Date: Friday 22nd November 2019
Time: 6.30PM
Venue: Moko, 75 Rowe St, Eastwood NSW 2122
Venture into K-Town. Calling for EOI's!.. lets make it happen!
Edit: Need 15 people or more!.. Can adjust to suitable date/time based on consensus/votes.
Date: Friday 22nd November 2019
Time: 6.30PM
Venue: Moko, 75 Rowe St, Eastwood NSW 2122
Venture into K-Town. Calling for EOI's!.. lets make it happen!
Edit: Need 15 people or more!.. Can adjust to suitable date/time based on consensus/votes.
Good food and good selection of pokies
So you can lose your money in different ways to different characters?
Just had a look at my spreadsheet, and I'm still up (for now) at Moko
Very tempted to attend :P
Interested, but I finish work at this time, will probably be a bit late.
Is there an expected duration of this event?
No set duration at this stage. Still need the numbers for 15+ people :)
probs need @humanofeastwood to make this happen…
lol… be careful what you wish for!
they might even bring along them Moko T-shirts that were being handed out on granny smiths.
You mean the HOE t-shirt lol.
I totes agree with this!
I'm in, Eastwood is down the road, maybe a wee bit later though.
Is this confirmed? 15 people seem to have accepted.
Yes. Got a message from submariner this morning that the event is confirmed.
Sweet, thanks for the update!
Looks like we have quorum! (15 people?). first meet up - looking forward to it.
Guys, I am bringing my cat!
wait are you the asian guy who walks his cat around Ew?
omg, i think your cat is beautiful!!
im bring my dog!
I think I fell in love with your cat
Thank you! Stay awesome!
I’m just gonna walk past and see who is inside.
Thanks for coming guys!
I'll upload a few photos soon, including the superphotogenic cat!
Thank you all for coming!
Just a few photos :)
shkev's cat
Some photos here
More here!
Moko Food!
More OzBargainers here
And a few camera shy people :)
Thank you Scotty for your generosity in sponsoring this OzBargain Birthday Event!
Thanks to everyone who made the event happen!
Thanks scotty for the food..!
Hopefully everything is ok on submariner's end…
A vegan's worst nightmare.
This makes me want to have some rump 5 o'clock in the morning.
Well. submariner messaged me earlier today that due to family issues he is not able to attend the meeting tonight. Originally I was waiting for him to post a comment in this thread to request help, but it appears that he has not logged onto OzBargain for the last 4-5 hours. So,
OzBargain meetup tonight is still happening at Moko, Eastwood. However,
Sorry I won't be able to make it tonight. Have fun!
Hi I am able to stand in, however I will be around 15 minutes late.
I can take care of the payments first as well.
6 of us are inside. There's 2 reserved tables.
Leaving macquarie centre now, be there in 15
@cwongtech: 15 now