The police officer advised it's illegal to have the phone in centre console with GPS maps on and advised an infringement notice with $344 fine will be posted to my address. Is this the case now? I usually put maps on even during my regular routes just to get traffic alerts. I wasn't touching the phone or using it as such, it's connected to car Bluetooth so that I could control everything from my steering wheel controls anyways.
The officer checked my breath, my license, etc and found nothing, it seemed almost as if he wanted to issue a fine anyway. My fellow OZbargainers, what do you guys think, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Note: Thanks to everyone for prompt replies and sharing kind thoughts/ advice. I think the discussion has enough information already so I'll just mark it as closed. Let this be a good lesson for anyone who would refer in the future.
Which state, full licence or Ps.
Yes it's illegal in Vic without a full license. I bought a car with a phone-like screen built in to get around this.