Travelling to Vancouver (Whistler Blackcomb) → Seattle → Portland


I'm planning to travel Whistler, Seattle and Portland for Christmas this year. Any suggestions about the area and tips would be great. This is my first overseas travel all by myself.


  • +2

    You can get a bus from Vancouver to Seattle, or you can drive, but my favourite way is via ferry.

    Catch the ferry from Vancouver to Vancouver Island. Vancouver Island is amazing and well worth the visit, especially Tofino and Ucluelet.

    Then, from Victoria (on Vanvouver Island), catch the Ferry down to Seattle. It is an amazing trip, and arriving into Seattle via the harbour is very scenic.

    Not the fastest or cheapest way to do it, but easily the most spectacular!

    North-West USA is my favourite part of the country.

    Disclaimer: I did this trip in Spring, as you will be there in Winter your experience may vary.

    • +1

      Sounds pretty cool. Thanks for future reference.

      • +1

        Tofino is indeed awesome!

  • +1 Vancouver Island
    +1 Tofino

    Vancouver is a really easy walking city. Stay in Gas Town or nearby for great access to food and interesting shopping stores.
    Definitely go to nemesis coffee - amazing food and coffee and superb service. Tacofino is also really good.

    Whistler is also easy walking around and free shuttle buses everywhere. If you haven't booked accom, book asap and preferably on a shuttle bus route.

    Be prepared to tip almost everywhere… but beware, wait until you receive your bill before tipping.
    Accept that if you receive terrible service or food that you should bring it up with the server and explain that is why you're not tipping or reducing your tip. Tips in restaurants to the "server" are actually distributed to other staff in the kitchen in a predetermined proportion. And many restaurants make the server pay out the other staff even if you don't tip. AND, servers (in Canada) pay tax on tips, even if they don't receive them.

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