These two American cereals are back in stock and still at a decent price. Free shipping only available to Prime members.
Reese's Puffs 326g $5.63
Lucky Charms Giant Size 739g $9.66
Prices fluctuate due to the USD/AUD exchange market.
These two American cereals are back in stock and still at a decent price. Free shipping only available to Prime members.
Prices fluctuate due to the USD/AUD exchange market.
"expedited" sure gets to Sydney in 1 day but with Fastway it adds 2 weeks to Perth. Still waiting for the last deal to arrive.
I just got mine yesterday. I live in metro Melbourne. So the fact you haven't received yours yet isn't unusual
And God, Fastway are absolutely shocking. It should not take 2 weeks to reach Perth after clearing customs in Melbourne. I'd rather pay a bit and have Amazon NOT use Fastway, rather than get free shipping with them.
Yup, our cereal will probably be expired by the time we get it XD
@AdrianW: Yeah, hopefully not. Fastway in Perth have not been the best the past few times I've dealt with them.
@MrHeatSeeker: I got a shipping notice for the Puffs and they're coming FedEx, so hopefully they'll land directly in Perth instead of going to Melbourne first.
Two different packages arriving today in Perth via DHL. That's pretty quick.
The FedEx one arrived at Perth airport last night - so should be here in the next couple of days.
I just read the 3rd Amaz9n warehouse will open at end of this year in Perth. Will mean faster shipping times for you soon
This is amazing news. Thank you!
I love Reeses everything but the puffs were a bit of a let down.
Do I need it? No
Did I buy it? Yes
Reason of buying it?Free expedited international shipping.
There's also some varieties of Cheerios for decent prices - like Honey Nut and Frosted.
Omar Little approves
I bought the reeses before, they were alright, not a very strong flavour. But the issue for me is the price is sort of standard if not higher than other cereals isnt it? Or am i wrong in cereal prices these days? I dont normally buy much cereal .
Imported cereal is expensive.
I also just purchased 5 x 500g boxes of Shreddies - cost almost $50 (including shipping) and that's a good price. It's a pity they're not available locally.
Nah, you're right, BUT imported cereal costs more.
Buying Reese's Puffs locally is usually closer to $10-15 per box.
Lucky Charms sold out now
Just re-checked - they were in stock and I ended up ordering them as well.
Pantry will be bursting with sugary goodness when all these arrive.
Just ordered, thanks!
Lucky charms in back in stock, price down to $9.26 atm
Received Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs and some Cheerios today in Perth. Also received 5 boxes of Shreddies from the UK. All ordered the same day last week.
After trying those US cereals, I've gone and ordered a bunch more. They're all still basically the same price (just a few cents difference).
I ordered the reese puffs, and got the Travis Scott's Reese one LOLOL
Never heard of them. A quick google and it sounds like you could profit - keep them unopened and sell them on ebay perhaps.
I got my Lucky Charms yesterday. I'll try out Reese's puffs now. Absolute steal when factoring free expedited international shipping