Government Moving to Classify Sports Supplements as Theraputic Goods

Anybody seen this?! Sure it might remove some snake oil, but say goodbye to cheap legit supplements and thousands of jobs if it gets through :(…


  • +5

    Most of it is snake oil/controlled substance.

  • +1

    I'm slow. What does this mean for those who purchase overseas/iherb?

    • +1

      You may well not be able to.

  • +1

    “In short, legislators are concerned about safety in the industry and for consumers.“

  • +2

    Disturbing but fits with the typical heavy handed 'regulation' of products that's been going on for some time.

    How ridiculous that whether something is banned by WADA should determine whether an average person can easily purchase it for their own use? They are even considering 'whey protein' and whether it needs to be deemed a 'medicine' - thankfully they decided that was (for now) a step too far.

    This of course would be the same TGA that has literally given the reason that supporting evidence for some products was 'only in a foreign language' and therefore was scheduled [because hiring a translator for a department with a budget of billions was obviously a step too far]. So sad and embarrassing.

    • -2

      Performance enhancing drugs should just not be illegal full stop, it's absurd that they are and the amount of criminality, violence and resources devoted to enforcing regulation is crazy for something that appears to have positive health effects over the long term.

      Whether they are illegal in sport is a different matter. After watching MMA go from being basically accepting of PED to some organisations banning it including the UFC and One it's not all bad but I see why people want sport PED free. It's really been something watching many athletes change from taking PEDs and then being under WADA rules in the UFC. Some legendary PED users such as Overeem made the change and stayed at the top but most did not, it's been quite something seeing how much it changed the sport over the past few years.

      There are large numbers of cases of illicit performance enhancing drugs turning up in "supplements" and athletes keep getting caught (or "caught" as the case may be) by taking them.

      • +2

        SO why should all the other safe supplements be banned as well?
        This is just more nanny state interference in the lives of everyday people trying to stay fit and healthy. If their concerns were genuine then they would simply mandate that ALL ingredients are listed on a product and then fine companies who do not comply. There is more than enough information available to anyone these day to make an informed decision about their own nutrition and supplementation.

        From an email I got today.

        Huge reforms have been proposed by supplement regulators here in Australia that could change the way you buy supplements forever. These changes won’t just affect us here at Bulk, but every supplement manufacturer, retailer and importer in Australia!
        So what’s going on?

        The TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) who currently regulate medications and medical devices here in Australia, are proposing a change that would see sports supplements classified as ‘therapeutic goods’, instead of ‘foods’ which they’re currently categorised as.

        This re-categorisation might not sound like a big deal, but it would affect around 90% off the products sold today and could force up to 70,000 popular supplements off the shelves.
        How will it affect me?

        In the short term: you’ll see a huge number of products taken off the market – including those you currently use, ​those remaining on the market would require re-labelling to reduce claims.

        In the medium term: some products would re-appear with lower doses and a limited number of ingredients. Some would eventually become TGA registered goods which would increase prices.

        In the long term: the end result is less choice for supplement users like you, as well as high prices due to the costs of TGA licencing.
        What can I do?

        If you …

        are concerned about these changes
        don’t want to pay more for less choice
        don’t want to see the Australian supplement industry harmed by the most restrictive supplement legislation in the world

        … you can make a submission to the TGA and voice your concerns. The TGA survey can be completed in as little as 5 minutes and your input will make a difference. Submissions close 3rd December 2019 - so act now and… 👇


        Read more about the proposed changes and the implications here.

        And while you're at it, look up 'codex alimentarius' to which Australia is a signatory.

        • 'codex alimentarius'…

          Sounds very grand plan final solution to me! Having a read now thanks mate.

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