Suggestions for Adult Bike and Toddler Bike

Looking for suggestions on the adult bike to accompany with kids/ toddler bike or adult bike which can easily carry kid along.

Bit of newbie in this field..

I am thinking of getting a trike / bicycle for the 2yr old to start with and also considering an adult bike which. I can use to travel with little one for very short distance to parks run around (not commute long distnce).
What sort of setup parents got, I have seen some bikes with dual occupancy carrying kids at the back and some with trailer sort of thing.

If one can share their insights in this topic.
Main purpose to make one learn to ride and encourage more outdoor rides where possible.


  • +4

    Bike for the toddler and you walk. Highly unlikely they'll go any major distance

    • +1

      I'll second this suggestion.
      OP can buy a bike in a couple of years when (older) toddler is starting on longer rides.

  • +2

    We used a Trail Gator which is a device to attach a stand-alone kids bike to an adult bike so the adult can easily tow the kid and bike.

    Child must be old enough to sit and balance on the bike while being towed.

    Fairly easy to attach or detach the kids bike, so gives flexibility for the adult to take over for longer distances or when the kid is tired.

    (You wouldn’t want to repeatedly attach and detach the kids bike, but easily feasible to tow the child to the park, detach bike while at park, then reattach for ride home.)

    Only mistake I made was stopping at beauty spot on Rottnest, admiring the view, then taking off again up the next hill, arriving at top, only then discovering that my passenger had actually got off the attached bike at the beauty spot without me noticing and I’d just hauled an empty bike up the hill.
    Luckily she had the sense to stay put.

  • +1

    I just bought a bike for my toddler on gumtree. Cost $15 and has 30cm wheel diameter. Was looking into balance bikes but the little one is not a fan. I wouldn't sugget you ride a bike as well with a 2 year old. You need to be on foot to assist them.

  • Thanks heaps everyone for your suggestions and feedback. Much appreciated.

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