Please Help, planning to buy a gaming pc for under $1000, & it looks like TechFast has some great specs with suspiciously very low prices, thoughts on this of how reliable is it, do all the parts have a well-known brand & genuine, their customer service, warranty & delivery times/packaging. Thanks.
Thoughts on Buying Computer from TechFast

Last edited 22/11/2019 - 12:59
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Seems like very good pricing to me, they may use "cheap" parts but what do you expect at that price point.
I would try them out but i usually build all my PC's myself.I also (used to) build all my own PCs but my next one I'm sorely tempted to go with TF because the components they cheap out on I can salvage from my current PC, and the other parts honestly they have prices cheaper than I can find anywhere.
Bought a PC for the mrs a few weeks ago. Took 3 weeks before it arrived to us, and a lot of pro-active chasing up of status updates. From my experience they won't tell you anything unless you ask them first.
Happy with it when it arrived though, nice and clean build and no hiccups at all.
Which model did you get?
do all the parts have a well-known brand & genuine, their customer service, warranty & delivery times/packaging.
lower your expectation
Plus, same rule of "cheap fast good" pick two still applies. Techfast is cheap and good (for the price) but from reports definitely not fast. But that's due to level of demand and cl volume of business so they must be doing something right.
bought a budget gaming system from them, thought I had some issue with it when it arrived they were quick to reply and troubleshoot to try to solve my problem. But it turned out there wasn't any issue with the system anyway. If you are want certain brand etc you should check with them before you buy, but they definitely save money (which pass onto you) by not using the most expensive brands I believe. But apart from that I don't have any complaints with their service, delivery time etc and would definitely buy another machine if I need another one
I'm seriously tempted to buy one as they seem to have their own exclusive branded SSDs from "Allied". It would be interesting to tear it down and see how good it really is.
Some brands like Reeinno use factory rejected flash memory in their low capacity SSDs and that's not something we want Techfast to be selling.
THe system 2 friends got (Ryzen 5, 2080's) all the parts were great (MSI etc) bar the motherboard, it was a horrible chinese brand hard to find any info on, one the PCI slot came off within a week the other keeps warning it's overheating the motherboard.
Neither refunded though because with how cheap it was it was still cheaper to just buy a new $150 motherboard and putting all the parts on it.
My budget gaming system just arrived from Techfast yesterday. There was a wait for this popular system (due to popularity), but all arrived fine.
Budget does mean budget. The Techfast leaper case says it. It's all black and plasticy. My SSD was a Lexar. PSU is Allied.
No complaints from me.If you are able to fix possible hardware issues yourself go with techfast. If not you are better off with Dell.
My PC from Techfast arrived last night.
Thought I would comment, as people here have complained about apparently cheap components to keep cost down.
They hadn't specified what brand components I would get, and I didn't ask, but ended up with decent brands e.g. RAM was GSKILL, video card was Sapphire.
Case was a Thermaltake H18 (which was specified).I left the default power supply option, as I already have a good PSU which I will swap in when I can be bothered.
This is the first time I've bought a pre-built system, I usually do it myself. The video card alone would have cost me 59% of the system price if I had purchased it from MSY.
Plus, their cable management was a better than I can manage (I'm terrible at it).
Overall, couldn't be happier.
I cancelled an order because they didnt have the parts, 23 days after cancellation still waiting for a refund.. they keep saying bs it will be processed and they've escalated it whatever that means.. it was for my dad and he has done a credit card reversal now, first time ive had to do a cc reversal..
finally got my refund this morning, something that could have been resolved in an hour dragged on and on..
havent bought from them but from reading other people's comments seems they cheap out on ram, psu, case (which doesnt really matter unless u have a very hot pc). packaging time is rather long from people's comments.
this is worth a watch
they are still ridiculously cheap though, some times just the mb/gpu/cpu cost more than their whole pc.