Natural/Safe Way to Deter common BUGS? (Flies, Mosquitos, Cockroaches, Silverfish) and Hairy Spiders

It's getting warmer and the bugs are everywhere.

Got blow flies hanging around the doors.
Tiny gnats around light bulbs.
Starting to see small cockraoches.
Mosquitos in bedrooms.

So in that order of priority do you have solutionsss?

Edit: Occasionally see some fat hairy black spiders in the corner of my bathroom which I vacuum with my eyes closed…


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    Get some huntsman and daddy long legs spiders. Also Venus fly traps and Pitcher plants

    • No huntsman pls :( but I let the long-legs stay.

      Do I need to maintain the Venus/Pitchers?

    • Many fly traps actually attract more flies than they "eat".

      Net difference may be worse.

      • Possibly, buy they look interesting and are a talking point.

        • That they are.

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    If you're afraid of big hairy pests, then you could just hide jv's comments.

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    Diamateous earth around the building will deter (well, more accurately slowly kill) a bunch of creepy cralwies.

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    Small balls of equal amounts of borax and sugar mixed with a little butter placed on small trays in dark corners will bait and kill cockroaches. Takes about 3 weeks to clear them all.

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      Or…. bikies.

      • Bikies may look mean, gruff and big-bearded but they suffer from Arachnophobia the same as us.

  • Boric Acid.

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    I use a bottle trap for flies. Can be easily made. YouTube has instructions.

    When the warm weather approaches, shove some rotting meat (any small amount of off cuts) and some warm water into the bottle trap.

    You want to have the traps placed at least a full day before a warm day as the smell needs to develop and waft. About 10m from any inhabited space is advised as it does smell bad.

    If you are diligent at emptying and replacing the traps early in the season, you'll find that there are far fewer flies as there are far fewer to reproduce.

    Gnats are typically fungus gnats. They spawn in the damp ground so if you have poorly drained areas, you are going to have gnats. They will outbreed any attempt to destroy them as their life cycle is very short and they reproduce in swarms. Fix the dampness, the gnats will be gone.

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    The best stuff I've found (other than for mosquito's) is called ant & wasp dust at Bunnings. It's a white powder you place along door jam/window sill/etc. Works very well— anything that touches it dies pretty much in minutes. *Must be careful that small children or pets don't touch it, obviously.

  • +1

    Have some Lemongrass plants around can deter Mozzies.

    Some other plants listed here:…

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