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Prima Taste Singapore Curry La Mian / Curry Laksa 178g $3 (was $4.50) @ Woolworths (Selected Stores)


You may have heard of Nissin Noodles, Nong Shim and Indomie, but perhaps you might not have heard of Prima Taste. Unless you're Singaporean, that is.

Graduate from Maggi Noodle Academy and enter the real world with Singaporean curry laksa noodles.

$3 for a packet of noodles might seem expensive and definitely not so CheapCheapLah, but it more than makes up for it's price with a generous helping of spice and curry flavoring.

Best enjoyed with cooked chicken and bean sprouts, but for an authentic S'pore vegetarian meal, alternative consider some Fried tofu puffs and bok choy.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    These are my favourite noodles to have by a country mile. A pity the price is so high usually.

  • Not available at my Woolies :(

    • Only available from larger WW stores that have an asian food aisle. Smaller stores won't stock it.

  • The stock is very good. Noodles are okay but the broth is what makes it so damn good. But takes a while to cook

    Also have to remember laksa is originally seafood based and it has a strong seafood flavour to it.

    Singaporean’s also find this brand quite good and close to original if they need a taste of home.

    • seafood based

      i thought laksa is coconut based

      • +1

        There's a lotta shrimp paste in laksa, along with the coconut. I don't find this one overly 'seafoody', but the shrimp adds a savory base for sure just like anchovy does in other dishes. I'd add chicken and prawns, hard boiled egg, fried tofu and greens to this for my taste.

  • Pricy but better than some restaurant laksa out there

  • How much are these normally at Asian grocers?

    • Between $3.80 - 4.20 from the grocers ive visited. Cheapest is Tongli (in Sydney Ashfield) who sold for $3.80 though there were times which they do specials and sell 4 for $12. Its been a long time since I last saw these on special

  • I've had these based on recommendations but I wasn't impressed.

  • Add some ingredients and you have a meal! Good price for a non Asian grocery store. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it cheaper in the small suburban Asian grocery stores but not consistently.

  • do these come with all the prawns/chicken bits shown in the pics?

    • +1

      Nope, BYO meat.

    • -1

      you're asking too much

  • Got a 4 pack of Chili crab flavoured ones from Coles. Sign showed $3. Barcode didn't scan but they honoured the $3. Should have bought more but wasn't sure as I never tried them before. I figured $3 for a 4 pack was inline with nongshim

  • +1

    Have to say… I don't rate these at all. Something about the flavour just doesn't do it for me, maybe because I like my laksas spicier and less milky. Also I just find the taste and texture of the noodles are not great. I've read the reviews and have tried them a few times thinking "am I wrong, did I get a dud packet?", but to no avail.
    I end up buying dry rice noodles, laksa paste, and those juice-box sized packets of coconut milk from Coles/Woolies and find I end up with a much better tasting result for the same cooking time and ease of process. The price all up is about the same as buying two or three packets of these noodles.

  • Just FYI, in Clayton VIC, they have "Hong Kong Supermarket" they sell this $9.80 for 4 packs. It's been like this for months…

  • These are really good.

  • Tried the laksa one today

    very impressed for instant,
    noodles were great for instant
    huge portion,

    if I got served this at a restaurant (obviously with topping)

    id be happy to pay full price

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