• expired

Bonus $10 Prezzee Swap Gift Card with $100 JB / TGG / Priceline / Prezzee (Sold Out) Gift Cards @ Prezzee


Greetings everyone, Prezzee are running an offer where you can get a $10 bonus swap card with a $100 card :) Sold out

Promotion valid on Prezzee only when you purchase a $100 Prezzee eGift Card. Once you purchase a $100 Prezzee eGift Card you will receive a separate email within 3 hours with your bonus $10 Prezzee Swap eGift Card.

To be eligible for the bonus Prezzee Click Frenzy Offer November 2018 $10 Prezzee Swap eGift Card you must purchase a $100 Prezzee eGift Card. Available for the first 1000 purchases only.

Bonus $10 Prezzee Gift Card with $100 JB Hi-Fi Gift Card @ Prezzee(prezzee.com.au)

Bonus $10 Prezzee Gift Card with $100 TGG Gift Card @ Prezzee(prezzee.com.au)

Bonus $10 Prezzee Gift Card with $100 Priceline Gift Card @ Prezzee(prezzee.com.au) - Out of Stock

As always, enjoy!

This is part of Click Frenzy deals for 2019

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Just curious can you buy from the prezzee deal and also the Jb Hi-Fi deal or is it limited to just one?

  • +1

    Immediate emails for the $10 bonus(s) :)

  • +2

    cheers Doweyy. purchased JB & Swap GC with instant $10 x 2 bonus GC

    • Both purchased on same prezzee account and using same credit card?

  • +10

    For those wondering where you can use the Prezzee swap cards:

    Select up to 5 eGift Cards to the value of $100.00
    Start by choosing your first eGift Card

    David Jones $10.00 - $75.00
    Coles $5.00 - $100.00
    Woolworths $5.00 - $100.00
    Myer $5.00 - $100.00
    Jb Hi-Fi $10.00 - $100.00
    Priceline Pharmacy $10.00 - $100.00
    Bunnings Warehouse $30.00 - $100.00
    Woolworths Wish $5.00 - $100.00
    Sportscraft $25.00 - $100.00
    Saba $25.00 - $100.00
    Jag $25.00 - $100.00
    Cue $20.00 - $100.00
    Netflix $30.00 - $100.00
    Caltex Starcash Digital $10.00 - $50.00
    Hoyts $10.00 - $100.00
    Uber $10.00 - $100.00
    The Good Guys $5.00 - $100.00
    Kmart $5.00 - $100.00
    Uber Eats $10.00 - $100.00
    Jetstar $25.00 - $100.00
    Dan Murphy's $5.00 - $100.00
    Target $5.00 - $100.00
    Bws$5.00 - $100.00
    Endota Spa$10.00 - $100.00
    Rebel$5.00 - $100.00
    The Iconic$25.00 - $100.00
    Tde$20.00 - $100.00
    Wittner$50.00 - $100.00
    Adore Beauty$25.00
    Veronika Maine$10.00 - $100.00
    Mr Roses$55.00 - $65.00
    Home & Lifestyle Card By Greenlit Brands $25.00 - $100.00
    Pandora $10.00 - $100.00
    City Beach$10.00 - $100.00
    Classbento$50.00 - $100.00
    Snooze$15.00 - $100.00
    Supercheap Auto$5.00 - $100.00
    Drummond Golf$10.00 - $100.00
    Barbeques Galore$10.00 - $100.00
    Foot Locker$100.00
    Bcf$5.00 - $100.00
    Sportitude$25.00 - $100.00
    Kathmandu$20.00 - $100.00
    Redballoon$10.00 - $100.00
    Fresh Fragrances And Cosmetics$25.00 - $50.00
    Universal Traveller$20.00 - $100.00
    Little Kids Business$25.00 - $100.00
    Spotlight$10.00 - $100.00
    Big W$10.00 - $100.00
    The Hotel$100.00
    Latest Buy$25.00 - $100.00
    Freedom$15.00 - $100.00
    Flight Centre$20.00 - $100.00
    Best Pets$25.00 - $50.00
    Best Restaurants$50.00 - $100.00
    Original Mattress Factory$100.00
    Plush$15.00 - $100.00
    Criniti's $50.00 - $100.00
    Inspire Me Naturally $50.00 - $100.00
    Harris Scarfe $15.00 - $100.00
    Estee Lauder $20.00 - $50.00
    Best Spas & Beauty $25.00 - $50.00
    Hoyts Lux $50.00 - $100.00
    Dymocks $5.00 - $100.00
    Hardtofind $10.00 - $100.00
    Kikki.K $10.00 - $100.00
    Luxury Escapes $50.00 - $100.00
    Cellarmasters $10.00 - $100.00
    Travel Associates $20.00 - $100.00
    The 5th $50.00 - $100.00
    Youfoodz $25.00 - $100.00
    Tripgift $50.00 - $100.00
    Global Hotel $100.00
    M.A.C $10.00 - $100.00
    Myer Benefit $100.00
    Catch $10.00 - $100.00
    Be Fit Food $50.00 - $100.00
    Playstation Network $30.00 - $50.00
    Anaconda $10.00 - $100.00
    Oxfam $10.00 - $100.00
    Xbox Live $25.00 - $100.00
    San Churro $20.00 - $100.00
    Toni&Guy $10.00 - $100.00
    Ted's Cameras $10.00 - $100.00
    Windows Store $25.00 - $100.00
    Kobo $25.00 - $50.00
    Ettitude $50.00 - $100.00
    Ea Origin Access Premier $20.00 - $60.00P

    • So i can use Prezzee gift card to buy wish gift card at 5% off?

      Edit: nvm i figure it out, you can use it to exchange for a woolworth wish gift card at 1-1 value.

  • nice

  • +1

    I got $100 swap card and $100 jb and got 2x $10 swap card

    I assume you will get another $10 with $100 good guys card as well but got nothing I want there

  • Only 1 giftcard? Pass.
    FYI it uses your mobile number for verification so you can't easily make multiple accounts.

    • +1

      damn didn't see the 1 gc per account limitation, only a $10 saving then..

    • Someone negged me but I'm right, it says "Maximum 1 per account."

      • +2

        I suspect you weren't negged because they thought you were wrong, but for saying this:

        Only 1 giftcard? Pass.

        Why would you pass on one? It's 1 more than 0. Unless you have a better deal…?

        • Well I can get JB gift cards for 8% off from another post on this site, so it's 10% off or bust if the purchase is much more than $110.

    • Furthermore, if you have another phone number for the SMS verification it limits the payment card for 1 account only.

      • I used the same card for 2 accounts

      • +1

        works with the same card just ordered 2 more - different acct

        • Ah, for whatever reason it doesn't work for me with my Commonwealth debit Mastercard.

          Thank you for your order with Prezzee.

          Unfortunately we were unable to complete your Prezzee Order

          Tried on a third account too.

    • +1

      Are you implying with all these free (or even get paid to order!) SIM deals you will settle with just 1 number?

      Sage: Member Since 28/03/2010

      C'mon mate, you can do better!

      • -2

        Well I ended up using free SMS services to set up multiple accounts. Even with other SIM cards this is a big hurdle. I was hoping to get about 25 gift cards for a larger purchase.

  • Just purchased 300$ worth of goods from jb hifi 😞

  • Title read as if I could buy a Prezzee gift card for $100 and get a bonus $10. Then I assumed use that $100 to buy a gift card on Prezzee. Probably doesn't work like that but it is what I got from the title

    • +1

      U could. I noticed they have it via the website but not the app

      • Oh lol facepalm thanks for clarifying. Bought one :P

      • The bonus offers are in the iOS app and the Prezzee swap GC bonus offer is under A-Z.

  • -1

    no more $100 swap cards..

    • Try using the deal link instead - just got one

      • Thx!!

  • Cheers got me a $100 swap card

  • +2

    Thanks op.

    For anyone still want to get this deal, the app doesn’t allow you to purchase $100 gift cards anymore.

    Successfully received the bonus card when purchased from their website.

    • Strange!
      It doesn't work on the website either. TGG GC.
      Tried several cards.

    • It works in the iOS app. The Prezzee swap GC under the “Featured” category doesn’t have a bonus offer or a $100 denomination but under the “A-Z” category it does. I successfully bought a swap GC and received the bonus in the app just a few minutes ago.

  • +2

    I love prezzee deals.

  • More cards like priceline added now

  • Click Go to Deal on right still swap $100 + bonus $10 available .

  • tried two different cards doesnt work

  • Got it.
    Thanx OP I

    • which type did you get?

  • so is it best to buy the prezzee swap gift cards to get the bonus $10. Then use the gift card to swap to get woolies or coles gift cards?

    • +2

      It's best to swap to get the card for whichever store you plan on spending the money on.

      • it is because alot of the other retailers don't have this bonus offer so buying the prezzee swap gift card to get the bonus credit makes more sense.

    • Yes the big ones Coles , Wish and JB can be swapped and none of them can be bought normally away from 5% .

      Better than the 3 cards in the offer above that mostly have sold out .

    • I swapped mine for a $110 worth of wish gift cards.

  • Just tried on website and doesn't work. I think it passed 1000.

  • Thanks op, got one. My partner tried after but didn't work.

  • I just ordered 5 minutes ago and received my $10 bonus card in my email

  • Just tried it worked for me. Got the bonus card directly.

  • ordered and received the bonus $10 instantly. Thanks op

  • Thanks OP just got the deal on mine and MRS account. already swapped to wish cards

  • Nice! Today is a happy day to buy!

  • Still working :) Check spam folder for bonus card

  • Bought a $100 Swap gift card and received the $10 bonus almost straight away. Thanks OP !

  • Still working. Thanks

  • for personal purchases does amex work? mine keeps on failing.

    • I purchased mine with amex (essential). Payment went fine… My purchase was around 2 hrs back

    • I used Amex just a few minutes ago and it worked.

  • Got a prezzee swap one thanks OP

  • Prezzee swap card is still in stock – cheers OP!

    • Did u get additional $10 voucher?

      • yup that's what I meant :)

  • Just purchased the jb card which im going to check see if i got $10 bonus. So if im not mistaken from previous deals i can swap my $10 for another jb card so i have $110.
    But am i reading right that people purchased more one card, was this same account? And what's a swap card are you saying as well as myself buying the jb card i can buy a swap $100 card and gain another$10 and swap them both for jb as well if i wanted?

    • Yes, that is correct. The $100 Prezzee swap card is the one in the link above.

    • So if im not mistaken from previous deals i can swap my $10 for another jb card so i have $110


      But am i reading right that people purchased more one card, was this same account?

      Yes. Did this last night. Got a $100 Prezzee and $100 jb gc on same Prezzee account and got 2 $10 swap cards

      And what's a swap card are you saying as well as myself buying the jb card i can buy a swap $100 card and gain another$10 and swap them both for jb as well if i wanted?


  • just purchased one 100 swap card from the website and got 10 bonus card immediately

  • Anyone purchased woolies or coles $100 and received the $10 today?

    • All good. Instant $10 email when I bought the prezzee swap card.

      Just a side note! I believe you can split the swap card up!
      Which will be handy for the wide. $50 to coles and $50 to woolies and $10 for me to Bunnings.

  • Anyone know if you can purchase more than one on the same account?

    • Different type of card - yes. I purchased swap card and jb hi fi on same account last night and got 2 $10 swap cards on my same Prezzee account

      • Great. Thanks!

        Is it just the 3 gift cards linked above?

        • It's all of the below (as I see in the app)

          Jb hi fi
          Prezzee swap
          Estée Lauder
          Best spas and beauty
          Best pets

          • @Tems: Great. Yeah only noticed the massive bonus offer sticker in gold of the participating cards after this message :(

  • Thanks OP. Got one

  • Thanks OP received my bonus almost immediately. Bought a $100 swap GC via the iOS app.

  • Received my bonus almost immediately for a $100 swap card. Thanks OP.

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