Does anyone have for suggestions for a good looking landline set which I can get locally, price isn't too much of an issue.
Good looking home phone
Really, really, ridiculously good looking?
How good looking? Rate it between 0-10.
Good looking enough to be a porn star?
You can call Trump and launch nuclear with below,…
Also doubles as the Batphone
Who has a landline these days?
Does it need to have sex appeal?
There you go…thank me later
P.S. - No offence to any gender/person, it's such a cute phone
what's a home phone?
I'd more be concerned about finding any home phone locally… let alone a good looking one.
Lookie here - absolute stunner…
Get that and you can answer with "ahoy-hoy".
Or get an AEG boomerang.
I know it's not helpful but why? In <current year> mobile phones are cheaper to operate than a landline and now days only voip works so the phones wont work if the powers out.
I think uniden has the nicer models, but they still look dated. maybe a hamburger phone?
Incredibly good looking?