• expired

[VIC, NSW] Free Deliveroo Frank Green Cup with Coffee or Tea Pick-up Order via App (Melbourne & Sydney)


Just got this email from Deliveroo in to celebration of their 4th Birthday, they're giving away free Frank Green coffee cups with every purchase of a hot beverage tomorrow at participating locations in the app.

Snippet from the email

Sip away with Deliveroo and Frank Green

Our new pickup service allows you to skip the queues on all your favourites. To celebrate we’re giving away Deliveroo Frank Green reusable cups. All you have to do is visit the app tomorrow and order a tea or coffee on Pickup from one of our selected restaurants and cafes*.

PS - It’s our 4th birthday here in Australia, and we’re the ones giving stuff away. Nice hey.

*Offer is a free Frank Green Deliveroo Branded reusable Cup (Prize) with any coffee or tea ordered using the 'Pick Up' feature on the Deliveroo Australia app at selected cafes in Melbourne and Sydney. Offer valid from 7:00am 13 November 2019 until stocks last. Total number of Prizes available is 4,000. Limited to 1 Prize per eligible Deliveroo Australia customer. Not valid with any other offer and Prize cannot be substituted for cash or any other item. Offer available in select areas of Melbourne and Sydney, Australia only. Subject to availability.

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Frank Green

closed Comments

  • +2

    Macchiato Breakfast in Sydney has a few. Not sure if they have more out back.

    • they cancelled my pre-order this morning (~730am)

  • Hi Guys, to see the pick up option, you need to click the individual restaurant one by one, and seems to work fine for me.

    For example, I did the following

    1. Select Sydney cbd as my location

    2. Filter on free item

    3. A list of restaurants will appear. Click on each one 1 by 1 and you will
      Be able to see delivery vs pickup option (click change)

    You will also see something like
    YAY! I want my free ….. which you will Need to click to ensure it’s added to your basket.

    Hope this helps

    • I'm guessing it should be somewhere on this screen then?

      • The only one in Melbourne CBD I get says “SOLD OUT - YAY! I want my free…” which is pretty misleading cos it still lets me add the cup to my basket…

  • +3

    got one at cartel roaster at melbourne, they have penty here.

    • +2

      Got mine from Cartel Roasters as well, supposedly Deliveroo only dropped off the cups this morning and most places only had a few to start with

    • When did you order?

      • About 7:30 but didn't actually get to pick up my coffee until about 8:00ish since there was only one person making coffee and he was doing it based on the type of coffee, so a whole btach of milk coffee, then alternative milks, black coffee, teas, etc. When i left there was still a large unopened box of cups near the counter

  • Preorder last night for 7.45 but it didn’t show on their screen. I showed I had confirmation and they did it for me at 8 after waiting a bit as I contacted Deliveroo help. managed to get one from Gardenia Espresso and saw quite a few ahead of me get one.

  • Preordered last night for pick up at Gardenia Espresso at 7:30. When I got there there were roughly 10 people waiting for pick up. Saw their order list on the tablet and they had about 20 orders. They seem to have quite a few cups available.

  • App crashed.

  • +2

    I’m convinced the iOS app isn’t working correctly. Uninstalled, reinstalled, tried changing location and the pick up option never appeared.

    Tried to search via the cafe and found ones that had the cup, but there is no pick up option.

    Was anyone actually able to order via the iOS app successfully?

    • no

    • +3

      Your fault for having an iPhone :p

    • Worked for me

      • How’s you get the pick up option to appear? I have the latest version of the app and nothing shows up

        • Change your location to the CBD. Once you do, it’ll be at the top showing ‘pickup’. It may not be available in your area?
          Have you updated the app?

    • I'm thinking it's semi targeted. I've had the same issue with android. I can't even see the cafes when I try to search (I was also standing outside it). Called up deliveroo and they were useless.

    • +1

      same with android mate. a few guys at work were able to get it to work. But I've been trying for about half an hour with no luck :(

      Edit: The trick was to log out of the app (as may have been mentioned already), then the pickup option appears. Select pickup and then add items to your baskets and checkout. Good luck!

  • Livelo in Sydney still has cups.

  • +7

    app is trash, cup is also bad, still free stuff is nice

  • +3

    Realised that I have to log out to see the pick up option, sign in after selecting the coffee and the keep cup.

    Terrible user experience if you ask me, let's see how good the cup is.

    • +1

      Horrible experience. Spent the better part of my morning not knowing this and now it appears, but no cups left. :(

      Oli & Levi, Bullrun, etc are all nearby me too.

      Going back to Hey You now

      • Was easy for me took 1 min just selected pickup then deals. Fyi I called Oli and they said they have them still.

      • +1

        Yeah, even the cafe owner told me that they hate deliveroo interface, and has switched off the app for today.

  • +2

    Another food pickup app with a failed "subscriber grab" around a poorly executed promotion (also see Eat Club, Ritual). Either they ran out by 9am in Melb CBD, or the app can't do its job.

  • +1

    Keep cup ALL DAY errday

  • +7

    Went to Bullrun Cafe in Melbourne regarding the free cup and crashed app issue, they stated they don't have any more cups left so I'm going to put this ad a negative.

    • Poor designed app
    • App crashed
    • No pick up option
    • Insufficient quantity details per store
    • Timewaster
    • Wasted my downloaded data

    And on my arrival at work, my BOSS said to me "YOUR LATE!!".

    • +2

      if only you woke up half an hour earlier, bargain > sleep

      better luck next time!

      • After fluffing around all morning with the crappy app, I still thankfully got mine at 10:30am shrug

    • +2

      BOSS should learn grammar.
      (or being completely grammatically correct, drop the contraction).

  • Worked in Docklands @ F365. They were getting smashed with orders. Even saw a couple of people send MenuLog drivers to pick up their Frank Green cup! not sure how they managed that!

    • +1

      Delivery drivers probably working for more than one service at a time.

  • Got mine at Macchiato near world square, Pitt street Sydney. Thanks OP !

  • +1

    For Melbournians, Coffee Cartel near Little Bourke St & Elizabeth St still got quite a few in store

  • Melbourne CBD:
    I pre ordered last night for pickup today but I just rang Bullrun Cafe and they have already run out of cups so I had to cancel my order.
    Which suggests they just gave them out in the order served today, and didn't keep any aside for orders they had confirmed for later pickup.

    • Either that or badly design app…
      either way, u didn’t miss out much. The coffee at Bullrun tasted more milk than coffee 🙃
      Back to my usual coffee place!

    • I picked up my order from Bull Run Cafe in Melbourne 10 minutes ago and got a cup.

      • Really?! I wonder if more cups were delivered?

  • got the last one in gardenia espresso. the cup quality is not so good though but its free.

    • Heya

      Gardenia still looks available in the app - does this just mean they won't be able to provide a free cup even if you order?


      • you can still order but you only get the standard disposable cup.

  • It’s all gone in Sydney now?

  • Thanks Op! Got one!!

  • Fyi I replied to a comment earlier by I'll say it again. Pre-ordered and picked up from Oli and Levi was so easy. Just walked in and out it was prepaid. Ordering in app was easy as well simply searched then added to cart and paid using Google pay took a few seconds.

  • Got one in Melbourne. The coffee was absolutely terrible though.

    I found it strange, my coffee was packaged in a normal cup not the Frank Green.

    • Probably for the best, you would want to wash before first use wouldn't you?

      • +1

        It's no different than going anywhere else with a disposal cup.

  • I ordered from oli & levi, even though it said sold out I could still put it in my cart and received it!

  • Soho expresso in Sydney still going strong. Bit of a queue maybe a 15 - 20 min wait. Ordered at 10 am

    Edit: might've stopped taking orders via app, but if you've ordered already they are still making a bunch

  • Got one from Oli and Levi Galleria.. They give you your coffee in the Frank green cup…

  • Yep just got mine from soho expresso. they make the coffee in the cup so i think theres low risk if they accept your order (with the freecup).

    Line was too long so i just asked for a cup and bounced.

  • Got mine! Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Soho espresso on Pitt st have plenty cup.

    • Any left now?

  • +1

    Just picked up my chai latte from Oli and Levi in Melb in a disposable cup and received the Frank Green in box lol. Can confirm its the 12oz.
    Used the web interface, easy thanks to the instructions given.

    • is there still plenty of stock?

  • Twilight terror in Collingwood Vic still has cups. Just got one

    • Got mine from there this morning but they said they only had 2 delivered. They cancelled my order but I was there when they opened and she gave me a cup anyway for free.

  • Just picked mine from Macchiato (Pitt street), there was no queue.

  • Awesome deal, so much caffeine today lol

  • bullrun in melb still shows free item tag but anyway to confirm in the order if the cup is avail?

  • +2

    365 foodstore at Melbourne Central still has stock of the cups

    • Confirming that 365 Foodstore in Melbourne Central still has heaps of cups.

  • Pre-ordered last night from Gardenia, they rejected my order.

    Ordered again this morning from Nosh café at world sq, pick up at 12pm, it appears they still have plenty and I even saw someone order 2 cup in 1 order.

    Cup quality is so so tho, but free is free.

    • Cup quality is so so tho

      What are you comparing to? Other Frank Green cups or another brand?

  • Got mine from “365 food store” in Mel central just now.

    For iOS user who couldn’t get the pick up option in the app. Try logout the app after you done all the recommended step. I have to logout to see the pick up option , once I have to login again to see that pops up.

    Hope it helps

    • -3

      do you need to buy anything? Can I jsut pick up the free cup?

      • Refer to the original post

    • +1

      Yes they still have free cups now, at 1430.

  • Just got mine from Nosh Cafe World square. No line :)

    • They have run out apparently. Wife went to order there and they said none left.

      Anyone know if this deal is for just today only?

      • Offer valid from 7:00am 13 November 2019 until stocks last.

      • +1

        Pick up mine 20 mins ago.

        The older guy at the counter did say they stopped taking orders but after I told him I called before I came he gave me the cup.

  • +1

    Well played deliveroo. You got me to sign up to your junk app/website, but hardly any cafes have this offer and you dont list them, and they're all in the CBD.

    • +2

      you didn't have to sign up to see which places stocked them. I was able to find which cafes stocked them without signing up - just donwloaded app and selected to make an order at 9am and filtered by special offers. At least in VIC, it was mostly in CBD with one or two in Collingwood.

  • +4

    Got mine thanks OP.

    "365 food store" in Melbourne central has no more stock for today. He turned one lady away, saying more stock coming in tomorrow(as at 03:05PM).

  • Still have some in Sydney, I just picked mine in Bitter and Twisted near the Rock.

    App is not easy to use, thanks for someone bring up need to log off and see the pick up button and re-login to have the pickup feature.

  • I can see the offer still available but there's no pick up option. I've tried log in and out and also reloaded the app but still nothing…frustrating!

  • +1

    Can confirm still have some in Syd, just picked mine up from Fossix

  • +1

    Just pickup up a cup at nosh cafe, world square, sydney. Can confirm that it's still available.

  • Fossix was just opening up a new box when I walked past around 3pm

  • -1

    Still available at terror twilight Collingwood. My 5th cup thanks op.

    • +1

      WTF, you have 5 accounts?! What are you going to do with 5 cups?

  • St Ali in South Melbourne still have the offer going as at noon today

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