Just got an email for that code, it includes delivery.
Added 7347EATS (thanks petern)
Just got an email for that code, it includes delivery.
Added 7347EATS (thanks petern)
$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.
It didn't work for me. I was going to get some chocolate milkshakes delivered :(
Grab $2 thickshake from HJ with Menulog offer ? (Free delivery first HJ order)
How to get shake for $2? It shows me $3.95 small
@Young gardener: Me too. I don’t want one that bad, they are kind of foul. But I kinda want to drink a large one quick and then enjoy feeling bloated for the rest of the night.
It did work on my father’s account though.
Successfully added to my UberEats Account.
Worked for me :-)
Bloody Uber Eats. Never target me with any promotions when I am the one who uses the services. Customer loyalty is pretty bad. Deliveroo here I come.
Have you tried adding it manually?
yep, tried it, said it wasn't eligible for me :/
The point of these targeted codes usually is to draw in people who don't normally use it. I'm willing to bet if you leave ubereats for a long while, you will get a similar code in the future.
Yep that's probably true. Haven't used Uber Eats for a few months and I got the code.
yep, going to use menulog/deliveroo for a while i think
I ignore Uber Eats on purpose because they don't seem to reward loyalty.
Worked here too. Thank you OP.
wow! Worked for me. Thanks Op
Awesome, I got it! Thanks!
I got this also, so sweet
No candy for me unfortunately
No soup for you.
Can anyone confirm that if you make use of the 'free delivery promotion - you're likely to share a delivery partner with a nearby order' that you can NOT use a promotion code as well?
Yup, I am having the same issue.
They worked together last time for me. It was a $15off promo tho
I've ordered using free shared delivery + a promo code. However, they play fast and loose with the discounts and delivery pricing. My account now has a $7.99 delivery fee for most restaurants and I don't get shared delivery offers. My husband still gets free shared delivery offers, $3.99-6.99 delivery fees for all restaurants and many of the promo codes work on his account but not on mine.
Worked on one account that i used the $15 off today.
So weird.
My targeted uber eats promo code is 7347EATS for the $20 off deal. Give that a shot if the above doesn't work.
I got this promo email sent to me from Uber eats. And it still says I’m ineligible when I add it. Weird
Worked. Thank you
Try 4492EATS $30
Worked for me, cheers!!
Thank you
Thanks! Worked for a change :)
No good for me. :(
Nope / none worked. Shame after all working pickup ones
2959EATS doesn't seems to be targeted
Didn’t work for me
It is targeted unfortunately
2959EATS worked for me, 7347EATS (used right after) did not. I haven't used ubereats for months. The first and only time I used ubereats was for a free Mc Donald's burger.
After the $15 $10 $5 rorting they still gave me this haha.
7347EATS worked for me thanks!
$30 for me. 4492EATS
None work for me
Wowww worked for me. First time!!! Thanks mate. Dinner sorted
“Oops this promotion has expired”
I got it! Woooo
Worked on my 2 accounts. Loving the free meals rolling in. I never get the deals. Although I have to say I didn't get any emails about the codes.but they worked.
What's the best way to have two accounts?
Make first account.
Then make second account.
Don't we need a new SIM and phone?
in the last maccas deal with ubereats they blocked my 2nd order with the same phone. Did this happen to anyone else?
7347EATS worked for me thanks!
Thanks. Dinner sorted
No luck for me with either.
No luck for me either! :(
7347EATS worked! 2959EATS worked for my entire family lol. Thanks a lot OP!
I got the email, but I forgot the log in to the account :(
Same here. I used a disposable kogam Sim for signup. Total disappointment.
Do we tip the driver given we get a free meal?
Or is it Unaustralian!
Ive gotten like $45 of vouchers and unlimited free delivery in the past 2 weeks haha.
1st one works in Perth. Thanks OP
2959eats worked for me lol cheers op 👍👌
worked for me even I didnt get the email… thanks!
Thanks OP, dinner sorted
Worked thanks OP
Twice I've gotten this type of email, and twice now it says im ineligible despite receiving that email. So annoying.
Me too. Very frustrating
I realised I was still logged in to a second account on my phone (from a time when i swapped sims). So i logged out and logged in to my normal one and it worked.
No joy for any of mine.
UberEats promo always targeted, and I never receive any promo -_-
I'm sure you're not targetted in any way
How does one sign up for these emails? I haven't received them in years so I'm assuming I unsubscribed at some point.
And not targeted again….. always free drop off but never $$ off
how does the free delivery promo work, its always one store
if an uber driver is closeby to a participating store, then that store has free delivery. I did a couple of tests and found that it's quite accurate of how it works
Wow worked! Thanks OP.
If you add it to your account, will it stay there until expiry or do uber pull it once a certain number of people redeem it?
Suggest you don't try find out. Redeem soon after it hits OzB.
EAD Hippies. Never get targeted.
Thanks OP, ordered 5 family pizzas (at the same time) for the entire family. All ordered at the same time using 3 accounts within the fam. :))
didnt work
7347EATS worked for me. Loving this free food. Thanks OP.
Is anyone from Brisbane having luck with these coupons? They haven't worked for me or my partner whose account was inactive for over 2 years.
7347EATS worked, cheers OP & petern
Sure - I'll take more idiot investors' money! lol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-04-12/uber-may-never-make-a…
Didn't work
anyone getting " this account is not eligible for promotions" ?
tried the codes and also every code in the comments and still nothing. fml
Worked but then it disappeared and a bunch of other ones I tried here ended up being united States location so lol..