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It goes one of two ways:
1) Google Sunsets it and everything goes offline. This should happen as a FU from Pebble users who were left with bricks by fitbit
2) Google gets wearOS to work on existing hardware, pushes it out to all hardware, and device battery live now doesn't exceed 3 hours usage.
Google shutting it down is likely, they have lots of form. As for 2) Google does not have access to chips to make wearOS function at a desirable level. If Qualcomm does not lift it's game then Google will have to make it's own chips
I get 2 days from my Ticwatch pro with AOD on and Bluetooth, and its on the SD2100 SoC.
That's about the highest any wear os can get.
Interesting - 20% off full price watches.
Was kinda tempted to get one before, but now it's an even better price if you pay with discounted gift cards.
It's a shame that Google is acquiring them, makes the future even less certain.
I've had my Fitbit Blaze for over 2years.
Since ios13, it can't handle call notifications properly (keeps buzzing constantly for incoming and outgoing calls unless I press all 3 buttons).
Now I need to consider Apple Watch vs Garmin as a replacement.
The code is giveme20
It will be an interesting 6 months for Fitbit pricing/software following the acquisition by Google.