Recommend Physiotherapist Melbourne CBD

Hey all

Can anyone recommend a good and genuine physio in Melbourne CBD for a fracture? Asking for someone who's been seeing one but after 2 visits no real treatment just a general arm massage. No discussion of treatment plan yet. Is that right?? We're more interested in holistic approach too. Maybe pilates type treatment is good??

Thanks in advance.


  • -2

    Have you considered an osteopath? Osteos are more holistic in their approach (with less of a focus on local area rehab).

    Like all professions there are great and rubbish practitioners, so you are doing the right thing in seeking recommendations.

    • +1

      Asks for a phsyio, gets told to see a osteopath … might as well visit a reiki healer to their their chakras in order.

      • -1

        If you visit an osteopath or physio and don't sense relief after a few treatments - then they don't know what they are doing. Move to another one.

        In principle approach and technique, a good osteopath will beat a good physio any day of the week.

        • And a reiki healer will beat an osteopath in a pissing contest any day of the week.

    • +1

      No I just assumed physio was right for fracture rehab? I thot osteos were more for spinal stuff and massages? I think state of mind and diet are really important in any recovery and some physios and generally clinicians don't agree from my experience.

    • Did more research think need osteo more…cuz i didn't know the diff before.

  • Would highly recommend Heath or Tim at Principal4 Osteo in Collins St

    I've been going to them for years. Will be able to draw up the treatment and management plan.

    P.S. If you've never tried an Osteo vs a Physio, definietely worth a shot. They are very similar but with slightly diff methodologies. Osteo are more focused on the treatment plan, exercises and getting you back to health. In my experience Physios are often more about treatment with massage and ultrasound heat. YMMV.

    • In my experience Physios are often more about treatment with massage and ultrasound heat

      I've never had this experience with a Physio, so it probably comes down to the individual practitioner. Think about the Physio's that do rehab for people with strokes and brain injuries. Do you really think that massage and ultrasound hear is going to get them walking again?

      • +1


  • +1

    That's funny.
    My history of physio has been all plan and hardly any 'work'.
    Finally found one that gives options; dry needle, ultrasound, massaging, taping, and uses PhysiApp.

    • Must be down to individual physio's then :| My experience with Physio's has been 80% massage stuff and 20% exercise plan. Where as I find Osteo's (I've seen about 5 different ones) is more like 50/50.

      Everyone's different though.

  • Wait… do you want physiotherapy or do you want holistic practice?

    • Both I mean like diet and stuff's really important in recovery not just rehab…

      • diet and stuff's

        That's not the job of a physiotherapist, holistic or not.

        Find someone who is good based on their skill within their profession. Your approach is like looking for an electrician to fix your pipes.

        Good won't come cheap. I know a few but budget is a factor.

        • Not concerned about the price want a good treatment. You don't think diet plays an important part in recovery of injuries and stuff??

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