This was posted 13 years 7 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Audio Technica ATH-CKS50 Solid Bass Earphone (RRP $69) Now $37 Delivered


Hello All,

Please note this is an updated listing, item will be sent out on or after Wednesday next week

Due to popular demand for ATH products, we scored another goodie

This time for you Boom Boom fans out there, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but its definitely worth considering

Audio Technica ATH-CKS50 Solid Bass Earphone - Note this is a current model - Aust Stock with Local warranty


One perturbed rhino.
By Karlton D. Lynch "Pork N' Beans Care Package" ( Read the full review
The first things that stood out superior right out the box compared to the M50 - detachable cables (any standard 3.5mm cables will fit into the slot, awesome), sensitivity of 106db versus M50's 99db (got my headroom much quicker, love it), and the fact…
May, 2011

Take two subwoofers…straight to the head.
By Karlton D. Lynch "Head-Fi profile (GN3RAL KARL)" ( Read the full review
The first things that stood out superior right out the box compared to the M50 - detachable cables (any standard 3.5mm cables will fit into the slot, awesome), sensitivity of 106db versus M50's 99db (got my headroom much quicker, love it), and the fact…

Side deals:

Finally got all the WS50 headphones out, we have a few spare pairs - Last time sold out in 24 hours

FLPR for iPod iPhone: $20 Delivered (RRP $69)

Related Stores

Gadgets Boutique
Gadgets Boutique

closed Comments

  • -4

    Thanks for the first vote Josu

    • +12

      you're sounding very needy…

      • Sad hey..

    • +2

      yes, dont push it aceboy…
      remember who's boss, the ozbargainers.

      • -1

        :( usually ozb deals are pretty responsive

        We got a few buys overnight, 15x to go

    • votes != sales

      votes = confidence that it's a good deal = popularity = more likely to look = more likely to buy

  • would be nice if u could do a special on the high ends, e.g. ck9 ck10 ck100
    p.s. if u stock any

  • Waiting for a nice deal on headphones again to buy~ =D

    • Ws50 we have a few pairs left

  • waiting for a mid grade class headphone

  • Still waiting on my first delivery?

    • Fastway courier delivering all of our products

      • Mine came through auspost with a billion stamps on it.

        • Hi, That's because some addresses fastway did not deliver to. But glad it has arrived regardless.

  • Good deal IMO, already got lots of IEMs. Are you going to have any specials on more mainstream in earphones? ie the Sennheiser CX-300s or CX-400s

    • There's mymemory for that. [bought HEAPS from them, they're only a bit more expensive than ebay sellers from china but they're 100% legit]
      Use vchot5 for 5% delivery.

      • My bad, 5% off, not delivery haha

      • I know i know, but it would be good to see an aussie selling them at a good price, and I don't trust eBay, lots of fakes on their.

        • Yeah, I learnt my lesson on ebay a long time ago haha

  • -5


    We fight for the best deal by buying in massive bulk orders

    But the response so far have been dismal

    These earphones are great, the price is the best world wide

    But it's not everyone taste and like myself, we vote with our wallets

    So far now we are pulling this offline

    It will be a while until we have another ATH deal

    There's still a few ws50 available for those who missed out last time

    We also stock the current range of ATH headphones

    All the best

    • +4

      This mainly due to the way you have acted here on Ozbargain and the appeal of your products.

      • -3

        That's a little harsh and untrue

        Last two deals with ATH was sold out in 24 hours

        • +4

          You hijack other peoples threads, on multiple occaisons and for a rep you are a bit of a whinger. Try putting on thicker skin and not acting so desparate…….

    • +3

      You're fkn crazy, you posted this at night. Should have given it 24 hours matey, not 2 hours where most people sleep + overnight. (deal active at around wednesday 10pm? 2 hours till 12)
      Post it in the morning and see the response over the day next time.
      You're pushing it as a rep, the OzBargainers do like cheap stuff but we do need to sleep too, and also, you have to consider that a lot of people have already got IEMs [not saying they're better quality cause I haven't had a chance to hear the ATH ones yet] from LTS sales.
      Also if anyone was looking at the CX300s or CX300iis, both have heavy bass when you initially use them, after maybe 20 minutes you'll get used to them and look at reviews about them with heavy bass in a funny way and you'll love them. (what I've learnt from switching audio products frequently is you take time to calibrate your ears to the audio equipment, that's why some people love the lower-end of audio products, such as logitech in-ears, everything has to be done in relativity because it is then you fully appreciate an audio product.)

      • Your right, I pulled the plugs too early

        Too late on my part, I canned the deal with ATH already :(

    • +3

      What? People didn't buy fast enough for you so you pulled the deal? Just looks like a dummy spit. Not a good way to promote your company. What do you expect when you post a deal while people are sleeping?

    • +1

      Massive bulk orders? I don't consider buying 25 In earphones a massive bulk order.

  • Anyone sampled a few other audio products + have the WS50 now and can comment on the SQ of them?
    Please state which audio products you're comparing it to. [e.g. Apple ibuds are EXCELLENT in comparison to the free headphones you get from the reject shop, but they sound like crap when compared to skullcandy, which also sound like crap compared to bose, which aren't the best that I've heard]

    • Yes

      Would be great to get ppl opinion on the ws50 headphones

  • My review on GadgetsBotique & WS50
    The payment processing on GB was pretty decent, no registration required just straight into paypal as far as I remember.
    The company was a bit strange asking for a Suburb when the postcode was included in my adress and could of easily been searched up on the Auspost website.
    Fastway courier was used for delivery, pretty good since delivery was free.

    The WS50 has pretty solid clean bass and It doesn't distort or overpower the vocals.
    I listen to 320kbps dj remixes and they are pretty bass heavy but these headphones balance the bass + vocals pretty well for $60 headphones.
    It's comfortable to wear and easy to adjust with it's aliminium slider.
    Sound seclusion is good at 3/4 volume on my iPod.

    Note: This review will also be used as proof for my Certificate 2 in I.T Class

    • Hi kamui

      Thanks for the product feedback !

      It's great to have happy customers

      Regarding the post code, there's usually a few suburb associated with each post code

      So we want to be safe than sorry

      Thanks again


    • I wouldn't recommend them if you don't want noise leaks (People can hear a bit of it while your listening on high volume) but noise cancelling works fine though

      • You interested in writing reviews for us?

        Product reviews and ratings

  • hello, is this deal expired? now is only thursday midday ?????
    please post something like ATH-CKS50 but HEADPHONE :)

  • ^^^ Yeah, the rep cancelled the deal for some reason.

  • Hi all

    I caved in and bite the bullet,

    Considering it'd weekends now

    The deal is back on and goods will be sent out next wednesday

    Sorry for the earlier disappointment


    • I was going to purchase this from you tomorrow along with the ES7 but I realised you only take Paypal. I made an e-promise never to use paypal again. What about bank deposit? :(

      • +1


        Shoot us a email through the site

        We prefer not to deal with bank deposit because it's hard to verify transaction when you have hundreds of orders weekly

        But one off cool

        • Thanks a lot. I'm just going through your product list now. If only the ES7 had a microphone and remote for the iPhone - I use that a lot when I'm driving. But they look so nice and the price is good.

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