This was posted 13 years 7 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Lord of The Rings Extended Edition Blu-Ray @ Amazon Now £35/~ $54AUD (after VAT Removal) Free Delivery


I know this has come up a few times slowly getting cheaper and cheaper, I'd been umming and ahhing and finally committed to it and it's cheaper again! 42 pounds before VAT comes off when they realise you're an Aussie/NZer

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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  • It comes to $54.17 Delivered

  • +4

    Just wanted to point out that the extras are on DVD so there might be a problem when it comes to region.

    • +4

      They just pulled copies of the extras out of their DVD line an shoved it in their BD set?

      Considering how much money this thing will make, that's pretty damn rude.

      • And you honestly expect them to give a damn? HA!

        They'll do anything to make a couple of extra bucks from the fans…

        • +2

          Expect is a strong word.

          Hoping they'd take a little pride in their work and that they didn't think so little of the consumer would be closer.

        • +4

          After reading today that Lucas failed to sue the original creator of the Stormtrooper helmets because he tried to make some cash out of if, with a couple of other big names (Steven Spielberg, James Cameron and Peter Jackson) on his [Lucas's] side…

          They really don't care where the money comes from, just as long as it's all going to them.

          I mean really, after 35 years, the guy isn't allowed to reproduce his own original work to try and make a little bit of profit. And a lawyer has the balls to label him a 'pirate'….

          rant over- for now :P

      • Jackson is taking lessons from Speilberg nowadays .. and Saul Zaentz would be making him dance

      • Is anyone aware if there is a movie only version of the Extended editions on BD?

        I know there is a cheap movie only set of the theatrical editions & I've already got the extras from the original DVD extended editions.

        • At this stage, no.

    • +3
      • Could i play them on a PC BD player?
        Excuse my noobness.

        • Only if it's region unlocked.

          Our BD region is the same, our DVD region is different.

    • +1

      That's a little lame. Not personally interested in the extras but that sucks

  • +1

    the theatrical version is 15 pounds, so i think this will continue to come down…(maybe not that low, but i think they have room to move.) guess it depends on how long you can wait though.

  • I paid $55.67 a few weeks back. Not much difference.

  • +1

    will grab this when it reaches $30 :D

  • Once it comes under $50 for me

  • +2

    Positive because of mattgal's rant

    • meh, he has got a point… still a good price though. wouldnt go as far as negging it.

      • I don't think that's why they are getting negged though, but you are both right

      • i'm sure we won't have to wait very long until it's below 40 pounds.

        Hopefully someone will post about it…..

      • +1

        What makes a new post justified price wise?

      • +3

        A fair point, frankly.

        The Amazon UK price is not marked as on special or reduced. This is their current, normal price and isn't likely to ever go up and is at some point likely to be significantly lower when actually on special.

      • i think it should be like any deal… ie, only x cheaper than previous.
        or you compare it to the price it used to be..

        5% cheaper than last time no deal… 15% cheaper… decent…

  • -1

    extended edition? Like the original wasn't long enough

    • It's not like your forced to sit in one seat at one go like at a cinema, you can press stop and continue another time in the comfort of your home

  • +1

    may seem out of topic. but i got a vivid bluray player off aldi and it plays both the bluray and dvds in this set. got my copy delivered in less than a week from date i ordered when it was still about 60 AUD.

  • I'm starting to wish I bought it at 42 pounds. I've just been notified it's gone back up to 59.99GBP!

    • dont stress it will come back down again ;)

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