As the title says, saw this at the good guys Cannington Perth (Parking Sale)
$850 not sure how long it lasts
As the title says, saw this at the good guys Cannington Perth (Parking Sale)
$850 not sure how long it lasts
$850 not sure how long it lasts
Probably as long as the warranty.
not a bargain, has been much cheaper before from the same retailer..history
I think normal price is $995
Seems to be the cheapest price for new right now.
That's refurbished. Not new.
I still haven't unboxed mine for $632, trying to sell my Oracle and Oracle Touch first!
I'll take the Oracle Touch off your hands for $632.
No you damn well won't!
I rejected $1000 recently, nowhere near what I wanted
Hard to sell a ~3k RRP machine that might have been slightly used or hammered and uncared for, you'll never really know unless you are prepared to let the buyer take it apart. Getting anyone to give you over $1,500 might be asking a lot.
@serpserpserp: Been refurb'ed by the best repairer in the state recently. Ah well, no big loss.
@kronicmacstigator: Ouch! Never refurb a machine you plan on selling! You'll just want to add that cost into your sale price and then it becomes a real hard sell. When things get shaky, best to sell then (but be upfront about needing a service/refurb in the future).
@serpserpserp: It was stuffed already, paid $450 for it and then that again to refurb. Still so worth it, I've got someone I want to give it away to if she will take it
@kronicmacstigator: lol so you'll give it away, but not take $1,000 for it? You could sell it, get a brand new BES920 and give to the her and still have change left over!
@serpserpserp: I HAVE a brand new BES920…
I'd rather give it to someone I like because I value it at more than what I've been offered.
Say for example I have an item valued at $500 (that's brand new). The best I am offered is $150.
I value my friendship and their worth (although I really don't do the hard maths) to myself at way more than the $150 cash. Hence why I'd rather give it to someone I cherish than sell it to some loser just to get some dollars for it…
Oh Steve, could you move the Oracle? I need to get the Oracle Touch out so i can unbox the BES920.
I'll have to get the beans if I'm gunna move that Oracle.
Yeah. Watch the grinder, mate.
I don't see the car park.
What's the normal price for this ?