice, milk, pasta & spaghetti - cheaper at Woolies (when using the gift card).

        Also, do you atleast top up your Opal with the egift card at Woolies?

        • +1

          I find Aldi's house brand products better than Coles and Woolies house brand products, and alot of times; better than regular brands. In fact, there's only one thing I've tried from Aldi and didn't like; their packaged ham.

  • +2

    you have turned off ads from your profile settings.

    If we as regular users turned the setting on, would you see a huge increase on revenue or is it negligible?

    • +8

      The default is on and I am guessing most users would have left it in the default setting. I really don't want people to see ads if that troubles them. Revenue wise it might be negligible.

  • Do you attend Ozb Meetups?

    • Find out for yourself 😉 - certainly hope it wasn't an impersonator

      • I am not in Sydney :(
        That's cool though

        • +2

          Maybe Scotty should do a nationwide stadium tour soon lol

    • +7

      I would love to go to more meetups, especially when I'm paying for all the food! I felt a bit envious when looking through the meetup photos. Unfortunately November is our busiest month, and I am not that keen on travelling.

      I would be going to the Chatswood meetup this Wednesday and Sydney CBD meetup this Thursday though.

      • +1

        Why don't you have an OzBargain "Non-Birthday" In May then? :)

        • I was recently invited to a "conception" party. The kid was turning 5, 9 months later🙄.Once you get over the fact that we were celebrating the date my colleague had sex, it was lots of fun.

  • Has anyone ever approached you (realistically) offering to buy Ozbargain? How recent has there been a genuine attempt?

    • +2

      Nothing genuine or serious recently. Last serious offer of buying out would have been 10 years ago. Maybe PayPal can spare us something, after splurge US$4B on Honey.

  • +1

    Do you ever sit and wonder how/why so many Aussie's use up their time to post deals? E.g Particularly some of the heavier users of the website who regularly compile and share deals without any personal benefit.

    Do you feel obliged to return something to them for contributing to your bottom line?

    Keep up the good work Scotty - You've done a tremendous job maintaining the grass-roots culture of this community alive, despite the massive societal changes in the last 7-10 years.

    • +2

      E.g Particularly some of the heavier users of the website who regularly compile and share deals without any personal benefit.

      Well it's a mutual community effort that's what I love about Ozbg

    • +3

      compile and share deals without any personal benefit.

      Well they do get a benefit.
      Name up in lights, votes and comments coming in, they could see their deal on the frontpage.
      We're pretty simple creatures. Chasing dopamine hits is a perfectly valid thing, it's been going on online since the third person ever connected to the internet.

    • +12

      Do you feel obliged to return something to them for contributing to your bottom line?

      You mean, like creating and maintaining a platform for them to shine, and gathering an audience?

      I don't think in the way that everything has to be reciprocal, and you only do something when you can reap some benefit at the end. OzBargain wasn't started as a business in the first place. I also do not want the posters to think that they are earning something on a per-post level. I did do some research on micro-reward schemes, but at the end I do not think it suits OzBargain. People share useful information because they are in a community and understand that good news should be shared.

  • Hiring staff for Ozb….was this your first time hiring/leading staff? If so, how did you carry out your decisions? Were you nervous you may have made the wrong deicsions or at times been a bad leader?

    • See OzBargain moderators. All current mods / admins are full-time staff working at OzBargain. Most were hired through this community, as I can see how they interact with the rest of the community through their comments, feedbacks, reports, etc. I'm usually looking for who are helpful, meticulous but not pedantic.

      As of being nervous, I would think most small business owners in Australia would be nervous in hiring because all the workplace laws.

      • What do you mean by ‘all the workplace laws’

  • How long did it take for OzBargain to gain momentum and what do you think were the leading factors to establishing it's current presence on the internet?

    I notice ChoiceCheapies and CheapCheapLah still only generate a fraction of what OzB does most probably due to still being in its infancy stage. Do you see these sites growing at the same rate as OzB did and do you plan to enter any other international markets in the future?

  • What makes OzBargain different from other similar sites?

  • Did you copy this or base it on slickdeals from the US?

    • +2

      Have you seen Slickdeals back in 2005-2006?

      However OzBargain does copy ideas from other websites, but might not be Slickdeals. Digg was popular back then. Reddit as well — these formed the basis of voting on deals to bring it to the front page. Over the years we did borrowed some designs from Slickdeals and HotUKDeals, and they too also borrowed some of our designs.

      • +3

        Nice! Just to let you know mate. I lived in the US between 2009-2015. Was hooked onto slickdeals.
        When I decided to move, I checked first if Oz had a similar site and they did!..In a small way it gave another incentive to move!

  • What has been your biggest achievement?

    What are your future goals?

  • +6

    Do you have any plans for dark mode for the site?

    • +7

      Been asked so many times in the feedback thread… I am still hoping that the browsers would provide a universal dark mode to all websites :)

      Doing a dark mode is more than just another set of CSS that set the text colour to white and background to black. There are buttons, borders, blocks etc in various shades. Moreover, across our sites (NZ & SG) we have different colours for various UI elements.

      Maybe we need to simplify the differences between our sites first (just different headers, same colour theme for the content), and then do a dark mode that will work across all sites.

      • I am still hoping that the browsers would provide a universal dark mode to all websites :)

        There's a bunch plugins for Chrome that claim to achieve that, but I don't trust them :)

  • +3

    How much data do you have on each of us?

    Ps: Happy birthday ozb!

    • I guess the question is how much metadata

      • Yep.

    • Meta-data: your email address & IP addresses.

      • Do you keep them forever?

        • You are making it sound like it's an effort to keep those records… We don't deliberately delete old records. Moderators can only see some metadata over the last 365 days, but they are still in the database.

          • @scotty: Cheers.

    • @Jar Jar binks Your whole life story is contained in your comment history. :)

      • Lol! True. Was asking for a friend…

  • Don't request features or send feature-related feedbacks. Use this thread instead

    That link yields 404, so I take liberty to post here :)

    One thing where the current website can be improved is to display a warning when a navigation is about to occur (because say I've accidentally clicked a link), and there's still an unsubmitted post/comment being edited, with like half screen of unsaved text.

    Happened to me quite a few times here and it's very frustrating. Pretty sure you know what I'm talking about :) While it's a common problem not specific to OzB only, it can easily be fixed by handling onbeforeunload event.

    Do you folks have plans to implement this?

  • Do you ever get garlic bread with your pizza meal deals?

    • +1

      Ever? yes. Often? no.

  • +1

    How do you explain your job to your kids
    How do they explain what you do

    • +4

      He drives a Hilux?

      • Is your comment meant to be here?

        • +1

          Nope, someone our there will get it though.

    • +6

      Last answer for tonight.

      My kids know I run OzBargain. However I doubt they understand the exact process of "running OzBargain". Most people have no idea either — that I do almost everything from coding, devops, to accounting, HR, to moderation, answering lots of emails, meeting people, business analysis, business development, etc.

      So I just tell them that I run OzBargain.

      • How old are your kids if you don't mind sharing?

        • +20

          12 & 15. I know the older one is on OzBargain every now and then, and there's a possibility that she might be stalking me on this post. She found out that I bought her a new computer through this comment, before I told her about it.

          • +19

            @scotty: yes indeed i am stalking you
            hello :D

          • @scotty: Is she one of your 12 subscribers? Is that how she found out?

          • @scotty: Do you know if they talk about OzBargain to their school friends?

      • At least I got the reference to the Hilux ad… :-)

  • +1

    did this website turn you into a very wealthy person? can you now say this has secured your retirement?

    • +4

      I am already a wealthy person :) I am also easily contented though, and don't have the urge to catch up with the Jones.

  • -5

    What kind of car do you drive?

    • High investment vehicle

  • +1

    Have any other parties every requested metadata about any of our users, eg. people spoofing gps and using the 7/11 app to get free fuel, creating lots of fake accounts and boasting about it, or posting controversial [hack] deals, etc?

    If so, did you comply?

    • +5

      Have other parties requested? Yes. To sign up an OzBargain account you only need to provide your email address, but we do keep a log of your IP addresses indefinitely because we too need to use it to combat fraud, sockpuppeting, etc. There have been companies requesting in the past for email addresses & sometimes IP addresses, for various reasons.

      Did we comply? That depends. It's really case by case, but in general,

      • We do not give out metadata about an account on OzBargain.
      • We do comply if it's coming from an authority, i.e. court order, police authority, etc.
      • It gets complicated when large corporations / merchants requesting information about their associated accounts. For example the previously declared rep has left and they need to recover the account. It can go into a lengthy negotiation for the company to prove that they have authority to recover certain information.
  • Has anything to do with running Ozbargain caused you significant stress in the past few years?

    If so what caused it and how did you get through it?

    • +5

      There are a few instances, usually involved with threats — lawsuits, violence, etc. I have to get lawyer involved once (dealing with Maccas copyright claim), and called police once about this guy who had called and emailed me physical threats. Not really sure what happened to that guy though.

      Keeping the site running is not stressful. It gets knocked off the Internet every now and then from DDoS, and our service provider (great guys at BinaryLane) usually dealt with these in timely matter. I'll just reply some emails during the down time.

      • Macca's copyright claim … what a joke, if it wasn't so serious. Sorry.

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