Been a member of a popular club for years, signing up gets you a free meal at the buffet, among other things in your birthday month or the month after and its been this way for well over a decade. They used to send the vouchers out before your birthday but you have to go in to get them now.
Went last week as its the month after my birthday month as usual and they say they can't give the vouchers as they've changed it to must be in the same month, but they never notified us of this change. We showed up with friends, so we ended up paying for the buffet anyway but I am still a bit annoyed as the whole point of paying the membership fee is this voucher you get, which you only get once a year, and its a very nice perk.
The desks response was, you can use the vouchers in the month after your birthday but you have to get them in the birthday month.
I am wondering, as they advertise this on their website as the reason for membership, could this be a false advertising breach? There is no mention of the change on the website. Technically it doesn't cost them any more to give these vouchers whatever month, and I cant really understand why you have to use it in the 2 months anyway, but those are the rules when signing up and I accept that. I cant help but feel this new rule, and not telling people about it may be deliberate to ensure people don't get the vouchers. I would also understand if you miss out and dont use the voucher, but we showed up on the time as it said in the terms when joining, and could not even be given them.
Get your revenge on them. Change license eddress to your parents, add sticker to your license and attend club for free as out of area.