Not as cheap as previous deal below of $186 but pretty close.
Was looking for a good deal to replace my 10+ year old NAS.
Not as cheap as previous deal below of $186 but pretty close.
Was looking for a good deal to replace my 10+ year old NAS.
Doesn't stack.
So it doesn't - my bad.
Doesn't stack.
That's a shame. The older ones stacked really well.
I have my 219P stacked on top of my 453B.
That's a funny looking cashback.
with 2x GBE
What are GBEs?
As if you don't know…
Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) A GBE is a Commonwealth entity or Commonwealth company that is prescribed by the rules (s8 of the PGPA Act). … the Government's relationship with its GBEs. Governance arrangements for GBEs. Finance's Government Business.
My bad, I thought it was Ginkgo Biloba Extract, but wasn't sure…
Two for the price of one
Unsure if serious or not because it's you; JV, but it's gigabit ethernet.
newbie comment-
would i be able to use this for plex?
tl;dr yes
I googled it for you and the info suggests this model will run Plex server but likely will struggle to transcode, if that's a requirement. I ran a Plex server for years without the need to transcode but your situation might be different. FYI, I used the term 'qnap Plex server' in the Google search engine, if you want to ever try it yourself.
Dont forget to include the 5% ebay shopback too