How to Split Rent Based on Amenities and Bedroom Size?

I’m currently the head tenant and fully furnished the place (including the spare bedroom) before I got a subtenant 12 months ago.

I have now decided to move, and my current housemate has expressed interest in moving to the next place with me, which I’m very pleased about.

I am just curious, what is the best way to work out the rent when bedrooms/amenities are different?

Would it fair for us to split rent 50/50 if I keep the garage given that I will be furnishing the place? Is this a fair swap? My housemate doesn’t have a car but has a bicycle instead, and will be keeping it in the garage.

Also, should I pay for all the removalist related costs since all the furniture and white goods are mine? My housemate will also be moving her personal possessions at the same time and utilising the same truck since she doesn’t have a car.

If it makes any difference, I will once again be the head tenant so if my housemate decides to leave it will be my responsibility to pay the full rent until I find a new subtenant.

Also, if you had to monetise, how much extra would a FULLY furnished place with brand new, excellent quality white goods and furniture, Dyson handheld etc be worth? What about the garage? And the en-suite? This is assuming that there are 3 bedrooms, 3 tenants, 3 bathrooms.

I’m in Adelaide, if that makes any difference.


  • +1

    Can't you have the same arrangement as you have now?

    Also, should I pay for all the removalist related costs since all the furniture and white goods are mine?

    Consider it a small favor paying for it all. It's pretty much all your things anyway. Not worth asking money for it.

    I will once again be the head tenant so if my housemate decides to leave it will be my responsibility to pay the full rent until I find a new subtenant.

    Be clear to her if she's renting a room or the whole house with you.

    • Thanks for your comment.

      The current place isn't comparable to the new one so the same arrangement wouldn't quite work.

      • +1

        Well whatever this new place is, she's probably thinking to be paying around the same, ie. is she's paying 33% now, she's expecting to pay 33% there.

        Let's say you up the rate from 33% to 50%, she just may become less interested.

  • -2

    talk about anal.

    • +21

      Ok, but how do you suggest OP raise that subject in the middle of a discussion about rent?

      • I think that question answers itself…

  • A lot of these are kind of question mark costs, maybe its best to write up a list of all the things you'll be paying for, she'll be paying for and you'll be splitting. It might help both of you to see the magnitude of difference.

    In terms of place itself, there are some sites that help on figuring out rent such as:

    • +1

      Don't be ridiculous. No one ever does a google search to find an appropriate site to seek their answers from. They sign up to (first time poster), and post to obscure bargain websites that have forums instead.

  • +4

    I reckon you need to change the way you are thinking unless you are both going to be on the lease.
    Like ozhunter said, the flatmate is renting a room only.
    Base the room rental on comparable rooms for rent in the area or divide the total rent by 3 (for 3 bedrooms) and charge that plus bills.
    It doesnt matter if the place is furnished by you, if one bedroom is bigger than the other, has an ensuite or who has more access to the garage because the flatmate is not a co-tenant on the lease.
    Just tell her the room rental is $x amount rather than working out some complicated formula.

  • +1

    Also, should I pay for all the removalist related costs since all the furniture and white goods are mine?

    Whoever owns the items, pays to have them moved to the next place.

    So you pay for your items, and if they want to included there items, they chip in a bit, unless its one or two boxes, then meh just pay for them as part of being nice.

    Would it fair for us to split rent 50/50

    Why don't you do what you're doing now?

    I will once again be the head tenant so if my housemate decides to leave it will be my responsibility to pay the full rent until I find a new subtenant.

    As above, if its the same arrangement, then why not use the same 'rules' that you're using today?

    Also, if you had to monetise, how much extra would a FULLY furnished place

    To some its worth a bit extra, to others its worth nothing.

  • What did the adults say when you asked them what to do OP?

    • -3

      Uh, they did ask themselves, that's why they posted this thread, because they weren't sure. You must utterly clueless about people and how knowledge works.

  • +1

    We've always done it this way:
    +$10/$20pw for the bigger room,
    or +$40pw if it has an ensuite (don't double up with the above),
    +$30pw for the garage if someone wants solely for themselves (sydney rates though)
    - note this is the difference in rent, so for example if the place was $600pw, the split for ensuite room would be $280/$320 ($40 difference)

    Furniture - the owner of all furniture would also get a $10 discount from rent since they had to pay outright for it, need to organise removalists and are responsible for maintaining/replacing things when they break. When moving house we split the moving fees equally since it was cheaper for the other housemates to use the same company, rather than booking their own + they do benefit from having your furniture in the new place.

    • note this is the difference in rent, so for example if the place was $600pw, the split for ensuite room would be $280/$320 ($40 difference)

      Wow I want to live with you. I'd take the master and ensuite for an extra $20 a week every single day.

    • Was that in a share flat where everyone is on the lease? or like the OP who is subletting a room?

      • We are all on the lease - otherwise the flatmates would pay more since you'd have to cover the rent whenever the room is vacant + you're directly responsisble to the landlord for rent and they aren't

  • Being the head tenant doesn't make a difference, and being furnished doesn't add much value at all, it's expected that shared areas in a sharing arrangement will be furnished. Just leave it at 50/50 and if the amount of her belongings won't increase the removalist costs since they're doing it anyway then don't worry about that either.

  • Used Splitwise Rent for this purpose before. We used it to sense check the numbers but we already had an idea

  • I am just curious, what is the best way to work out the rent when bedrooms/amenities are different?

    Just split the rent and bills 50/50.

    Would it fair for us to split rent 50/50 if I keep the garage given that I will be furnishing the place? Is this a fair swap? My housemate doesn’t have a car but has a bicycle instead, and will be keeping it in the garage.

    He doesn't have the car, so there's no argument really.

    Also, should I pay for all the removalist related costs since all the furniture and white goods are mine?

    If you're both moving to the new place, split the costs of removalists etc.

    If it makes any difference, I will once again be the head tenant so if my housemate decides to leave it will be my responsibility to pay the full rent until I find a new subtenant.

    I was a head tenant for near on 15 years before getting the shits with housemates and going it alone. I never understood all the bullshit that goes on in some people's heads with calculations and backflips.

    Just split the rent and the bills per person.

  • Given you already know her well then just sit down and discuss all this with her. Going with it all totally preplanned might make her feel a bit hijacked. Most people just want to get on with their housemates so I would just put together a list, with her input, work out the costs between you and come to an arrangement. You sound pretty considerate so this shouldn’t get out of control.

  • +1

    As you already said, it is a subtenant so he/she doesn't have any obligation to pay more or equal just because you want it.

    I will once again be the head tenant

    Good on you but that does not add anything to what the other person is going to pay

    should I pay for all the removalist related costs since all the furniture and white goods are mine

    Of course. Your subtenant can help you out but the bill is on you

    A subtenant is to help you out by having to pay less from your own pocket when the bills arrive.
    You are thinking about it as a short term which is suicide.

    Now, let's talk in a long term.

    Let's say there is agreement with the 50/50, part because you already know each other.
    You manage your financial life all around that 50/50 then the subtenant leave:

    • It might not be that easy to find another one willing to accept the 50/50
    • it might takes weeks, months to find someone which means everything is on you
    • since your financial life is around 50/50, now you need to increase to 60/40 or 70/30 let's say coz you cannot find anyone else. Taking into consideration how badly people manage their money here, you are screwed! No tenant or having to cut things you go used to.
    • oohh but the furniture are mine. Good on you and that is what bond is for, to cover any damage

    Some comments here are just ridiculous, as head tenant you are the one responsible for everything while the subtenant pays a small portion of it. Subtenant is not your brother/sister to pay 50/50.

    I used to live as subtenant paying a small portion to help the head tenant out with the bills. This is how it is, anything else is bullshit.
    Now I have my own place coz sharing house can be a pain in the *ss, even worse if you got your partner living with you.

    In the best case scenario, you should pay at least 60/40 with a bond to cover damage if it occurs.

    I guess this happened in Melbourne, a girl rented her own unit and moved out. It ended with the tenant paying with 2 weeks delayed which is allowed by law. The poor girl ended with a -$900 per 2w or monthly, not sure, just because she was thinking in a short term solution, no backup plan, now she cannot do anything as by law the rent is being paid.

    Rent the place for you, without counting with your current subtenant. At the end of the day you are dealing with people.
    I have so many histories to tell ya about this, h0ly m0ly…

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