No Mans Sky PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Brand New Sealed
Deal is on now!
I remember I bought this game for like $10 delivered off these guys in the bad old days before the xbox version and before there was any mention of patches when sean murray was hiding from the press…
Yeah me too. It's still sealed.
I got this for like 12 dollars when the game was still bad. It's definitely worth this price now. It's almost what they said it would be before it came out.
Good to know, I had written this off due to bad reviews. Might be worth taking a look.
Wait, really better now??
Yeah, most of the stuff they originally talked about has been patched in. After launch support has been phenomenal.
For one second I thought it was Repco and wondering when they stepped into gaming industry.
Ordered. I was holding out for the ps4 version to be sub 20 again.
I hate multiplayer so something like this, after the patches, will hopefully keep me busy for a while. Thanks op.
Yes. Yes it has.
no xbox version
Exclusive man
Thanks OP! Ordered.