Hey Oz-Bargain community,
I've been on OzBargain for a few years now but haven't had the chance to formally create a user account as of now. I myself have developed many tools into finding the best deals and price errors on many retailers and ebay/amazon. This has allowed me to make thousands of dollars in profit & savings. I feel that it's time to give back to the OzBargain community and I'm in the process of creating a discord group in which I will be able to share with the help of some bots many price errors which you can make some money off! Keep an eye out as I will be posting the link shortly.
Price Errors - Discord Group

closed Comments
No need to trash the thread mate, I've developed some very advanced bots which are continuously updating and I'm just wanting to give back to the community.
PM me haha
looking forword to it, PM me too. Dont have discord will set one up just for you
link me!
Link me too pls
I'm curious!
I’m interested
I am very much interested in this
Interested, please let me know also thanks
What are the chances that the next step will involve 'donating' money for 'bot research' purposes?
Interested as well please
link plz
If your "bot" is so advanced, have it automatically post them to Ozbargain instead.
nudeslink!You had me at advanced bots
post the link already you big tease!
Click bait.
Wonder what he meant by shortly. Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months? OP when are you going to give it back to Ozbargain community?
Sometime this weekend! Just finalising a few things :)
So this was a clickbait was it OP?
You baited us…
Link me pls
Link me please
Link please cheers
link me please
Pls me link
Has this been created ?
Nope. Report it.
Has anyone received a link yet?
As OP hasn't fulfilled their claim, we've closed comments to this thread. OP if you do go ahead and contact the above users, please report the thread/contact us so we can reopen it.
"I have never used ozbargain before but here's a link to my discord where I'm pretending to be more useful than an RSS feed"