50cents a pumpkin. About 5kgs in weight, various shapes
HALLOWEEN is over but those wanting a mate called Jack can pick him up.
50cents a pumpkin. About 5kgs in weight, various shapes
HALLOWEEN is over but those wanting a mate called Jack can pick him up.
It can but probably shouldn't.
Google seems to advise seeds are ok if roasted.
Pumpkin soup…
OLD Pumpkin 50c Each
How much is the FRESH Pumpkin ?
2 for a dollar
I've been told these are inedible. So unless you want to practice carving, or feed chickens, dont bother.
This is Jack, he's not for eating.
All pumpkins are edible.
You've been told wrong. Totally fine to eat same as every other gourd. Just marketing and you wouldn't eat the kent ones otherwise. Dice it freeze it blend it and make pumpkin pie at christmas!
Pumpkin catapult.
Jack Pumpkin?
Rifle range specials.
Such a garbage tradition. Imagine growing terrible quality veggies all so kids can collect processed sugar, with the veggies ending up in the bin, all because people either wish they were American or because they're suckers for advertising.
Yeah, maybe the kids should stay home and play Xbox and PS4 rather than put together a costume and play outdoors, socialising with their friends and meeting new ones…
What is wrong with people?
Do you have kids? I think your perspective would change if you did. It's always nice to see your kids out socialising with the neighbours and having a good time.
Bitter old c@$t
I was thinking of combining it with Christmas
Beat me to it!
Any good eating?