Pirate Life Brewing Port Local Lager Beer 16 x 355mL Cans $36 Delivered @ CUB eBay

Last edited 05/11/2019 - 15:48 by 1 other user
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yes this is a pretty subpar beer but the price is decent I guess lol. What's your go to local brew anyway?
There's nothing wrong with wanting an affordable craft-style beer.
Not sure where I said there was anything wrong with affordable beer?
I'm saying instead of spending your money on supporting a multinational corporation that buys up craft breweries and changes the recipes for the worse, destroying local industry and entrepreneurship, you should spend your money, (the whole extra 2+ dollars!) on local stuff.
But they got bought out. So that’s encouraging entrepreneurship.
What local stuff is $2 more?
How about you stop telling people how to spend their hard-earned money? I'd rather support numbero uno (i.e myself and my bank) and buy whatever the hell I wish.
I'd also like to see this craft beer for an 'extra $2'.
There's benefit to getting bought out. Pirate Life have TOP of the line equipement now. Stuff that literally every brewery in Australia is jealous of. Which allows for higher quality control and better product with a longer shelf life. With the kind of investment made there are no plans to change recipes. Sometimes recipes may need to be changed due the availability of ingredients, but PL are not using that unique ingredients or at that production scale to need to worry about that, yet. The investment has only helped the local industry, employment. And quite frankly having your brewery bought out is a dream for entrepeneurs and most craft brewery operators in a very competitve, extremely taxed eco space.
So the beers produced on their new top of the line equipment has IMPRVOED in quality. It's also freed up their original brewhouse to only release unique beers, where they're on schedule to make 100 unique beers in a calander year since opening of the new brewhouse.
That said, their lagers are and always have been shit. It's a generic lager that was designed to be half a step above mass produced swill. To be a very slight step for consumers to take their trip from swill to craft beer. It's what the people want, their highest selling product and a necessary part of being a production brewery.
If you want a good lager, go to europe. None are done here.
was pirate life once craft? it used to be super expensive
Yep it use to be craft. I mean technically it still is but towards end of 2017 CUB bought Pirate Life
Still a great craft brewery. A friendly lager always help to pay the bills to keep making innovative craft styles
Yep their Mosaic is still one of my favourites as well as them big ol' 500ml IIPA cans! Also means with CUB on board I have also noticed more pirate life on tap as well
I mean, most people wouldn't call a brewery that's owned by a company that possesses over $300 billion in assets as "craft", but good luck with the marketing.
They are still brewed down here in SA, They've made some solid beers in the recent months a number of these a re limited runs eg. their Acai and Passion Sour, the West Coast IPA, the Strata Amarillo and my personal fave the Boysen Berry Dark Sour!
16 pack, sneaky.
Most people would assume 24 pack.
Yep, equivalent to $54 for a 24 pack. Then you've got the 355 vs 375 can size. I'll wait for another rover deal!
Support local brews instead of this macro garbage with a craft disguise.