• expired

½ Price Clif Bar 68g $1.50 @ Woolworths

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Half price Clif Bars ($1.50) at Woolworths, flavours include white chocolate macadamia nut, cool mint chocolate, crunchy peanut butter and chocolate chip. The ones I picked up have May 2020 expiry. The white choc macadamia is my personal favourite! Heaps left on the shelves at Wynnum Plaza Brisbane.

These are a great breakfast for me before a run or a bike ride. Enjoy!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Nice one op. Will go grab some for gym

  • +1

    Thnx for sharing OP 👍

  • The blueberry one is great but I don't think Woolies stock them.

  • +9

    20g sugar, 41g carbs per bar, there is nothing healthy about it.

    • +3

      But .. but .. CLIFs, extreme sport balls .. outdoorsy stuff

    • Dude, you need to take the other pill, then they're FINE…

    • +7

      It’s a dietary supplement if you need quick energy not a “health” bar

    • +10

      I would have thought the intended audience/consumer is those whom are burning large number of calories and need an energy kick. I haven't seen them marketed as a healthy snack to throw in your kid's lunch box. I'll grab a couple for Noosa tri this weekend (though the kit/pack they give out normally includes one of these anyway).

      — edit — here we go ..

      CLIF Bars will be the official energy bar and gels of the Ironman Oceania 2018 and 2019 Multisport series.
      As part of the partnership, CLIF Bars and CLIF Energy Gels will be provided to competitors of the Gold Coast Luke Harrop Memorial, the Mooloolaba Triathlon Festival and the Noosa Triathlon Multi Sport Festival.
      CLIF Bars were first developed in the US and are designed to help fuel athletes. Today, CLIF Bars also sells gels that can be quickly consumed by athletes during their activity.

    • +5

      Hot take!!!

      Let's see you attack the gel industry and those ignorant runners consuming them during marathons. LOL. Don't they know there's nothing healthy about it?

      let 'em have it bud! fight that good fight

  • +2

    Thanks OP going to stock up on these

  • +1

    Was literally looking at boxes of these on amazon for the Sydney2Gong ride this weekend. Thanks!!

  • +3

    These offer nothing more than your other muesli bars or chocolate bars. Anything more is just placebo. I used to down heaps of these as well as the gel when I I was doing 200km bicycle rides.

    A Carman's muesli bar does the same job.

    • and taste much better

      • Taste is quite subjective, and fair enough.

  • +2

    Clif …
    It's as if…
    You really are a Clif….

  • Even at half price these are expensive.
    Paying for the brand name only.

    • +1

      Cheaper, as good tasting alternative?

      • +1

        I like the Aldi Peanut bar and the Aldi dark choc & cherry flavor bars. Both taste great and come in a pack of 5 for like $3.50

        Here's a pic of the box - http://www.productoftheyear.com.au/site/wp-content/uploads/2…

        They are similar to cliff bar that they aren't a health food and contain a fair bit of sugar for a protein bar

        • Are these the same as the Coles ones but different flavours?

        • I will throw a vote in for these Aldi bars as well although I find they react badly with my stomach on 30km+ runs, I have better luck with the Aldi protean bar (quite dry) and Cliff bars for those.
          As always YMMV.

  • Great snack bars to keep in the inside chest pocket of your jacket while skiing. They cost 5x more at ski resorts.

  • +2

    I used to carry these for hiking as they were great for last minute boosts when you're running out of resources on the way down.

    But I had Aldi peanut bars that did the job too…

    And now I want these just as snacks watching Netflix… Yum…

    • +1

      I use this also for hiking. They aren't marketed for the couch potato who thinks they are eating a healthy snack in between take out meals.

  • +2


    I'm a huge fan of those things ^^^ not that particular flavour but even that one is okay. Never had a cliff bar to compare em.

  • +2


  • +1

    Just a heads up for the sporty types, the 4x pack Winners Energy Gel Lemon & Lime is also half price for $4.25.

    Just wish they had the coffee version.

  • +1

    Does anyone know if these are vegan friendly?

    • +2

      Yep, all flavours too. :)

  • +1

    Thank OP - picked up 10. kinda regret not buying more.

  • +2

    Thanks, gunslinger.

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