This was posted 5 years 4 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Omni 360 Baby Carrier Cool Air Mesh - Carbon Grey $149 Delivered @ Ergobaby


Excellent price.

Use promo code MANIC to redeem. Offer ends 11.59pm TONIGHT

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Damn, normally $239. Good deal

    • You mean $299 rrp which is an even bigger saving! :)

      • 299!

        You can get a drone from bunnings for $1 less haha

  • Usually $299, paid $180 for mine and thought it was great deal lol

  • Thanks OP! Just bought one. As we got recommended this by a babybuntings salesperson but couldn't bring ourselves to spend close to $300 for it.

    Really good deal!

  • I have the older non-mesh one and it's great.

  • Thanks Op

  • +1

    is it only for that specific color?

    • +2

      I tried with the plum coloured omni 360 but discount didn't apply to it so i'm guessing only works for carbon grey. :)

  • +1

    Best things ever!

  • +9

    That's one strong baby, giving Dad a piggy-back!

  • Awesome deal for a mesh Omni!!!

  • Damn we just ordered one last week for $210. Wonder if I can return it in place for the discounted one?

  • That dad in the photo has an upside down frown

  • Great price - highly recommend one if you don't own one yet.

  • Thanks! I wanted the mesh one for the summer.

  • Thanks op! Been looking for a good baby carrier for a while! Bought one

    • -3

      Been looking for a good baby carrier for a while!

      To marry? or just a temporary one?

      • Uhhhh… Well I've already married one… So now I need one for when the baby's out of the womb

  • Is there one for twins ?

    • +1

      Hmm apparently my comment was unpublished… didn't even realise it was a referral link. But yes, there's a TwinGo Original Baby Carrier for twins. Just not ergobaby brand

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Bought one.

  • Great price. Thanks OP!

  • I am all new to this. Would Baby Bunting offer the same product with this price? Or maybe a different colour?
    Thank you!

    • +1

      Unlikely. This is a very good price.

  • Got one thanks!

  • Thanks Op. Purchased.

  • Bought, thanks OP. We’re expecting soon and this was on the maybe list.

  • Purchased - found out we are expecting our first in May of next year. Time to start collecting …

  • +1

    Thanks Op. Just started looking for my 5months old and bought this one without knowing anything about it, but I trust Ozbargain Community.

    • +1

      Me too! Baby due in Feb.. in OzBargain we trust

      • +4

        It's very good, especially at this price. These ones are better than the normal ergo because you don't need an insert for the newborn.

        • Yeah we have a previous one and now upgraded to this. The insert was quite annoying, and even then didn't really work until about 4 months old.

  • Great Deal. I already ordered one. Thanks for sharing !

  • Perfect thanks! got one in the oven and will be ready in 5 months :)

  • Thanks OP. Been eyeing this for a while, and ordered this. Not the colour that we wanted, but it does not matter!

  • -7

    Not my thing. Then again I'm all man.

  • Got the second baby due in January and been waiting for a deal on this. Not the colour the wife wanted but cant say no.

    Also just a note that this carrier is 100x better than babybjorn. That thing is a torture device.

    • Better in which way? I find them hard to attach sometimes, is the Ergo much easier?
      We have 3 at home - BabyBjorn, Manduca and some other brand…..none of them seem all that easy to use!

      • +2

        Its slightly easier to use and adjust but i found that the ergobaby was alot more comfortable and way better for my back. Maybe its my height 6'4 but with the babybjorn i could never get sitting correctly and my back would start hurting after 20/30 mins.

        • Thanks! Checking with SWMBO before buying hahaha

      • +1

        This Omni model can also be worn with the straps criss crossed and it really helps balance the baby weight. I find it more comfortable this way than the traditional H straps, which you can also do if you prefer.

  • These are awesome. Makes it easy to do hiking or treks which we used it for around the world.

    • +2


  • +1

    As soon as something has the word "baby" in it the cost is like double for what it should actually cost?

    • +1

      What else could you use these for? As a pet monkey carrier?

      • You made Mojo sad


  • Thanks OP. Ordered one!

  • +12

    Buy first, make baby later, ozbargain way.

    • -1

      Or buy for $149 and sell for $199

      • -2

        That is exactly why I bought 4!

  • +2

    wow, I bought these for 235 over the weekend from Baby Bunting…. wonder what their return policy is like??

    • +1

      I’ve returned with no questions asked, as long as it’s in original condition

  • -7

    $158.24 on Amazon with free delivery (with Prime) for the same colour. Other colours such as Navy and Black available:…

    • +2


      • is USD

    • Oopee Daze

  • thanks OP!

  • Thanks OP. Little one due in Jan. This is a great price.

  • Thanks OP. Got my first coming next year.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. May I ask whats the source for the discount code? (its not mentioned in the product page nor works for any other product in website)

    (wanting to buy a sling from them)

    • +1

      Email subscription

    • +1

      It's on their Facebook page too

  • Thanks too OP!
    After struggling with a hand-me-down Manduca which my little one absolutely HATES (not to mention it's crazy hot and definitely not breathable), this might be a great alternative. The Moby Wrap (which the little one tolerates) definitely won't last as long as this will as the weight increases.

  • +3

    Thanks OP, time to make a baby :p

  • Can I price match this with baby bunting?

    • +1

      They said yes, in store,need to be exact same model and colour.

      • Thanks

    • got knocked back, said they can only match advertised price, no matching if using discount code

      • Where did you tried?

  • Great price! Just bought one for baby number 2 in April.
    Bought an Ergo Adapt for my now 6 month old (I tried them all on in store and it was by far the most comfortable for my body). Unfortunately she hated it so I got rid of it.
    Who knows, she might even like this one as it faces forward.
    Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Awesome deal - my son loves sitting in his!

  • Thanks OP! my first coming next year.

  • Had our second a few days ago. This will be a great upgrade from our other Ergobaby now it's the warmer weather.

  • Thanks. Bought one

  • Going overseas with our daughter who’s nearly 2. Which ergobany would be the best to get?

    • +1

      Unless she’s over 20kg, this world do

  • Thanks OP.

    Does anyone know how many days this would take to deliver?

    Website says 5-10 business days but would it really be two weeks?

  • Thanks OP ordered

  • Thanks OP. Got one.

  • -4

    Bought one in Vietnam for $30 - dont know if authentic, but I am happy with the quality - doesnt seem any different.

    • +6

      There are heaps of counterfeits sold online and in Asia, especially on Gumtree and eBay. If anyone is taking the risk and buying from an unapproved stockist, email photos of the carrier in question and send them to the Ergobaby Australia team for authentication. Don't take the risk with a fake one though, it probably won't have the same weight limits and high quality buckles. Fake ones also come with fake boxes and fake manuals/paperwork.

      • -6

        So…? what your point

      • +1

        Agree i wouldn't touch these from ebay or gumtree. There are so many fakes out there.

  • Bought one…ta

  • Ordered - great deal. Thanks OP!!

  • Thanks Ordered :)

  • Great value. Got mine for $199 and it's the best thing we got for our bub.

  • Must be the ones they didn't manage to sell at the Melbourne Pregnancy Babies & Children’s Expo over the weekend. I think they were selling them for $229 there. $149 is a great price!

  • Thanks OP - bought one.

  • Thanks so much, several friends have recommended this.l carrier. Ordered!

  • Thanks OP. just received shipping confirmation. Looks like it will be delivered on Wednesday :)

    • +1

      My wife ordered it on Monday. Came Wednesday and 'shipping notification' came Thursday.

      • Wow that’s quick. I’m in QLD, perhaps that’s why it’s taking longer.

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