• expired
  • targeted

AmEx Statement Credit: Bupa - 12% Back; Subscribe Today: Spend $60 Get $10 Back



Offer Terms

  • Offer only available to customers joining Bupa.
  • Offer valid for payments made by 06/06/2020 online at Bupa.com.au, via phone to Bupa or in-store at Bupa locations.
  • Not valid at the following locations: Bupa Dental, Bupa Medical Visa Services, Bupa Medical and Wellbeing Centre, Bupa Optical, Bupa Therapy.
  • Not valid for the following Health Insurance products: International Private Medical Insurance, Overseas Student Health Cover, Overseas Visitors Cover and Short Stay Visitors Cover.

  • Please ensure you select a billing cycle that will enable you to make a payment by 06/06/2020.

  • Excludes payments made through a third party establishment or payment processor (including, but not limited to, Australia Post).
  • Only spend on the Card to which the offer is saved counts towards the offer.
  • Excludes payments where you do not spend directly with your Card to which the offer is saved, online at Bupa.com.au, via phone to Bupa or in-store at Bupa locations. Offer valid at Australian locations and website only.
  • Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
  • Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.
  • Credit will not be applied to your Card Account if your Card has been suspended or cancelled.
  • Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.


  • Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $60 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at subscribetoday.com.au by 30/11/2019 to receive one $10 credit. Limited to the first 50,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
    Offer Terms

  • Offer is limited to one credit per Card to which the offer is saved and only spend on this Card counts towards the Offer.

  • Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly with your Card to which the offer is saved, at SubscribeToday at subscribetoday.com.au. Offer valid at Australian website only.
  • Excludes transactions made through a third party establishment or payment processor.
  • Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
  • Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.
  • Credit will not be applied to your Card Account if your Card has been suspended or cancelled.
  • Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.>

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

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closed Comments

  • Appears to be targeted.

    • I got it on both my DJs Amex and Velocity Escape cards for both offers

    • Got this offer on my platinum charge. No previous transactions with BUPA through the card though.

      • It's only for new customers so not having BUPA transactions would almost be a requirement.

        • That's what I thought, but I've received credits to my account for my last two monthly transactions and have been a member for years. Over $100 back so far as we've got quite an expensive monthly plan.

  • Not on my card

  • +5

    Meh. Too many conditions. CBF.

  • How are they going to work out if your Bupa payment is only for a new customer?

    • Just try I guess? I’m existing customer too :(

      • Weird with no limit as well. And no mention of how many transactions

        • Had the same questions
          Haven’t seen such an open ended offer from Amex before

        • -1

          1 credit per card.

          • @ihbh: So 1 time payment, only worth if u pay for a year then

            • +2

              @hanofee: It says 12% credit on each payment made until June 2020.

              • -1

                @momo1988: They updated the term according to Op. Now it says spend $60, get $10 back (I can’t see that on my app though). There was no mention on the amount earlier

                • +2

                  @hanofee: That's the subscribe today offer only I think.

    • BUPA will confirm to American Express

  • I'll switch my Bupa direct debit over to the card which has an offer and see if I get the credit.

  • No offer for me but probably because I’ve done DD to my AMEX before :(

  • The Bupa offer is worded a bit confusingly, or is it just me?

    Excludes payments where you do not spend directly with your Card to which the offer is saved, online at Bupa.com.au, via phone to Bupa or in-store at Bupa locations. Offer valid at Australian locations and website only.

    Does this mean that spend is not valid online at Bupa.com.au or am I misunderstanding?

    • You are misunderstanding

      It would mean that if you change the sentence from do not spend to Excludes payments where you spend

  • Could this be combined with the cashrewards 6% cashback after 50 days?


    • One of the terms of the cash rewards cashback is:

      • you pay your Bupa health insurance policy premiums by direct debit;

      • Does this offer not include direct debit? I thought the only time they used a third party (auspost) was when you made one off payments online?

  • -1

    Open bupa account. Transfer $10000. Close bupa account on day 30 of cooling off period and ask them to transfer funds back to linked bank account.

    $1200 profit

    Rince and repeat

    • Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.


      Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.

      • -1

        If you noticed I said

        ask them to transfer funds back to linked bank account.

        That way the money doesn't go back to the Amex card and they don't know about it 😉

        Did it an hour ago, let's see if I can pull this off

        • Well even if amex don't give you a rebate it's an easy cash advance if you pull that off.

          • @[Deactivated]: you can only do an Amex payment via Direct Debit arrangement, over the phone, or in store. You can also only pay 15 months in advance. So don't think this fantastic scheme is going to work. But please go ahead and let us know…

        • -1

          when the BUPA is setup ill try

          • @easternculture: Did it work? I think when you make a one off payment it goes to autralia post payment?

            • -1

              @Turd: I'll be paying in person at bupa store. Chose the highest cover for family of 4. So will try and pay 2 years in advance 😂

              Have a 12k limit on one card so that will do.

              Offer valid for payments made by 06/06/2020 online at Bupa.com.au, via phone to Bupa or in-store at Bupa locations.

              Then I'll cancel at day 15 and ask them to refund the money to bank account and make an excuse that the CC account has been cancelled

    • Let me know if you make it, good luck

  • Wonder if it will work if u make an one off payment

  • Worth a shot for a one off Amex payment on my current Bupa payment

  • mmm..

    wonder if this will work if you are already with BUPA

  • I just saved this offer to my card. It clearly states 12% credit on each payment until 6th Jun 2020

  • Will it work if I sign up for a >$1000 Bupa private health insurance to avoid the Medicare Levy Surcharge? Will I get back the around $120 credit in one statement?

  • don't try to make a one-off payment online or over the phone for your existing policy - it will go through Australia Post which is not eligible. Maybe you can do it in-store but not sure.

    • +2

      Over the phone was fine when talking with a customer service representative (not when using the automated option)…based on one of the previous AMEX BUPA deals thehad a while ago and see the comments towards the end of the thread below…


      • Damn… Went through the automated system

        • Which method- over the phone or online?

  • Does anyone know if this can be stacked with a corporate deal (through a special corporate website)?

    • +1

      I'm on an existing corporate plan…and it bills the same way as a normal plan…so I wouldn't think it is any different…but cant be 100% sure..

  • +2

    As an existing cust ive managed to trigger the amex deal by changing the direct debit cc.

    • Great, thanks

  • HI guys, just a heads up. I messaged AMEX regarding the BUPA deal and thy advised that there is no cap on the cashback. I said I was planning on prepaying a years insurance and they confirmed that the T&C's don't specify a limit. Has anyone tried this? My policy is due to be expire soon, great timing.

    • +1

      I moved my existing Bupa policy to amex card. And on automatic payment of monthly premium, it triggered the amex offer used email and i also got the cash back.

  • anyone used this for paying lump sum for 12 months ?

    • Should work. I prepaid for a month

      • When you mean prepaid, is that doing the once off payment in mybupa login?

  • For this prepaying, best to do this now (in case Amex pulls the offer) and by the 1 April price rises to secure this year's rate…i've prepaid till Jan 2021…and will do another one in March 2020..

    • +2

      It's valid for payments through to 06/06/2020 but the offer ends 6/12/2019 which I find confusing.

      • Find it confusing too. But this offer is for people joining Bupa. So maybe you have to join before 6/12/2019 and you'll get cashback on payments until 6/6/2020. Regardless, I plan on prepaying for 14 months today (maximum allowed by Bupa) and make another payment just before 6/6/2020

        • thanks for reminder…you'll be SLIGHTLY better off if you prepay again in March 20 (before any price rise) and then again before 6 June…but perhaps not worth the time on the phone for the third call..

          (also I can reconfirm I received credit as existing member having prepaid last week).

        • I asked on chat and they assured me you just have to save the offer before 6/12/2019. I'm still waiting out eligibility with my current insurance before switching.

  • So confused, so if I pay on 31/3/19 for lap sum of 3k, I can get around $360 back? for existing bupa customer as well?

    • Yes, as other pointed out, it worked. You can even pay for other's policy (I paid both for myself & my mum, separate BUPA account).

  • Has any existing BUPA member tried to pay BUPA recently after 6th Dec 2019?

    The amex offer has expired on the 6th Dec, and has disappeared from my account.. but from what others are saying, we might get 12% back as long as we pay prior to 06/06/2020?

    • I got my cash back this month. The premium was deducted after the promotion expiry.

      • Were U an existing member or new member?

        • Existing member paying monthly. I shifted monthly direct debit to Amex. And paid 1 direct debit when the promotion was still active and other after it ended. And got cash back for both.

  • Is anyone still getting rebates from Amex?

  • +1


  • Just paid my bupa and didn’t get the Amex email.
    Are the emails still coming through for the people still getting rebates back?

    • Got an email yesterday. Been paying by direct debit

      • Thanks
        That doesn’t look promising for me since i just payed a big prepayment and no email. Did the same last year and got email and cash back

        • +1

          I got emails up until 1 June and haven't got anything since then. I contacted AMEX customer service and was reassured that the offer has been triggered. Will report back on updates.

        • Update: I have received the credit for the payment made on 2 June even though the email wasn't triggered, so should be all good at your end as well.

  • I noticed Bupa removed Amex credit cards from its online One off payment

    • +1

      If you call and put it through the automated system as a once off payment you will get the credit still.. just did one yesterday

      • Ok thanks

        Had you used the same card before and did you get the email?

        • Sorry just checked my cards and email.. looks like it went through as AusPost and the email I got was for a direct debit the day before.

          • +1

            @Olokun: Call up and speak to someone about prepaying. They'll take your card details and then it should work.

            • @Agent Q: If you pay over the phone by speaking to someone, does the payment get processed on the same day? I am planning to make a payment tomorrow, but being the last day of the offer, just want to make sue the charge appears on the card tomorrow itself, otherwise I won't receive the credit.

              • +1

                @dealsgrabber: Yes it will appear as pending immediately after the payment is made, essentially locking in the credit.

                • +1

                  @feihong: Thanks, made the payment over the phone and received the credit.

    • Another way ive found to get around this is to change my direct debit to start tomorrow and pay half yearly on amex. Hope it works tomorrow.

      • Just pay over the phone with a customer service, that's a much surer way of getting your credit,

        • My method worked. Got the credit with the auto debit.

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