Our Gasmate Pizza Oven is only $299 SAVE $100 for the next 48 hours!
While stocks last.
Stainless steel burner
Includes ceramic cooking stone and wire racks
Gas bottle not included
Our Gasmate Pizza Oven is only $299 SAVE $100 for the next 48 hours!
While stocks last.
Stainless steel burner
Includes ceramic cooking stone and wire racks
Gas bottle not included
Even more savings 👍
Not if the direct competition product appears to be RRP at $1 less than your sale price
Bunnings has one that looks to be exactly the same 'Jumbuck Moda Outdoor Gas Pizza Oven' - normal price is $298.00
I've been monitoring it for months waiting for it to be on sale.
waiting for it to be on sale.
At Bunnings ???
I'm sure I saw it cheaper once but I was too slow / distracted at the time.
I'm determined not to pay full price
I'm sure I saw it cheaper once
Probably a pricing error.
Will it get to high temps as needed for baking pizza though? From the design, it looks like the heat can get lost to the body of the oven as well as the chimney as there's a bit hole going from the oven to the top exhaust port.
Hi Volution,
I'm not sure what temperatures the oven gets to.
Reviews for this model suggest it can definitely get high enough
I doubt it. You need the base of the oven to hit at least 350deg c.
Kind of pointless cooking pizza using gas, may as well just use an oven.
The Bunnings jumbuck woodfire option would be better.
Aldi has a woodfire one coming on sale soon, remember seeing it in the catalogue. Can't remember price.
I was looking at piiza ovens like this, but I'm keen to get the uuni (ooni?) for around $440. gets up to 500 C for a 60 second cook, uses pellets not gas. good reviews everywhere
considering nothing on the gasmate website mentions temp, these are probably about as hot as a normal convection oven (250ish)
I have a uuni. Does a great job cooking pizza but it takes a bit of learning to get used to. Especially keeping the oven hot over time.
I mucked around with this but could not get a decent Pizza out of it. I splurged on a Roccbox and also looked at the UUNI. The Roccbox was fairly exy but puts out a damn fine pizza once you get the hang of doing your own doughs etc Having an oven that gets hot enough while critical is only part of the skill needed to put out a great Pizza
Although I enjoyed using my uuni I ended up getting the maximus woodfired pizza. I have never looked back. At that time the Roccbox wasn't available in AUS.
I've fussed around with pizza ovens before. In the end get a Kamado. Way more versatile.
I mainly use my kamado Joe for smoking meats but I've got it to about 700c for pizzas. Pizzas cook real quick at 700c! Was able to rapidly churn them out during a party.
No it wasn't… It was $425.