Currently with Alinta Energy for both Electricity and Gas..
10% one-time payment discount for the electricity @ 32.27c per kWh, and supply charge of 92.4 c per day.
Anyone got better suggestion?
Currently with Alinta Energy for both Electricity and Gas..
10% one-time payment discount for the electricity @ 32.27c per kWh, and supply charge of 92.4 c per day.
Anyone got better suggestion?
What webpage search tool do you recommend? I'm currently with Lycos.
Whoa, go back a step. How did you actually find that page? Lycos? Altavista?
@brendanm: Yes, useful for finding pics of Lisa Boyle and Patricia Ford or even looking up comparisons of utility prices.
@kahn: I remember hearing about it on the ABC News. To find it I just Google gov energy comparison site
@Wystri Warrick: So, do you think that Google thing could be used to search for the answers to one's questions? If so, that would almost make this forum obsolete.
@kahn: I'm not sure, it seems to be a bit of a niche thing. I don't think it'll catch on and I reckon we'll still see people posting crash help with ms paint diagrams.
This, exactly.
Don't use services like iSelect or Compare the Market. They are not independent and are incentivised to maximise their commissions, not to give you the best value inn the market.
@kranix: Yup, thanks for mentioning this. It's the reason why I don't use iselect or compare the market.
Anyone got better suggestion? Gotta figure out there retention rate as that's the best offer besides sometimes one off bonus offers . Mine was 20 in a major city .
I am with AGL for both electricity and gas in Sydney. I pay 28.9c per kWh plus a supply charge of 84c. On top of that I get a bundle/pay on time discount of 34% for electricity and 27% for gas.
Same here except I have 32% on-time discount for electricity and 25% for gas. Need to ring them about this.
They gave me the extra 2% when I told them I was switching to another provider
Did you really want to switch? I mean there isn't provider who is willing to beat my AGL rates, let alone yours.
@lubos: Yes I really was going to switch. Energy Australia was offering me 32% and 25% at the time, and I was going to go with them until AGL increased their discount by 2%.
@wizzy: We must have gone exactly the same route because Energy Australia offered me exactly the same deal like AGL but they refused to beat it. I went with AGL just because they offered the deal first. It didn't cross my mind I can try to get AGL to beat Energy Australia deal. You sir deserve OzBargain medal!
"On-time discounts" are a scam. It's just a way to disguise a late fee and make it sound like you're getting extra value.
Give it the info and it will do the maths for you.
You won’t find any cheaper deals because of privatisation.
If only the greens had got in! Power would be put back in the hands of the public and we'd have 5c per kWh prices.
You've just given Diji1 a boner.
Either use the govt site or a place like energy wizard. Your circumstances , solar, peak off peak etc needs to be taken into consideration.