Solar Telemarketing PITA

I continually receive telemarketing calls from various numbers for home solar installations - sometimes 3 or 4 times per week. I play them out differently depending on what I'm doing at the time and my mood: sometimes I just hang up, other times I string them along for as long as I can then pop the bubble at the end, other times I go so far as to organise a home inspection at a random address which usually gets cancelled the next day when the inspector calls in advance. These telemarketers just don't get it that I'm not interested. When asked who they represent they don't really hand out any useful info so I expect they are employed by an aggregator. Anyone else found themself in this situation and found a way to remove themself?


  • Do not call register:

    • +1

      I'm already on that.

      • Then get the details of the Company & complain to the ACMA.

        • +1

          "When asked who they represent they don't really hand out any useful info"

  • +4

    The DNC register is a toothless tiger.

    It doesn't apply, among other things, to overseas call centers which is where these endless calls come from.

    If I don't recognise the number or the number calling is blocked I don't answer letting it go to message bank. I then call them back if it's important.

    • -1

      A solar installer would be some local Aussie company & would have to comply with Australian laws, including the DNC register.

      The overseas calls are for some type of scam & luckily they don't call mobile phones because it costs them too much.

      (I'm assuming that OP is being pestered by calls on his mobile. If it's a landline, then the solution is to permanently put the number on an answering machine & only use a mobile for outgoing calls & incoming calls from friends & relatives.)

  • Get a new silent unlisted phone number.

    • +1

      Doesn't work. I had one of those (until I finally ditched my home land line) and would still get these calls.

      They have a robo-dialer that just rings the next number in a sequence until it hits someone answering. As soon as your number shows up as live, it goes into their database as a live number and gets sold on as a live number to other PITA scammers/cold callers.

      The other way they get your number is by companies you are with selling their data. Electricity companies seem to be the worst offenders for selling data of their clients.

      Changing your number would only slow down the process of getting your number on their database, and there is every chance you are just given someone else's old number after it has done its out of service time. When I moved to this house, the number I was given was linked to debt collectors and every 2nd day it was collectors ringing to find out why I hadn't made payments. Got it changed and it lasted about 3 months before it was robo-calls, and about 2 weeks after that all the "solar" and "scam" callers started calling in.

      Best way to deal with it is as Hithere suggests, with CallID and answering machine.

      • Actually its not necessarily the company you deal with, it can actually come from a smaller player who has access to the NMI database.

      • Crikey. Yeah we only have a landline now in case our parents (in their 80's) call otherwise I don't answer it and will probably get rid of it when the folks pass on.

        • Our landline was a huge telemarketer magnet. Best thing we ever did getting rid of it. My suggestion is go “naked” internet now and use the money you save to get a basic mobile with unlimited call plan for the parents. Get a really basic phone for them.

          • @try2bhelpful: Mum has a mobile which we bought her…never turns it on….

            • +1

              @EightImmortals: Plug it in to a charger on the bench and leave it on permanently, tell her it is a new landline phone. Make sure it has no locking on it. However, It can be frustrating.

  • -2

    They keep calling because you keep hanging up or playing with them. Tell them to remove you from their list.

    • +2

      You must be joking - remove you from the list?

      Have you ever found that works?. Its not in the Indian/ Fillipino call script that they have in front of them.

  • I got several of those calls. I told them I was not interested, and sometimes I just hung up. Sometimes I asked them how they got my number, and the guy said he couldn't disclose and hung up. I think they got the memo now.

  • I'm thinking Shopback or something like that you signed up with gave your number ticked the agree button gives them indemnity to annoy the shitter out of you.
    CBA used to do it to me then they said disable some setting in my account and it will stop
    Shitty bank send reply "stop" spam SMS's took 2 weeks finally stopped

    • gave your number ticked the agree button

      Yes, this is another no-no. Never tick the agree to marketing button or box, on any website or physical form.

  • tell them you've already got a system installed recently if its only solar calls you're receiving.

    • +1

      I've tried that it doesnt work.

      I've tried stringing them on, thinking they may note I am a time waster and guess what next week and next and next they call back.

      I've tried telling them I am a black arts practictioner and have cursed them and their childrens children, then let out a wail. Next week the same.

      I've ignored the calls from all different numbers, they still come in with different numbers.

      I have blacklisted the number called from, they call from another.

      I now greet them, with hi how are you today? have you made many sales and treat them as my long lost friend, still doesnt work but I can geta laugh out of the reactions.

      • worked for me, but took a while. I'd get 3-4/week at work for a commercial system - now I cant remember the last one I got.

      • I've tried telling them I am a black arts practictioner and have cursed them and their childrens children, then let out a wail. Next week the same.

        I'ma do this just for my own chuckles.

  • What I do that seems to have cut them down

    Pick up the phone and say hello and if no one responds - just dont speak and let the phone call die out - you know its an overseas telemarketing place because theres a good 3-5 second delay at the start

  • Two methods work for me:

    1) tell them I am recording the call - they hang up.


    2) instruct them to not record the call and transfer me to a line that isn't being recorded.

    9/10 will just hang up. The other 1/10 will say "thank you for your time, sorry to bother you".

    • +2

      The issue is not so much ending the call - I can do that myself immediately, but that they keep on doing it regardless of how I ended it the previous 100 times.

  • "thank you for calling, if you wish to proceed the charge is $4.95 per minute paid in advance. Please enter your paypal receipt number using your keypad to continue"

  • +3

    @thevofa, I'm affiliated with the solar industry and it is a shame that you're hounded by the telemarketers. Basically they have to earn a crust but if you really want them off the phone, just tell them you already have solar. It'll knock off 95% of the callers.

    The other five percent would ask you how old it is ;). So just say it was installed last week. But at the end of the day, no one wants to pitch to you if you aren't interested in solar. It's a waste of time. Hope it helps you deflect said calls.

    • Ta. I'll give that a go.

      • Good lad. I usually reserve the stringing on for the ATO/IRS scammers.

        • +2

          I had a call the other day - when he realised I gave him the address of a local maccas he stated yelling at me, f-bombs and all, and at the end accused me of wasting his time and hung up. The irony.

  • You must be victim of solarquote website, who claims to be genuinely checking their recommend company…

    The website claim that they only recommend authenticated installer so I gave them my number with clear wording that I don't need home visit. Now within a day I started getting calls from them and some of them sending rude emails …!

    Lucky I gave them burner number. I complain to solarquote but no one responded…lol

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