Fruit Ninja Free for Android - Ad-supported version of Fruit Ninja... for free!

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Spotted by Burg8 on Whirlpool:…

Just downloaded it to my new myTab :D


  • You may want to add [ANDROID] on the title !!!

    Great find by the way!

    • +2

      Done ; )

  • Downloading…

  • +2

    Hasn't this game always been free?

  • This version is "always" free - Its the ad supported version so it belongs in the forums. That said, enjoy the fun

  • Ad Supported Apps are worse than useless. My Kids end up clicking on the adds and off they go to who know were.

    • Disable the data connection in your Settings menu. That should either disable the ads completely or prevent them from being taken to a website.

    • Yeah that's what "flight mode" is for :)

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