Dog Harness to Pull Bike Carrier?

I have one of these bad boys and a fat labrador. I want to buy or easily fashion a harness so that the fat lab can pull the carrier with kids in it. Daycare is 500m away, and I'd rather have the dog pull the 2yr old than me carry him.

Web searches result in dog carriers or converting carriers to carry dogs. I have found 2 bike leashes, but they don't look like they'd support the carrier very well. Before anyone jumps in with adverse weight on the dog, the 2yr old can easily wheel the 4yr old around. The weight of these carriers is on the wheels so it should be the same force/weight as being attached to a pram.


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    Easily attaches to bike via quick release hitch on bike rear axle (works with quick release or nutted axle).

    Attach it to the dog's rear axle

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      unless he is a breeder it's unlikely his dog has a nutted axle.

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    Let’s see how long it takes PETA to weigh in on this.

  • Take the kid and the dog to the park and let them run around? Bring one of those dog ball thrower with you.

    • Balls arent food. She doesn't fetch.

      • What a strange lab! Put the kid in his pram and take both of them for a walk, slowly increasing the distance as he builds his stamina. That's the humane way of doing it.

        • She was a NSW Guide Dog… but was kicked out after training due to the lab eating disorder. Can't save a persons life when food is life. Sadly while being looked after by the inlaws while we reno she's doubled in size :(

          • @Kaz0551: :( Diet + exercise is the only way to get her to shed the weight.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: When she comes back home (just need to build a deck first) she'll be back on the program!

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    If you want to look into it I would talk to someone like these guys and see what they have in the way of harnesses for summer training. They usually have wheeled sleds for their teams to train in summer. Sounds like you need a properly designed harness for this.

    There is a reason they use labradors for dog food ads, they will eat almost anything,

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    Terrible idea. You can't just strap a harness to a dog and expect it to be a chariot. Even standardbreds and greyhounds need to be trained or even broken in. Ignoring the possibility of heat stroke in getting an overweight, likely heavily-coated dog pulling a child around in summer, what are the odds your dog will even tolerate it? Lots of dogs can't abide E collars or thundershirts. And what if your presumably off-leash dog gets spooked and runs off with your child in the backseat?

    • I would be walking the dog who is pulling the kids. Ain't letting her have the kids!!

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    Search dog sled harness in ebay - seems to be a few options there.

  • You want a sledding harness as walking harnesses are really bad for the dog (they restrict movement and put pressure where it shouldnt be)
    Bad news is you gotta buy from overseas (nz is fastest for postage)

    My pick would be a zero dc short

    Rationale is that half harness tolerate pulling from the side much better than long ones (trained sled dog will keep tension 24/7 so harness wont swing around)

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