got this email promotion from my friend, but it is a bit odd when i got this email i got warning from my hotmail account "This message looks suspicious to our SmartScreen filters. "
if this email came from hotmail, why i still got this warning?
Is it real or scam

joannatan on 22/07/2011 - 17:30
Last edited 22/07/2011 - 22:49
Last edited 22/07/2011 - 22:49
Have hotmail cleaned up their act??
Report this domain to hotmail and you may get a HotMeal in return. :)
Watch out, OP may end up getting a HotMale instead.
Legit, linked to on ninemsn.
Hmm might actually be legit. Does seem to be part of ninemsn's 15th birthday promo…to be honest everything is suspicious to smartscreen filters
As far as I am concerned, any company that cannot use their own domain for promotions is not going to get the slightest bit of attention from me