Shopping Square Extra $5 off Promo stacks with eBay's 20% off PATRON20 eBay code, discount shows at Checkout.
Brilliant Lighting Smart WiFi Plug $12.98 SOLD OUT
Shopping Square Extra $5 off Promo stacks with eBay's 20% off PATRON20 eBay code, discount shows at Checkout.
Brilliant Lighting Smart WiFi Plug $12.98 SOLD OUT
Bunnings are running these out, most stores were completely out of stock as of last week.
Fun fact - you can upload your own firmware to these things and remove the need to use app & cloud to communicate with your device ;)
Just picked one up for $10 at bunnings Tweed Heads. Quite a few still on the shelf.
I could not find any at Bunnings Nerang or Robina
Price Matched at Officeworks from the Bunnings website. They had plenty at the store I went to .
Is this firmware something easy? Or is this tasmota- which from my reading is not a simple process and requires soldering.
There's an OTA method for flashing tasmota which doesnt involve any soldering, the issue is that manufacters are aware of this and have been shipping units with upgraded firmware which blocks the OTA method so its a bit of a lottery.
I've had success with both the OTA and solder approach.
@Gronk: Have you flashed these Brilliant switches?
I've not done it, but will place some useful links here for anyone who wants to do it.
Warning: best to flash out of the box before the Brilliant app uploads newer firmware that makes it harder.…
@systmworks: Not those ones specifically, but I've posted in that thread in your 3rd link ;)
Most of these 'smart' devices that ship out of China use the TYWE3S ESP8266 chipset, so the process is the same for all of them except for the template you upload to map the GPIO functions.
Is there any way for the plug to always switch on after being turned off and on at the wall?
- plug is turned off (via app) and wall switch is on.
- wall switch goes off (plug is now off)
- wall switch goes on (plug should also be on)
I’m guessing you’re trying to ask if there is a way to turn it on without using the app?? If so, there is a manual override button on the device which you can use to turn the switch on and off.
Mine stays as per the last state of switch.
E.g. after a blackout, if the status was ON it will come back as ON.
Interesting, thanks for your response. Really helped.
Are there any settings to perhaps change the default behaviour?
@TyeXed: I haven't looked into it, but I'd say you need to flash the firmware to something custom… Which by the sounds of things, you should anyway if you don't want the overlords potentially collecting your data
Price match Bunnings if still advertised online with Officeworks for click n collect
Obligatory 'what can you use these for' post =]
Obligatory "look at previous deals' comments" response
I price matched a couple from Officeworks when Bunnings still had them online for $10 about a month ago.
I’m lazy so plugging in a lamp with a hard to reach switch and the kettle so I can turn it on without getting up is what I came up with.
Ironically I haven’t tried them out yet, they’re still sitting in the boxes.. Because I’m lazy.
Yes, I use three smart plugs at the moment - two of these and one TP-Link. All of them for lamps.
I've thought about the kettle thing but you'd have to turn the wifi plug off and the kettle on in order to be able to use it or am I missing something?
That’s right. Wifi plug off through the app, fill up with water and flick the switch on before going to bed.
Turn it on through the app when you wake up in the morning.
That’s the idea anyway, until I forget to fill it up and burn the house down.
Door stop.
I use a WeMo switch to turn my heater off when I leave the house. Saves me heaps. And a WeMo sensor to turn it back on when home at night.
Coupled with a Heatermate to keep the temperature perfect. My wall looks like it has a tumour (surge > WeMo > Heatermate > Heater)
This supports IFTTT so you could definitely do the same.
My elderly neighbours have a shit router that I don't want to replace on their behalf because then I'm even more locked in as their tech support and they think the one Optus gave them will be better than what I recommend (meh, I pick my battles).
So anyway I've plugged it into a smart plug on my wifi network so I can power cycle it for them when they text me that they've got an issue with the internet again.
That's a brilliant idea!
My current use case is plugged into our second network switch so when it's bedtime the LAN is automatically disconnected from the eldest child's PC. It's a quick and dirty solution to a complex and ongoing problem, but functionally the switch works great.
FYI, if you have an Apple device with iOS > version13.1, these non-apple-certified (not-expensive-enough) wireless charger will be capped at 5w. Apple secretly did that with the new iOS release. So I am now on the hunt of affordable wireless charging car mount…
Am I missing something? Aren't the wireless charging pads $19.96 minimum??
There is an additional $5 off from shopping square
Gives me $19.95 on the checkout too, after applying codes and having eBay plus membership
Any idea if the charging pads have lights on them? I want to use them on the bedside table without lighting up the whole room.
Would love to know the answer to this too. I have some blitzwolf ones that I had to pull apart to remove the LED. They are only 5w though
Could cover the light with tape?
Thx Op, got the wireless charger to use with my new pixel at the end of the week.
Have they price jacked. Showing $21.22 before code?
$5 comes off at checkout - then more with the code.
Ah, sweet. Just saw that too.
No Apple Home :-( Wish Apple didn’t make it so hard to get into that ecosystem. Though you can create Siri Shortcuts to Google Assistant shortcuts (so you add all you Home and GA functions into Shortcuts and control everything there)
YOu want in to the Apple ecosystem? Easy!
Mr Krabs' voice
I'm assuming if you want a couple you need to purchase in two transactions or does it apply the $5 off to each item (or just once per order)?
EDIT: Once per transaction for the $5 discount.
Thanks OP. Bought 2 for $29.95.
I know these are fairly popular on here, hell, I got 2 at some stage… but after being alerted to this on reddit a few days ago, I’ve turned my two off for the moment.
In the last 30 days one of mine has done 1.3GB download and 1.8GB upload. The other is on 650/986 (MB) respectively.
I’m at a bit of a loss to explain why these is so much data going between these devices and their ‘servers’.
1.8gb of UPLOAD seems excessive for something that just need to be on or off? Or is my reasoning flawed here?
If anyone here has some way of explaining it, I’d love to hear some reasoning.
Probably could provide a screenshot…
Also, I’m completely aware that those google home minis are listening to me and doing their thing and that roborock is cruising my house with that great little lidar on top mapping out my house and whatnot, so getting upset about the data from my smart switches is a little hypocritical.
Could you please link to the reddit post?
I saw it early and immediately looked at my own data, which there in my screenshot. For those not aware, the devices are the ESP_* entries on that list.
I haven’t yet seen a reasonable explanation for the data throughput on these.
Really hoping someone has something logical to explain it.
I had them behind a pihole, and saw nothing out of the ordinary on there, but maybe it’s dns was hardcoded or something, I dunno. I didn’t really do much investigation before I just turned them off.
They connect your device to some chinese botnet essentially.
FWIW; one thing I did notice, was the data use was really inconsistent too, like one day it did like 15mb, the next was 190mb… all over the shop, and definitely not constant with their use, they both only turned on and off once a day.
That is concerning, now I’m worried about my Xiaomi lamp botting it up
Yeah I dunno… don’t freak out yet, my robot vacuum by xiaomi has uploaded nearly a gig in that same timeframe… but I could put a bit (most) of that down to me watching it in the app when it’s in use as it specifically warns of this in the app.
Eeeek. I would Tasmota the shit out of that thing.
And hope the malware is in the factory firmware and not hardware.
Defo gunna to look at flashing this other firmware in coming days…
definitely need more info on this claim about the data coming and going out of this thing….
With the Smart wifi plug, can you turn on/off from the App even when you are not around?
Yes, you can.
With both their app, and if you have it linked to google home, from that too.
Same with Alexa.
Code can't be applied to your order?
What app to monitor data usage? From router?
I just use the google wifi one, because that’s what I got.
Probably have to research based on the model modem/router you have?
Mine arrived yesterday - haven’t unboxed them yet. Is it really advised to flash them with new firmware? If so, really necessary to open them up or can you just so OTA? Once done, how do you control them if you’re not using the offical app?
this was $10 at my Bunnings last week…. it wasn't available online (from Bunnings) even back then, but you may have luck finding the Brilliant Plug for $10 at your local Bunnings… SKU (on the receipt) is 9312641206767 (description was PLUG WIFI BRILLIANT SINGLE SOCKET W/USB 20676/05) in case it helps anybody
they do seem to work fairly well (upgraded firmware automagically when I first set them up), and they appear to integrate well with Alexa.