• expired

ADSL 2+ Only. TPG $39.99 - 75G+75G = 150GB, $29.99 - 25G+25G = 50GB, $49.99 - 250GB+250GB = 500GB


guys, tpg just increase their download allowance for $30, $40 and $50 plan.

for $29.99 you get 25G+25G = 50GB
$39.99 you get 75G + 75G = 150GB
$49.99 you get 250G + 250G = 500GB

come on TPG user use all your allowance today, if you get shape the next day then switch with this new plan.

just release on whirpool 3 hours ago, still hot :)

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closed Comments

  • Thanks Joannatan. My off-peak times get shifted a little, but that's worth the extra bandwidth.

    • which plan are u? 30 or 40? i am on 40 plan, i will use all my allowance tomorrow then at midnight after tomorrow i will request to change with the new plan. so i can have double allowance :)

      • I'm currently on the $40. That's a nice trick I always try to implement. I usually get to download more than double, as TPG caps you a long time after you reach the limit :p

  • FYI, $49.99 plan also increases from 200gb (any time) to 500gb (250gb peak/250gb offpeak), but sacrifices 1Mbps for 256k as a consequence.

  • I can't remember what they were but I noticed that the shaping speeds for all plans (bar unlimited) are now 256kbps. I think the former $50 plan had a shaping speed of 1Mbps? So not necessarily all good

    • 60 seconds * 60 minutes * 24 hours = 86400 seconds / day
      1Mbps ~ 100KB/sec = 0.1MBps
      86400 * 0.1 = 8640 = 8.6GB/day

      300GB/ 8.6 = 34 days

      under the old plan, if you got 200 GB and you download the whole 200GB allowance within 1 day, the following day you get speed shape as 1Mbps
      example if 1 month has 30 days, so the next 29 days you only can download 29 * 8.64GB = 250.56GB only
      so in theory under the old plan your max total download would be 200GB + 250.56GB = 450.56GB

      where the new plan already have 500 GB, which is superior compare the old plan.

      • -1

        256k capping would be more of an issue when using VOIP (not necessarily from TPG). But given the 300gb increase, would be more than enough to compensate it (assuming you peak/offpeak usage are similar from one another, otherwise you could treat this as a 50gb peak increase).

      • Works well when all you're using the internet for is downloading.

        For general internet usage, 256kbps is damn slow. But I guess the extra 300GB would mean you'd reach your cap much later anyway.

        Wasn't saying that the new plans are bad, just that there are some downsides. I'm on the $40 plan anyway and hardly download at all.

        Also, do take note its 250GB peak/250GB off peak as opposed to the existing 200GB anytime. So unless you're leaving your computer on all night to download (or just stay up all night like I do), the extra offpeak allowance isn't necessarily as useful.

    • uploads under the the new $50 plan does not count towards your cap, whereas under the old 200GB plan, it does. so, i guess, depending on what your do, the new $50 one might be better.

      • actually the very last 200gb $49.99 plan (before these plans) didn't count uploads

  • double

    • You can argue it both ways. I think most people will find it hard to reach 500Gb (if they download legally)

      • +6

        Ha! If I were downloading legally I wouldn't need more than 50Gb ;)

        • +1


  • +3

    I just realised that uploads are NOT counted

    • since 3 months ago, it seems they have remove the upload policy

      • +2

        What, no way! That is excellent news.
        I'm still on the ancient 70+60 uncounted uploads plan, when they changed it to 200gb a year or so ago they changed it to count uploads. Might be time for me to dump this grandfathered plan :)

        edit: IGNORE ME, I thought this was for naked ADSL2. D'oh! Hurry up NBN test site.

  • +1

    Plus A free Samsung Mobile Phone for all new TPG ADSL: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/49148

    • +1

      it said for 200 customer only, how many customer already take that offer mate?

  • +2

    I need to go back to TPG, I'm paying $64.10 per month from Exetel and getting $40 of value in comparison to TPG!

    • +2

      I changed to TPG from Exetel by accident after I changed my lines with Telstra and the Exetel codes were removed from my line. I decided to give TPG a go and have found the service to be just as great as with Exetel for cheaper. I was scared that some people claim TPG is slow but it's mostly bullshit, from my experiences. Also it's a shame Exetel have been less competitive lately.

      • +1

        tpg got their own backbone, so at least their price structure should be better than other provider that bought the bandwith them tpg.

        • +2

          line rental: $30
          setup fee: Setup $99.95/6 months or $79.95/18 months
          100GB (50GB peak/50GB op): $19.99

          line rental: $20
          setup fee: $40/12 months
          200GB (100GB peak/100GB op): $29.50

          Exetel are also offering:
          "6 Months Free Monthly ADSL2+ Charge
          (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 11th & 12th Full Month)
          Available until July 31st 2011"

          Another thing to note is that TPG uses VOIP from the exchange so faxes, modems, etc, don't work. Exetel uses a real PSTN so faxes, modems, etc work.

        • -3

          modems, LOL… its 28.8 yeah? or you still using 14.4… doubt you'd be using 56k, i mean GOSH, THE SPEED!

      • +1

        i've moved from Exetel to tpg ~2.5 years ago.
        i have not had any problems with them whatsoever.

  • +1

    I am currently on $49 with 200GB under 18 month contract. So, do TPG automatically migrate you or you need to request?
    Also, if you request does that mean you need to pay any fees ? Are you also getting into a fresh new contract for another 18 months?

    • +1

      You need to manually migrate. There would be not cost as long as you are not going down to a lower value plan. Ie: as long as you migrate to the $49.99 500gb plan there would be no charge.

    • +2
      • $20 Line Rental…

      TPG - $59.95 INC Line Rental = Winner
      Nuf said.

        • stop acting like a kid

        • +7

          I dont care what you have to pay. For anyone wanting the service, you need a landline to get the $50 Unlimited service.

          "You must have a landline service in order to receive ClubTelco broadband."

          Time to go back to school little kid.

        • +7

          u forgot, clubtelo got $50 annual membership fee
          so if u got telstra budget 21 + 50 = 71
          ((71*12) + 50)/12 = 75.17
          compare with tpg phone bundle 59.99, you are worst off $15.18

          show ur true spirit ozbargainer mate, save every single cents of ur money :)

          "New Members: $100 in first month,
          includes $50 annual membership fee"

        • -1

          "show ur true spirit ozbargainer mate, save every single cents of ur money :"
          Fair point!

          However, wouldn't MOST 'average joe's' already have a landline? The vast majority of people in tech that I know still have a landline rather than being naked.

        • +4

          you should calculate the total cost having the broadband. thats why the government introduce price comparison for home loan.
          1 lender having cheapest rate but charge you higher monthly fee and setup fee, at the end the loan,the customer might not save their money compare than the other lender that having higher rate a bit but doesn't charge extra fee.

          so when you make comparison for your broadband, you should calculate the other cost associate with your broadband as well.

        • +1

          That sequence of comments reminds me of Futurama, Master Phnog:

          The winner? me. ha, ha!
          Rematch? you lose again.
          Had enough? I thought so.

        • kiwi effing pride, i hope not every kiwi acts this way geez.

        • -5

          wow! You guys are very serious ATM. It was a joke.

          Forkus, would you say that too my face? thought not. Easy to be tough on the end of a keyboard aye?

          annoynimous, Really? lol.

          joannatan, you were right. thank you for clarifying things.

          StewBalls, wavelength, connected. Seems like you may be one of a few chilled out guys here. Refreshing.

        • +2

          you're a kiwi you dont win anything ;)

        • +4

          if u read carefully, that 12 months plan included the setup cost $59.95 . if u join 18 months, no setup cost.

        • +3

          Quit posting already. I've ran-out of minus-votes for today.

  • Nice!

  • Not going to switch over myself as getting shaped @ 1mb is far too good for me to pass up, mainly for gaming.

  • -1

    I wonder of TPG has upgraded their infrastructure to absorb the increased usage across the board? I'm now on TPG through my friend's account and I find it sluggish after 10pm for downloads. Still reasonable for web browsing.

    • All of these plans have continued to come out since Soul/TPG purchased PIPE Networks. As they have continued to change the plans quite frequently, it tends to suggest they are still finding that balance in regards to Price, Data Limits and Shaping.

  • -2

    TERRIBAD service from TPG from what I've seen, $50 worth of 'value', the word 'value' depends on what you think is 'value'.
    Optusnet has incredible service over the phone, even though it is WAY more expensive than TPG but you will never be frustrated

    • I've been with Telstra, Optus, Exetel and (now) TPG. Never had a problem with any of them. :)

    • +1

      Never an issue here (including a few service calls) thankfully. TPG has been excellent for me. With this change in plans, won't have to worry about quota for some time.

    • +1

      Wow, I couldn't disagree more about your Optusnet comment. I have terrible experiences with them over the years, including a 1 hour wait time on tech support, and them just plain arguing that my internet works fine etc. Couldn't recommend them at all. With TPG you get what you pay for, good internet, very average service, but I haven't had to call them for over 2 years now.

    • in regards with tech support, it is depend how luck u are, some of them got trouble shooting skills, some of them just reading the script only.

      this is what i have been told by friend that work with call centre company 10 years ago when they got tech support job from telstra.

    • I do some home technical support for clients who have a variety of providers.

      With TPG, both ADSL and ADSL2+, the download speed just software we need to update is extremely variable and often slow, especially at peak times such as the evening. It's really noticeable, and makes me think that they under-provision the back end. TPG ADSL services outside metro areas have woeful performance, often very slow for long periods.

      They are not the only ones. Optus cable tends to go like a rocket during the day, then slows to a crawl in the evening. Same with Telstra cable in some areas.

      iPrimus also has quite variable speed. On downloading a largish update, the longer the download runs for the slower it seems to get. It almost looks as if they drop the priority of the traffic the longer it goes.

    • been with tpg over 3 years, never had a problem

  • I'm on the $49+$1 homeline rental plan.. 70gb/70gb=140gb, when i go to change plan unlimited is $30+$30 line rental=$60… theres no option for $49.99+$1 homeline rental.. ??? so basically its still $60 just like before for unlimited plan for 250GB or the Unlimited plan..?? no change? or not yet updated?

    • they have remove that $1 line rental plan, if u got that 140gb, at the moment its better keep your current plan, they only upgrade the download allowance for standalone plan only, not the phone line bundle plan yet

  • top deal!

  • +3

    Mods, just for clarity. How come this is a deal, but the Apple price reductions was considered as belonging in the forums?

    • +1

      it is a deal because some people with tpg can upgrade their download allowance for free. anything u get for free is bargain right?
      or for some people who would like to compare their current plane with other provider might find this tpg plan is better than their current plan.

  • +1

    Please change title to include "ADSL2+ only". You got my hopes up for a second.

    • +2

      done. thanks mate

  • The only thing that sucks about these TPG deals is that if you're outside a major metropolitan area then you're effectively boned! The greater Newcastle area is not an insignificant regional hub, yet nobody I've known has been able to get TPG ADSL2+! :(

    I've heard rumours that there's a couple of random streets in equally random suburbs that can get it; but that remains somewhat of a local urban myth here! :o

    • i think if you can organize enough number of people that will subscribe their service, they might install the service in your area.

      have u try their off net service?

    • +2

      Try www.adsl2exchanges.com.au - search for an address and it will tell you what exchange that address is on and what providers serve that exchange (including their plans).

      This may assist in enabling you to determine what areas of Newy have TPG enable exchanges.

      • +1

        It's moot now for me coz I've been happy with Exetel for a few years, I'm currently paying $43 for 50/180GB ADSL2+ with included landline! :)

        • u must be under the old plan, do u get charge if u over the download allowance?

        • Yep, I monitor the plan changes & only move when it benefits me…I'll be sitting on this one til something better comes along! :)

          Overuse is $1/GB, and you get multiple warnings if you go over; which is very reasonable IMHO. I never pay it though coz nowadays 230GB total/month is plenty for me! ;)

    • Yo Stew, what are you classing as the greater Newcastle area, I get awesome TPG ADSL2+ (currently sync'd at 16Mbps), maybe because Charlie is the greatest part of Newy :-)

      • Yeah, I heard there was like two streets in Charlie & Kotara somewhere that could get TPG! ;)

        Damn that's a nice sync speed; I'm quite literally jealous bro! :)

        • +1

          lol, sorry dude :-P

  • +1

    Wonderful deal, i was on 39.99 (30G + 30 G), now if i upgrade , it would be (75G + 75G). :)

  • Is there a fee to change your plan if your out of contract with them, ie: move from unlimited back to $9.95 plan?

  • Wish I wasn't on this bloody expensive Telstra Velocity network or I'd take it up.

    $80 for a 100mbit 50gig plan (then shaped to 64k, 64k … get with the times!) is a rip-off, especially when local content isn't the same speed. No noticable difference in latency for international connections to normal cable speeds.

    • yep, Telstra is not known for offering good value or generous download quotas. They are getting a little better though.

  • is there any changes to adsl unlimited plan ?

    • nope

      • so can i downgrade to $50 ?

    • +3

      You want more download allowance than unlimited?

  • -1

    I hope they don't forgot those of us stuck on Telstra Wholesale ports and upgrade their OffNet plans in the near future. I'm paying too much at Exetel but at the moment it's not much worse than TPG's offerings.

  • +1

    The 100GB + home phone plan update is a somewhat underwhelming. It went from '30GB peak/70GB off peak' to '50GB peak/50GB off peak'.

  • Hopefully this makes node increase theirs

  • tpg has a unlimited $60 plan why not just use that lol

    • selected exchanges only, so limited availability :(

  • -1

    I am lucky to get through 100GB per month on my 200GB plan!!!

  • Bah, was hoping for an upgrade to the Naked plans :(

  • +1

    Go have a look on whirlpool forums and see the volume of complaints about TPG. I would rather stick with internode. Good price, reliable, amazing customer service

    • +1

      I'd say each to his own. TPG has been great in my area!

      • Same here, TPG is great. Just hope you don't have to call customer service! I was with Internode in the past, their customer service was awesome and I recommend them to my noob friends.

  • Nothing wrong with TPG. I have been with them for years now on the $59.95 unlimited deal and they have been great in my area. Using Telstra line. However, I have now changed over to Dodo, $39.90 unlimited. I have been with Dodo before and they have been good on my exchange.

  • +1

    sweet free upgrade time, I love when they upgrade their plans

  • +2

    wish they would do $49.95 unlimited… :)

    • ur wish come true in the next couple of year, hopefully before nbn start :)

  • +2

    From what I understand, you're golden with TPG if you're in the inner suburbs of a major city (Sydney or Melbourne); loads of problems otherwise.

    Disclosure: we're on their $59.95 500Gb plan, and have been for ages; we've never had any problem whatsoever (central Melbourne). Downloads a movie in about 20 minutes - so no complaint about speeds. Skype works, too - seems that no traffic is blocked.

  • Yay, WIN for me. =D I was on the 29.99 plan. Now I have so much more internet. =)

  • Want to switch to TPG from Optus. With Optus Cable, think they cut my Telstra cable. Last time I called TPG a few years ago they said they couldn't do it at my place unless I asked Telstra to install their cables ($250).

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