Is it worth getting an Air Purifier (e.g. Xiaomi Air Purifier 2H) to help clean the indoor air from the current smoke that is blanketing Sydney?
Does it clean up well enough or are the particles too small?
Air Purifier for the current Sydney Smoke?

Meanwhile mine has only used about 40% of its filter after 8 months :/
That's untrue from my experience. One filter generally lasts for over one year of consistent use.
It could just be a case of those who are unhappy post the most about it, but there seems to be quite a few posters who indicate the filter life is <6 months. I know my old Philips is a bit archaic in terms of smart features, but it's easy to clean the filters with a vacuum (also helps that it's not flat and not round).
Just trying to work out should I buy another Philips, or try a Xiaomi one since I do like their other products.
depends on how many hours you use it etc, you'll get 6-12 months out of a filter.
My Innovaair purifiers do a good job so I think any purifier that uses true HEPA filters should too.
Also interested to hear what others say since the Xiaomi ones seem very popular. My read indicates that they go through filters very quickly compared to traditional air purifiers from other companies like Sharp and Philips.