We have some Telstra Plus Points and have only used to redeem the Google Home Mini.
Seems like they havent have much to offer.
Any suggestion on what is good? We are not gamers.
Or anythinkg in the grapevine?
Thanks for sharing!
"Telstra Plus" Redeem Rewards
Pumpkin_rrr on 26/10/2019 - 13:10
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Spot on!
I got AirPods Pro….so through Telstra Plus
You can transfer them to another person and sell the points for cash, I had seen 10,000 points sold for $10 on Gumtree long time back
Thanks kamban. Can you tell me where is the "Transfer" function? I cant seem to find it….
The customer service team can do it over chat I believe. I myself am waiting for a mate to do it for me for cash.
The rewards are pretty trash