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½ Price Harry's Gourmet Ice Cream Varieties 520ml $3 @ Woolworths


Harry's Peppermint Brownie Ice Cream 520ml tub

Harry's Peanut Butter Ice Cream 520ml tub

Harry's Salted Caramel Ice Cream 520ml tub

Harry's Triple Choc Ice Cream 520ml tub

Harry's takes pride in providing premium flavour experiences and supporting Australian dairy farmers. One such partnership is Harry's over 10 year relationship with the Mulcahy family at the Ky Valley Dairy in Victoria.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Meh! Got Peanut, Salted Carmel and Chocolate last time on sale. I wouldn't get it again.
    Connoisseur is much better https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/492504

    • I disagree, bought salted caramel a few times definitely worth it at half price I would say :)

      Tried choc and peanut too… they are good but nothing to write home about

  • +1

    Icecream in a jar. Wut.

    • +1

      plastic jar

      • +1

        somehow that's worse

      • +2

        These jars are great for reusing when you take the labels off fyi

  • +1

    Never tried this brand, but always been intrigued…

    Just had a quick look at previous deals, and seems to be a mixed response on how these compare to Connoisseur. Some say better, some say artificial tasting.

    • +3

      Huh, I think it tastes natural with higher cream and lower sugar content.

      I've only tried peanut butter flavour though.

    • I tried them and for what it is worth I thought they were great.

      A nice change from the usual suspects and the size of the plastic can is perfect not to big and unwieldy just right.

      I just wish that they went as cheap as $5/L but at $5.80/L I will bite.

      Great cheap snack on the go and perfect portion sizing where as connoisseur and others in the 1L tubs make you sometimes feel how do I put it like a blob monster at times or somebody who eats a whole a chicken in one sitting.

      The 520ml size is honestly pretty genius I would happily pay the 16% premium for it when comparing to other $5/L ice creams in similar range just for the convenience factor.

      Letting a 520ml plastic tub of ice cream melt and turn into milkshake is better than letting 1L of it do the same thing in my opinion.

  • +8

    1/2 Prince Harry Ice Cream lol

  • +2

    Ooh I love the salted caramel. So creamy. Would have bought some but unfortunately no room in the freezer after stocking up on 1/2 price Häagen-Dazs from last week. Also just checked, and the ingredients list for the Häagen-Dazs appears to be much better (but still not all that healthy ;-) ).

    • +3

      Häagen-Dazs salted caramel is much nicer. This had some weird bits and artificial tasting.

  • +2

    We've gotten all the flavours my fave is salted caramel but the whole family loves them. Def worth $3

  • +1

    Initially thought this was a royal icecream….

    Edit: I see I'm not the only one!

  • What is the best extreme chocolate icream?

    • I am not really an ice cream expert at the moment but I would probably have to say Sara Lee or Connoisseur for best extreme chocolate ice cream.

      But like I said I have not been taste testing this space at all for a long long time.

      • Thanks for the reply. Belgium chocolate connoisseur?

        • +2

          If you want supper rich chocolate yes Belgium chocolate connoisseur will dobe the trick.

          I recommend eating 1/4 then microwaving it then adding milk.

          Very indulgent milkshake for under $6 or however much milk you choose to use for it I would recommend a lot because it is tasty.

  • Yeah I had this before - peanut butter, choc mint and triple choc. Pretty mediocre. Not bad per se but not gourmet either

  • +3

    The choc mint brownie one is the best choc mint we've tried. Looking forward to loading up!

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