Another Pick and Mix bundle from Fanatical. There are some good games in there so do have a look.
$1.59 AUD for 1 game
$3.99 AUD for 3 games
$5.59 AUD for 5 games
You can pick from the following games:
- Chroma Squad
- River City Ransom: Underground
- Pony Island
- The Ship: Remasted
- Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation
- Tesla vs Lovecraft
- The Swindle
- Equilinox
- Valhalla Hills
- Anna's Quest
- Rocketbirds 2 Evolution
- Rogue Wizards
- Shadow Blade: Reload
- Robothorium: Cyberpunk Dungeon Crawler
- Fantasy Versus
- Time Recoil
- Xenoraid: The First Space War
- Caravan
- Murderous Pursuits
- Shooting Stars!
- Last Dream: World Unknown
My recommendation: River City Ransom/Anna's Quest/Pony Island/Shadow Blade/Tales from Candlekeep or Tesla v Lovecraft
Every one of those are repeats - most of us should have the bulk of them by now.