New job means new gp dr, as the previous gp was right next to the previous workplace. New gp recommended a medical records transfer, which i signed for. Now i have received a $50 invoice from old gp for this service.
My gripe is, at no stage was i advised there would be a fee to this. The new gp's documentation did not mention it, nor did the previous gp advise me before initiating the transfer, that there would be a cost.
Based on the principle i refuse to pay this. I dont believe it right that a business can just perform a transaction and then send an invoice expecting payment. I have googled this and some medical centers state that they will confirm with the patient the cost before going ahead with the service. I believe that this is a very deceptive and misleading practice of the old medical center.
If i dont pay this medical invoice, what actions can they take. Can they automatically take funds out of my account, or send a debt collector/formal body?
This needed a poll option lol