This was posted 13 years 7 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Audio Technica Solid Bass ATH-WS50 Headphone Black or White (RRP $129) Now $59 Delivered


Last time we ran a sweet sweet deal on some earphones.

This week we landed some awesome headphones ATH WS50

Limited pairs of Black or White - First in first serve!

15x of each colour

For the ladies & kids we have: ES3 in stock RRP $99 Now $45 Delivered…

10x pairs in stock

All Australian stock with 1 year warranty!

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Gadgets Boutique
Gadgets Boutique

closed Comments

  • Good deal!

    • +3

      i took your advice, made it under $60 :)

      Its cut throat on the WWW


  • Pity it's not "Solid Brass".

  • +1

    I already have Sennheiser HD555, but these look pretty decent.

  • Why do you tempt me so ;_;

    Do you think you'll get the ATH-WS70 models in? If so, I'd be more keen to get that.

    • +4


      Sorry, these deals really only come when a new model is released, so to be frank

      Your guess is as good as mine,

      We keep a very low margin so we can move them off, this way ATH will continue to deal with us exclusively and we can bring more deals.

      But unfortunately its only a "deal" when they wish to clear and stock qty are also limited.

      Its not like selling Senheisers where they are everywhere, ATH are more exclusive in their distribution :)

      Sorry i dont know if that answers your question, but in short. No WS70 in the near future

      • +1

        Thanks for your transparency.

  • -5

    "I'd say that the WS50 are the most DISAPPOINTING Audio-Technica products I've ever heard."

    • Why?

    • +1

      A review on Amazon says it's a great headphone. Caved in and bought one, can't wait for it.

      • +4

        Someone will always think a particular headphone is great. In this instance, we don't even have the benefit of multiple reviews to even out the hype contained in that one review.

        Then again, might be a good headphone. Won't know until you try it =)

    • +1

      source please.

    • +1

      i know it's just one review, yet it's quite good…

  • Anyone can find any reviews on this product? I only found 1 user review on

  • ^ Saw the same review, looks pretty impressive. Shame there's not much feedback on the interwebz about this particular model.

  • bought!

    • +1

      Thanks buddy!

  • +5

    The rep from ATH said these are awesome headphones (yes i know its biased)

    but essentially this is end of line model to be replaced by WS55

    Only difference between the two is one comes with a 3 button control

    but you pay $50 extra for this "benefit"

    we stock the W55 model if anyones interested, but i'm not too "excited" about 3 buttons. My fingers are free :)

    The design style of these headphones look awesome,

    It's part of the solid bass range, which means you can expect a good amount of Bass :)

    So far we cleared out 7 pairs, since i posted the listing

    Last time when we sold CKM50, we sold out in less than 24 hours :)

    Thanks again for OzB support - i save the advertising cost so we can pass on the best deals to OzB

    Highlight of the week for me is still my OzB 3DS deal at DJ :) I'm a tight arss myself and i have been waiting for one on sale for donkey years! Finally grabbed one with the recommendation of another member

    So my heart belongs to OzB :)

    Okay, enough shit talk, bye bye for now

    Reply or email me - we will reply within 1 hr on average when I'm awake :)

    • By the way, while I personally like the color on your website (orange/grey), I can see it turning a lot of people off. Just my 2 cents

      • :) hey thanks for the feedback

        Blue and white is the usual choice of colour for most webstores,

        I went with orange because thats the colour that came out of the box with the web theme.

        Everything else was built on top.

        Site usage wise, how do you find it?

        • -4

          should get someone awesome like me to re design it

  • +3

    Can you do a deal on the ATH-M50 ?

  • I just tried to place an order, Paypal transferred the money, but gadgetsboutique website says the order did not go through. I tried to send an email, it bounced, no customer service number to call, just a form on their website. I am getting pretty suspicious. I might get Paypal to stop my payment if I don't hear from them first thing in the morning.

    • I have the same issue.

      Received a payment confirmation email from Paypal and I've checked internet banking to see that my card has been debited.

      However in my case, the gadgetsboutique website said "Unable to initialize Express Checkout".

    • Same issue, however I didn't think I needed to worry. Any information on this Aceboy?

      • Hi all

        There seems to be a problem with paying without paypal login

        The payments are coming through and we are getting email confirmations

        If your concerned about your payment

        Shoot us a email or post a question here

        I will get back to you within 12 hrs

  • Bought a black pair :)…

    Saw this just now, looks like another person recommends this ;)

    • +1

      Looks like they recommended the M50s not WS50s

  • This is great price.
    If I don't still have a spare pair of ES7 I would get one.

  • How is the noise isolation on these? Any bleeding as well?

  • Great deal! Thanks rep

  • for anyone whom cna answer: would i feel more bass difference if i am moving from a ATH AD700? or should i moved to a Beyer dt440 or Senn hd555?

    i.e: i need a headphone for bass music

    • I haven't heard the WS50 personally (I do have the AD700) but I would think nearly any decent headphone over $50 would have more bass than the AD700 ;) But there are more differences to consider such as open vs closed, how good the bass you're actually getting is (muddy or not), how're the mids and highs on the headphones… isn't choosing something subjective so much fun :)

  • +2

    great price but i'll just stick to my koss ksc75.

  • Grabbed 1x black. Should be a good replacement after I stepped on my sennheisers on the weekend!

    • Yo, which sennheisers did you have? And how do these compare to them?

  • hi there rep,

    made a purchase and received a confirmation receipt from paypal

    but your website gave me the following error

    "PayPal gateway has rejected request. A successful transaction has already been completed for this token (#10415: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details)."

    any chance you can confirm if my order was successful?


    • Hi

      Can you shoot me an email so I know who you are :)

      • sure thing
        what is your email?

  • tempting….but i m still keen to wait for a decent AD700 deal
    any chance for it Aceboy884? XD

    • +1

      Could we go one better and have some AD900s?
      I feel like I'll always be wondering what they have over the 700s if I settle for the lower model lol

      • needa check for the cost-performance ratio and see whether it is worth to pay for AD700's double for AD900

        • probably not "worth it" for most people at the price they go for. By most accounts, the law of diminishing returns does apply to headphones.

  • +1

    aweesomeeee deal. was just looking for headphones!

  • awww…I'm flat broke now…maybe I'll wait for the next deal

  • you can find headphone reviews for almost every headphone produced on

  • Morning all

    Half gone half to go :)

  • +2

    It's difficult to buy a headphone without first trying it out. Sound quality is a very subjective matter. It may sound good to someone but not to others. For example an Bowers & Wilkins headphones that cost $500 was reviewed to be the best headphones ever. When I tried it out, it was the worst I've heard. It sounded like a cheap $10 headphones.

  • AD700 Please..

    • Ad700 is a no go for now :(

  • Hi Aceboy, sorry if stupid quesstion, wondering if plugging these into ipod, (all songs .wav) would be ok and does it affect battery as earphones are 47 ohm. Thanks.

  • bought, payed for and emailed about paypal issue, what can we expect delivery time to be like on these ace? I'm just in sydney cbd and fly out on business tomorrow

    • Hi

      Cutting it to short for next day delivery mate

      Let me know if you still want it

      I doubt it will get to you tomorrow

      We are sending these out with fastway courier

      FYI to all who purchased

      • damn any pickup option? regardless i think ill take them

        • Sorry mate nope

          I take it's good to wait?

          I won't cancel the order

  • I just ordered, nice special Aceboy884. If you can come up with a deal on the ATH-M50S that would be very popular, tho i understand, that these specials are more opportunistic due to supplier clearouts rather than movement in price/margins.

    I currently own the ATH AD-700, so i will be able to give a comparison when they arrive. I hope shipping is fairly quick. Are they shipped from within Oz? or are they distributed from an international source?


    • Hi

      Local supply local warranty from syd

      We are authorized reseller of ATH

    • Hi

      Local supply local warranty from syd

      We are authorized reseller of ATH

  • Black are sold out

    5 silver/whites remaining

    • looks like I just missed out on the last one, web site says "in stock" but trying to add a white pair it says words to the effect of "the quantity requested is not available".
      Nice deal, wish I'd been quicker…

  • Hi aceboy,

    ive also just placed an order and gotten an error message detailing the following?

    PayPal gateway has rejected request. A successful transaction has already been completed for this token (#10415: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details).

    can i confirm this is in your system?

  • nice, bought a white :)

  • here a review guys!…

    Seeing this i won't be buying it.

  • Hey mate,

    Looks like a great deal to me. Just ordered a pair of white however got the same error message that was listed above but the funds have been debited.

    Please advise

  • Looking forward for my first pair of sub $100 range headphone, hope they will impress me in sound as they already have in looks. =)
    Got one

  • Hi all

    Sorry when I ask you to write me on ozb

    It was stupid,

    I don't know who's who

    But all emails been replies to today

    All orders are confirmed

    • Hey mate,

      Sorry for rookie question but how do i get your email???

  • Hi

    Sorry sold out now!

    Thanks again everyone

    On Saturday we will be doing a massive MASSIVE speck iPhone 4 clearance!


    • /Devastated

      This is what I get for not browsing OzB enough :( I really needed new headphones. Ah well.

      Edit: Do you (or anyone) know much about the WS55i? Can't find any reviews on the sound quality as it's a new model. The 3 buttons would be convenient since I use that system constantly on my standard iPhone headphones

      It's either those or the ATH-ES7 (which have no buttons..but I could sacrifice that for good quality). The ATH-ES7 can be bought for $145. Edit 2: ($145 on headphonics, and $78 on your website..didn't notice you stocked this model since it's in the earphone category, not headphones). On your website the white model is $145, black $78 ? Both have the same model number…what's the difference?

      Clearly I don't know much about these things so any help would be appreciated

  • -1

    You can find these on ebay, crazysales and a couple others for the same price. So not really a unique deal imo

    • +3


      Shipping ain't free on any of those site

  • damn i would have brought this

  • Hi AceBoy… I have bought it yesterday, and Ive just read all the comment, apparently Im having the same problem (Paypal)… can you send me an email so I provide you with my email address?… thx

  • You can get these from HK for $50 USD, which is even cheaper than 50AUD. But whether they are genuine is a different story.…

  • Anyone got their product yet?…

  • +1

    Hi all, the last batch of orders of the headphones will be going out tomorrow morning. You should all receive it by the end of this week.

  • +1

    Got mine today. Very happy for the price! I don't think they're total audiophile equipment, but a pair of closed headphones from a good company for $60 is a deal in my opinion.

    Very happy. Was a good deal.

  • +1

    We might have a few spare ckm 50 and ws50

    Will do a stock count again, keep eyes peeled on ozb or this thread for updates

    • Yessir :) was interested in getting a pair of these but didn't expect the deal to run out as quickly as it did :P I take it you'll have at least a few black models in your ws50 supply?

      • Hi

        Anyone interested

        Send us a email to [email protected]

        I will send out an email invite first so you don't miss out

        I'm sure we will have some blacks



  • Hi

    Anyone interested, we have 6 black and 3 white in stock

    Please go to the link in this post to buy

    first in first serve

    another mention will be made when we list our next deal tonight


  • gotta add, love that 404 :)

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