Wicked deal. AU stock so 10 year warranty.
For reference, two weeks ago the cheapest was Chinese stock (1yr warranty) for $120 via ebay
Wicked deal. AU stock so 10 year warranty.
For reference, two weeks ago the cheapest was Chinese stock (1yr warranty) for $120 via ebay
LOL.. who would pay $250+ for this haha
People who don't visit OzBargain
Corporate customers with a business credit card
Certain people that work at Westpac?
Sadly not in stock in any Brisbane or Ipswich store
Try calling 1300 OFFICE (633 423) and price matching over the phone, they will either deliver it to a store or your house :)
Just called, apparently they're not allowed to price match with phonebot, even though they're locally based and the sd card was in stock at my local Officeworks. Ok then
Anyway, I bought one from phonebot, thanks OP
Always see the product on the counter before attempting a price match
Overkill for the Nintendo Switch?
Not if you're running CFW with an eMMC. set mine up with a 128gb card and already kinda regretting not going bigger
Samsung according to the link/photo, not Sandisk.
How can it be that cheap?
well 256gb's are going for around $60 on sales
Got my 256gb for $36
Hah, nice….maybe I should wait too….
SD cards get cheaper all the time as new larger sizes are added.
The current specification allows sizes up to 2TB. There are already 1TB SD cards.
Sandisk Evo? Think you mean samsung
I’m always weary of buying memory cards from unfamiliar sellers. Is this a reputable seller?
risky.. always risky .. so many fakes online :)
sourced from Samsung Australia.
No issues with the re-seller. Have brought things from them before. Local Melbourne based business. You can visit their shop if worried! From memory they had two shops but seems now only one is operating.
Just cause they have a shop front doesn't make them more trustworthy. The place I used to work would buy in a ton of memory cards from banggood & AliExpress so we had a few returned due to being fake cards that overwrote people's holiday photos.
I have put my experience with the re-seller out there, re-seller too has mentioned the stock source so there isn't much more that can be said or done!
I spoke to him on the phone. The owner called me to check if I wanted to continue to buy a $1000 phone in an alternative colour. Good customer service!
Probably pricing error. But let's see if we can get price match.
Hmmmm would this card work on a Lenovo t8 plus.
Anyone going for price match with officeworks? Let us know if it works (should, its an AU domain)
Do you mean in theory Officeworks may pricematch .com.au online sellers?
Mind sharing reference, please? Thanks
Apparently they had an email sent around saying they're not allowed to price match it…dodgy on Officeworks side imho.
Good find op
Thanks OP, ordered one . :-)
Does it come with 10 year Samsung Australia warranty ?
If something were to go wrong with SD card eg. 3 years from now can I contact Samsung directly? Or do I have to send it back to seller first?
You can contact Samsung directly.
Anyway purchased from this guys before? Seems suss.
Will this work with the switch?
Yes. I have one and it works great. Always had Samsung memory cards and never a dud so far. Sandisk very different experience unfortunately.
Was using a 256gb card prior to the 512gb and the 256gb could not keep up with my games lol
Good luck. I think $99 for a 512gb evo plus is an absolute win. I paid over $200 (sigh).
Thanks for the info. By keep up I assume you mean, space, not its speed? I am looking for a micro SD for my switch but was thinking 256GB and uo to 400GB is the sweet spot, plus cheaper of course. This is tempting though…
I just spoke to Officeworks on the phone and they say they will not price match Phonebot because their quality team has confirmed with Phonebot that they use "recycling technology" in their memory cards. Not sure what that means but just though i would share…
It's true, I've seen the staff at Phonebot put paper into the recycling bin first-hand
Jail those eco friendly staff. How dare they do this?
Thanks Greta
Wow, they are gonna punish them for being environmentally friendly
Sounds like a lame excuse to me.
It's literally on their website and probably taken from there lol.
"Established in 2012, Phonebot is a market leader in sustainable technology products. Our aim is to reduce carbon footprint by reusing or recycling technology products."
So it's obvious that Officeworks are not honouring their own policy. ACCC would be interested in this.
Just ordered and the description in their invoice is a lot clearer:
"Phonebot is your #1 source for ex demo, gently used, refurbished or brand new devices"
'Recycling technology products' sounds like are taking apart hard drives and circuit boards to recycle the metal. Maybe they are doing that too.
But why not order from Phonebot in the first place, rather than deal with Officeworks and their excuses? They’ve taken the lead with price.
I agree but don't like the fact that this will let Officeworks off the hook.
Because you lose less money, caring about who did something first is fine but not if you lose money because of it.
And then you waste your time and energy getting someone like Officeworks to match it. Then deal with the disappointment and stress when they squirm their way out of it.
I used to be obsessed with getting the lowest price, but often you pay for it in other ways.
what? lol
First time I've seen a brand name 512GB SD card under $100
There will be second time and so forth.
Hmmmm buy this or risk for black friyay sales…. Now how to convince myself I need it 🤔
Now how to convince myself I need it 🤔
Not speaking like a true ozbargainer. Its buy first ask question what to use it for later.
At this late stage, I'd probably wait until Black Friday. I got the 400gb Sandisk very cheap (cheapest I'd ever seen at the time) last year.
Thanks still havn't opened up my 400GB from ages ago but planning to replace the switch and phone storage eventually.
Must… Resist…
Bought the 400gb Sandisk a few months back for $74.. Not sure paying $100 just for an extra 100gb is worth it (and having a single 400gb sd floating around — raspberry pi perhaps?)
Don’t resist….stick this 512GB in your go pro 8 lol… I can never have enough memory cards tbh.
Enough memory cards? No such thing.
Resist, if you don't need the space now later on it will be cheaper when you do.
That's exactly what I ended up using the 400gb card for too.
just order
good luck to my purchase…:D
A must have for the switch if your games are mostly digital.
Finally! I asked on the last super post from phonebot about this, well done!
Because I didn't get an answer last week I got Officeworks to price beat it (so they could last week), and picked it up next day from store for $94.10.
Would have bought from phonebot as the original deal otherwise!
Sounds like you were the only one who had a successful price match.
Must have been first in best dressed for once! Not like me at all!
OW should match phonebot it's new in stock in Australia, not even a grey import(which they also cover).
These are working with samsung s8/s9 models contrary to whats mentioned in the specs of these phones. Read and write speeds on these devices might differ but the available storage in the same. Tried on s10+, s8 and s9
I don't need another SDXC and bought this one because its an OZ Bargain.
OW Box Hill didn’t even stock this so couldn’t attempt to price match.
I just bought one from phonebot.
Cheers OP
thanks OP ,hacked my switch yesterday so need a bit more space
that's how I felt…looked at the size of The Witcher 3 and went "welp this won't fit on my SD"
Do u have a link for the hack? Ready to dip the toe in cos I got a spare lite eh eh eh . Please and thanks
Purchase with your credit card with price protection on it in the event it does become cheaper during Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales, but this is a pretty good price!
Only if amazon isn't the seller. They have their own stupid green branded Samsung's. Exactly the same item, different colour. It's annoying and screws with the price protection.
I figure it can't get much lower than $99, so bought now.
Awesome for Switch! Thanks OP.
Sweet deal, thanks OP!!!
Just had it price-beat over the phone with Officeworks :)
Final price came to $94.05. They didn't question it one bit. No local stock in my area but will be picking up in a couple of days once it has been shipped from the warehouse (16 units left).
Ebay price matches as well?
Looks like it was a limited amount of items from last year
Just got one. They even send you a SMS. Very impressed.
Thanks OP, just got Officeworks to pricematched.👍
Thanks OP. Bought from the site. Got office works to price match over the phone but the guy said I couldn't pay over the phone and needed to go in store.
You should call there head office instead, even get free delivery.
Nice deal. I ordered one. Thanks OP
Been waiting for sub $100 price for a while… (just barely though).
Hope it doesn't go lower for Black Friday haha
Got one for the SO. Thanks OP.
price matched in store at officeworks, no local stock but shipped for free. Thanks OP
anyone know how long the sale will be for
Dear OP, is this a short term promotion or the standard prioe now? I bought one for $114 a few weeks ago.
You know, it's a good thing microSD cards are so small. Because I've already got so many of them aha.
Does jbhifi price match this shop? Has anyone try yet?